AEW Collision & Rampage Results for April 27, 2024


Three straight hours of All Elite action tonight! AEW COLLISION & RAMPAGE were broadcast live from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

The new AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland kicked off AEW Collision with his first live interview since AEW Dynasty!

Prince Nana: “Ladies and gentlemen, the man standing in front of you today is the boss of bosses. He is the anointed one in professional wrestling. The man standing in front of you is one hell of a wrestler. And he’s none other than the AEW World Heavyweight Champion…Swerve Strickland!”

Swerve Strickland: “Man, oh, man, what a week we’ve had here in AEW. We have a new TBS Champion with Willow Nightingale. Adam Copeland got misted in the face by the House of Black. Then we had Bryan Danielson and Will Ospreay tearing the house down. And then Jack Perry returned to AEW and struck Tony Khan, our CEO, our founder of AEW, a man that put all his faith in me. And the EVPs, the AEW World Tag Champions The Young Bucks stuck him in the middle of the ring with a piledriver.

“I’ve done some terrible things in AEW, but something about four elite athletes beating down a non-fighter like Tony Khan sounds like a b-tch move to me. But the most important thing happening this week was Swerve Strickland beating Samoa Joe at Dynasty and becoming your new AEW World Champion! The best in the world is whoever is holding this championship right here. Last week it was Samoa Joe but this week it is Swerve Strickland.

“The night that I won that championship, I went to my oldest daughter, she looked me in the face and told me she was proud of me and said she felt like she didn’t know me. All the missed birthdays, dance recitals, holidays, I can’t make up for lost time, baby girl. But I can set the example and blaze the trail as AEW World Champion and make sure this was all worth it.

“AEW has set people in front of me, and I’ve knocked them all down. I’m in a giving mood this week. I say we have an open challenge tonight! We’re entering a new era in AEW. This is the Dynasty Era. Who’s house!?”

BCC’s Claudio Castagnoli’s music hit, and Claudio walked onto the ramp. Claudio entered the ring and circled Swerve.

Claudio: “You’re on.”

Swerve: “I guess I’ll be seeing you tonight Claudio in who’s house?”

Claudio: “It’s gonna be mine.”

“I’ve just heard from Tony Khan. It is official. The title is on the line tonight!” said Tony Schiavone.

Update on Tony Khan’s Medical Conditional!

Tony Schiavone gave us a medical update on Tony Khan, saying that Tony Khan suffered head and neck injuries after the cowardly attack from the Elite. Tony Khan is not medically cleared to travel and will be running the show next week from a remove location.

Nigel said, “If Tony Khan isn’t traveling, what happens if something goes awry on the road? Who’s going to run things? I would have to think, ironically as it is, maybe the EVPs.”

Tony Schiavone: “Are you out of your mind? Tony Khan will run things remotely until he is clear to get back on the road and hopefully that is very soon.”

Unified World Trios Championship Match!

Bang Bang Gang— “Switchblade” Jay White & The Gunns—Austin & Colten (c.)


Action Andretti & Top Flight—Dante & Darius Martin!

Jay White dropped Dante with a dragon screw leg whip. Jay White chopped Dante in the corner and then tagged in Colten. The Gunns used crisp tandem offense on Dante Martin. The Bang Bang Gang isolated Dante in the corner and worked him over.

Darius grabbed a tag and wiped out Austin with a flatliner. Darius slid out of the ring but was met with a running lariat from Jay White. Action entered the fray and cleaned house on the Bang Bang Gang! After a Spanish Fly, Action covered Austin Gunn for a near fall. Action climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Jay White knocked him down as the ref was distracted. Dante jumped off the top, but Jay White countered with a uranage. The Gunns nailed Darius with the 3:10 to Yuma!

Action scored with a thrust kick and then a shotgun dropkick to Jay White! Action tried for a handspring back elbow, but Jay White was waiting for him, blasting Action with the Bladerunner and scoring the pin!

The House of Black had a dire warning for TNT Champion Adam Copeland!

The House of Black said they accepted the Cope Open. “May 1st, in Winnipeg, you’ll find out who you’re facing when the rest of the world finds out,” said Buddy Matthews.

The Return of Rey Fenix!

Rey Fenix (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. The Beast Mortos!

The Beast Mortos grabbed Rey Fenix by the neck and hurled Rey into the turnbuckles. Mortos powerslammed Rey Fenix.

“For a man his size, the beast can move!” said Tony Schiavone.

The Beast Mortos connected with a twisting tornillo on Rey Fenix! Mortos charged into Rey Fenix with a running lariat and then a discus lariat! Mortos grapevined Rey Fenix’s legs and attacked them, wrenching back. Rey managed to roll to the ropes, forcing the referee to break the submission hold.

The Beast Mortos tried to tear and rip at Rey Fenix’s mask. Mortos steamrolled Rey Fenix, ramming Rey to the mat. Rey rallied back, rocking the Beats Mortos with kicks to the jaw. Rey springboarded off the ropes but the Beast speared Rey in the sternum! Somehow Rey Fenix found the strength to wallop the Beast with a tornillo from the top. The Beast countered a tombstone piledriver with a lung blower to Rey Fenix!

“Win, lose, or draw, the Beast Mortos has made a statement here tonight,” said Nigel.

Rey Fenix served up a series of thrust kicks. Rey Fenix took flight with a frog splash, but the Beast Mortos kicked out at the two-count! The Beast grabbed Rey by the throat again, but this time Rey cradled the Beast Mortos and pinned him!

Up next: La Faccion Ingobernable’s Rush vs. Martin Stone!

Rush German Suplexed Stone and followed up with a running knee strike! Rush rammed Stone into the steel guardrail. Rush whipped Stone with the TV camera cables. Stone charged at Rush, but Rush countered with a suplex into the buckles. Rush smashed Stone with the Bull’s Horns and pinned Stone!

“No one is kicking out of that,” said Nigel.

Rush continued to attack Martin Stone after the match, putting an exclamation point at the end of the sentence tonight.

“The Professor” Serena Deeb was backstage with a message for “AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm!

“This is now or never for the Professor. After four years of everyone telling me I should hold the gold, it’s time to prove it. Toni, this isn’t a movie, sweetie. This is real life.”

AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm (with Mariah May & Luther)

vs. Anna Jay!

Anna used a snap mare takeover. Toni Storm hit a Thesz Press on Anna Jay. Toni Storm charged at Anna Jay with a hip attack, inadvertently knocking Anna Jay into Mariah May! Toni checked on Mariah May and as Toni was returning to the ring, Anna Jay rocked Toni with a guillotine neck breaker.

Anna Jay applied the Queen Slayer in the center of the ring. Toni Storm managed to get to her feet and then slammed herself backwards on Anna Jay! Toni Storm cracked Anna Jay with the hip attack and then pinned Anna Jay after the Storm Zero!

“The challenge is out there from ‘The Professor’ Serena Deeb but the champion wins again,” said Tony Schiavone.

Grizzled Young Veterans—James Drake & Zack Gibson


The Acclaimed—Anthony Bowens & Max Caster (with Daddy Ass)!

The Grizzled Young Vets worked over Caster with their European wrestling style. Bowens tagged in and nailed Drake with a neck breaker across Caster’s knees. Gibson grabbed a blind tag, and the Grizzled Young Vets used their seamless tandem offense on Bowens.

Drake used Gibson as a launching pad to dropkick Bowens, knocking Bowens off the ring apron. Gibson slammed Caster to the mat and taunted Daddy Ass. Bowens managed to tag in and took on both of the GYV!

Bowens connected with the Scissor Me Timbers on Drake. Gibson had Caster cornered. Drake drilled Caster with a running dropkick as Gibson had Caster sandwiched against the turnbuckles. Gibson backdropped Caster over the top rope and onto the ramp! Gibson held Bowens in one corner of the ring while Drake dropkicked Bowens from the opposite corner turnbuckles!

“Daddy Ass is beside himself,” said Nigel.

The GYV taunted Billy, but Caster came back out of nowhere and hit Drake with a clothesline. After a slam from Bowens, Caster smashed Gibson with the Mic Drop and pinned Gibson for the three-count!

“Wow! They earned that one,” said Tony Schiavone.

“The Acclaimed escape with a victory tonight, but the GYV made a statement,” replied Nigel.

Collision Main Event Time! AEW World Championship Match!

Swerve Strickland (c.) (with Prince Nana)


Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli!

They chain wrestled to start the match. Claudio caught Swerve midair and countered with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. They brawled onto the ramp and up to the stage area. Swerve clocked Claudio with a clothesline back into the ring. Swerve followed up with a cross body press.

Swerve staggered Claudio with two reverse neck breakers. Swerve hit a third neck breaker, this time using the middle rope to put more pressure on Claudio’s neck. Claudio grabbed Swerve off the apron and then press slammed him against the concrete staging.

The champ rallied back with a pump kick to Claudio. Swerve served up a flying European Uppercut to Claudio. Swerve planted Claudio with a flatliner for a near fall. Swerve ran off the stage and crashed onto Claudio with a moonsault!

Swerve landed a 450 splash on Claudio for a near fall! Claudio stomped Swerve! The champion got right back up and he and Claudio traded European Uppercuts in the center of the ring! Claudio had a head of steam and wiped out Swerve with a lariat.

The fans chanted “Fight forever! Fight forever!”

Swerve showed his incredible strength, hoisted up Claudio with a vertical suplex and planted him! The champion jumped from the top rope with the Swerve Stomp. Claudio kicked out at the two-count! Claudio dodged the House Call kick and countered with the Giant Swing!

Claudio put Swerve in the sharpshooter! Claudio transitioned to a cross face in the center of the ring! Claudio used the hammer and anvil strikes on Swerve. Claudio turned Swerve inside out with a running lariat for a near fall!

Swerve escaped a Neutralizer attempt and spiked Claudio with a DDT! Swerve attempted the Swerve Stomp, but Claudio caught him and countered with a European Uppercut for a near fall!

“Claudio caught the Swerve Stomp,” said Tony Schiavone in disbelief.

Swerve rocked Claudio with a release German Suplex. Swerve finally hit the Swerve Stomp! Swerve finished Claudio with the House Call and pinned Claudio!

“What a way for Swerve Strickland to make his first defense of the AEW World Title, but boy, he had to earn it,” said Nigel.

“We’ll find out at Dynamite on Wednesday night who Swerve will face at Double or Nothing on Sunday, May 26th,” added Tony Schiavone.

This. Is. Rampage! Rampage kicked off with…

Parking Lot Fight!

Chuck Taylor vs. Trent Beretta!

“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard joined the broadcast booth for this fight.

Trent whacked Taylor with a trashcan lid. Trent slammed a garbage can on top of Chuck. Chuck power bombed Trent onto the hood of a car!

Trent jumped off a truck and dropped an elbow on top of Chuck, who himself was on the roof of another car! Chuck suplexed Trent through a door that had been propped up onto a car. Chuck hit Trent with a garbage can and then a dustpan! Chuck climbed onto a truck, but Trent grabbed Chuck and body slammed Chuck onto lightbulb tubes! Chuck rallied back, power bombing Trent through a car windshield!

They traded forearms on the roof of a car, both men bloodied. Trent connected with a low blow. Trent stuffed Chuck with a piledriver on top of a car! Trent applied a submission choke hold and Trent won via ref stoppage as Chuck was unconscious!

Trent grabbed a plumber’s wrench! Orange Cassidy and Kris Statlander walked over to Trent and begged him to stop. Trent used the plumber’s wrench and battered Chuck’s ankle with it! Trent retreated while Kris held Orange back.

“Trent is out of his mind,” said Tony Schiavone.

“This goes beyond wrestling at this point,” replied Matt Menard.

Don Callis was shown scouting the match on a screen backstage.

“La Mera Mera” Thunder Rosa vs. “The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo!

Thunder Rosa grounded and pounded Deonna! “The Virtuosa” tied up Thunder Rosa in the ropes and dropkicked her. Thunder Rosa knocked Deonna down with a running dropkick of her own. Deonna scored with a pump kick.

Thunder Rosa mounted a comeback with a double stomp. Thunder Rosa jumped off the top turnbuckle, but Deonna countered with a Fujiwara armbar. Thunder Rosa escaped, rolled up Deonna, and pinned Deonna!

As Thunder Rosa was leaving the ring, Deonna shoved her from behind. Deonna pushed Thunder Rosa into the steel guardrail. They brawled on the ledge in front of the fans. Security had to separate the two wrestlers.

Big Bill vs. Trevor Blackwell!

Big Bill blasted Blackwell with a massive boot to the face! Big Bill splashed Trevor in the turnbuckles.

FTW Champion Chris Jericho was watching Big Bill’s onslaught on a monitor backstage.

Big Bill planted Trevor with a sidewalk slam. Big Bill followed up with a lariat. Big Bill choke slammed Trevor with one arm and pinned Trevor!

“Chris Jericho has got to be impressed with this,” said Matt Menard.

Rampage Main Event Time!

Shane Taylor Promotions’ Shane Taylor & Lee Moriarty


Daniel Garcia & Katsuyori Shibata!

Anthony Ogogo joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Garcia clotheslined Moriarty and followed up with three consecutive twisting neck breakers. Taylor, on the outside of the ring, tripped Garcia and spiked him with a DDT on the arena floor. Taylor tagged in and walloped Garcia with an overhand chop. Taylor decked Garcia and then splashed him for a near fall.

Daniel dodged a splash from Taylor, but Lee stopped Garcia from making the tag. Garcia hit a back drop driver on Lee Moriarty. Daniel Garcia finally reached Shibata for the hot tag! Shibata smashed Shane Taylor with a high boot and then a running pump kick!

Shibata leveled Lee with a forearm. Shibata blistered Shane with chops in the corner. Garcia rocked Taylor with a running knee strike. Shibata and Garcia double suplexed Taylor. Shibata applied a sleeper hold to Moriarty and Garcia jumped on Taylor’s back, applying a sleeper to Taylor! Shibata mauled Moriarty with a PK kick and pinned Moriarty!

Special programming note: Catch AEW DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE back-to-back on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Canada Life Centre in Winnipeg, MB featuring the Return of Kenny Omega!

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