AEW Collision Results for September 23, 2023


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, MI!

Nigel McGuinness and Kevin Kelly were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

TNT Championship Match!

Luchasaurus (c.) vs. Christian Cage vs. Darby Allin!

“Darby is tough and resilient but if you’re a betting man, you have to bet against Darby in what is essentially a handicap match against Luchasaurus and the cunning Christian Cage,” said Nigel.

Despite not being the champion, Christian Cage made his entrance wearing the championship belt.

“Christian called it a three-way, but Darby is outnumbered,” added Kevin Kelly.

Darby blinded Luchasaurus by throwing powder in his eyes. He followed up with a tope suicida to Christian Cage and then hit Luchasaurus with one! Luchasaurus whipped Darby into the barricades.

Christian propped Darby onto a folding chair in the ring and then stood on Darby’s back with all his weight. Luchasaurus hurled Darby back with a suplex. Christian and Luchasaurus whipped Darby into the metal ring steps!

Darby dodged a spear from Christian Cage and rolled him up for a near fall. Darby tried for a Coffin Drop on Christian Cage, but Luchasaurus pulled Christian out of the ring. Instead, Darby nailed both of them with a Coffin Drop on the outside of the ring!

Christian tried to hit Darby with the TNT title, but Darby moved and countered with a shotgun dropkick. Luchasaurus picked up the title and stared at it.

“This is the first time he’s holding it. I think he likes what he sees,” said Kevin Kelly.

Christian screamed at Luchasaurus to hand him back the belt. Darby knocked Christian into Luchasaurus. Darby hit Luchasaurus with the PK and then the Coffin Drop. Darby went to cover Luchasaurus but the opportunistic Christian Cage yanked Darby off Luchasaurus and then pinned the masked dino-monster himself!

And new TNT Champion…Christian Cage!

Alex Marvez interviewed Don Callis with Takeshita and Sammy Guevara backstage!

Callis: “I put Jericho and Omega on the map, and now they’re namedropping Ibushi! You’ve always been weak, Kenny. And I’m not worried about this match at Wrestledream. I’ve got another family member that beat Kenny and Jericho in the course of two months and his name is Will Ospreay! See you in Seattle and we’re going to finish it once and for all!”

Tony Schiavone interviewed new TNT Champion Christian Cage and Luchasaurus backstage!

Christian: “I would like to dedicate this victory to Nick Wayne’s mom, and his late father. I’m finished with Darby.”

Tony: “Actually, Tony Khan has announced you’ll be facing Darby next Sunday in a two out of three falls match at Wrestledream!”

FTW Champion HOOK & Rob Van Dam


“Cool Hang Ang” Angelo Parker & “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard (with Anna Jay & Jake Hager)!

Menard took down Hook with an arm drag. Parker made the tag and Hook hit him with an elbow. Anna Jay grabbed Hook’s ankle. Menard and Parker tried to double team Hook, but he fought them off and tagged in RVD.

Angelo Parker blindsided RVD. Rob nailed Parker with various kicks. Parker left the ring to collect his thoughts with his teammates. RVD was about to jump over the top rope, but Parker, Menard and Hager scurried away.

RVD cleaned house on Parker and Menard with kicks. RVD hit the rolling thunder on Parker. Menard got mauled with a kick from RVD. Hager jumped in the ring with a steel chair, but RVD cracked him in the face. Hook locked Parker in the RedRum submission while RVD nailed Menard with the five-star frog splash and then pinned Menard!

The Kingdom were backstage!

Matt Taven and Mike Bennett challenged Best Friends to a match next Saturday on Collision!

Bennett: “You’re damn sure not neck strong!”

Kiera Hogan vs. The House of Black’s Julia Hart (with Brody King)!

Nigel informed us that Julia Hart attacked Willow Nightingale earlier this afternoon and Willow could not compete tonight.

Kiera charged at Julia Hart, taking the opportunity to defend her friend Willow. Julia Hart stood on Hogan’s hair, trying to rip out one of the braids. Julia Hart suplexed Kiera and then began to ground and pound her.

Julia hit a standing moonsault on Hogan for a near fall. Kiera fired back with a shotgun dropkick. Hogan came in charging, but Julia dodged it and took down Kiera with a drop toehold. Julia Hart applied her submission hold and forced Hogan to tap out! After the match Julia kept the hold on Hogan. Skye Blue ran to the ring. Julia sprayed mist into Blue’s eyes!

Brody King: “This violence won’t end until we get Kris Statlander! Next Sunday put your TBS title on the line at Wrestledream or the body count continues to rise!”

Julia Hart: “But remember, Kris, the House always wins!”

Andrade El Idolo vs. “Switchblade” Jay White (with Bullet Club Gold)!

After distraction from the Bullet Club Gold, Jay White grabbed a side headlock on Andrade El Idolo. They brawled outside the ring with Andrade scoring with a stiff chop. Andrade followed up with a top rope crossbody to Switchblade. Andrade suplexed Jay White twice but Jay escaped the third “amigo.”

Jay White spiked Andrade with a DDT for a two-count. Jay White zeroed in, ramming his shoulder into Andrade in the corner. Jay White shoulder blocked Andrade, launching him off the ring apron and onto the arena floor!

Both men traded chops in the center of the ring. Jay tried to kick Andrade, but Andrade countered with dragon screw leg whips. Andrade crunched Jay White with a flying forearm. Bullet Club Gold pulled Jay White out of the ring. Andrade didn’t care! El Idolo wiped them all out with a moonsault to the outside of the ring!

Andrade hit another moonsault, this time in the ring onto Jay White for a near fall. Andrade rocked Jay White with a big boot to the face. Jay White flipped Andrade over the top rope and to the floor with a suplex!

Jay White spiked Andrade with a uranage for a near fall! Andrade cracked Jay White with a back elbow for a two-count.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Andrade nailed Jay White with double knees in the corner and then planted him with a DDT. Andrade covered Jay for the pin, but Juice grabbed Jay’s boot and placed it on the ring ropes, breaking up the pinfall.

Andrade applied the figure 8 on Jay White! As the ref was distracted by the Gunns, Juice clocked Andrade in the head with the Collision Cowboy of the Month plaque! Jay White finished off Andrade with the Blade Runner and pinned El Idolo!

Ortiz was backstage with a message for former partner Mike Santana!

Ortiz: “You used me, Santana, then you walked away. You had a lot to say on social media and then TV. And then when I confronted you, you walked away. Tough keyboard warrior. You did what you always do. You ran from your problems. Guess what? You’re not going to run much longer.”

Shane Taylor was backstage with words for Keith Lee!

Shane: “The only thing standing in front of my way is you. Before I take everything you have, you step in the ring with the best damn technical wrestler in the world, Lee Moriarty!”

AEW World Tag Team Championship Match!

FTR (c.) –Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood


The Workhorsemen—Anthony Henry & JD Drake!

Before the match began, Aussie Open, wearing suits, came down the ramp and joined the broadcast booth. Aussie Open said they came out to get a closer look at FTR, their opponents at Wrestledream next Sunday on pay-per-view.

Cash and Henry chain wrestled with neither man grabbing the upper hand. JD Drake tagged in, and Dax tagged in for FTR. Drake blasted Dax with chops and then body slammed him. The Workhorsemen utilized quick tags, in and out of the ring, to try to overwhelm Dax.

Dax planted Henry with a brainbuster. Drake smashed Dax with a cannonball senton in the corner. Drake hit a moonsault on Dax for a near fall! Drake jumped off the top ropes, but Cash countered with a powerbomb and then forced Drake to submit with a sharpshooter!

Mark Davis: “Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Keep those championships tight because in eight days’ time, you’re in for the fight of your lives!”

Kyle Fletcher: “We’ve heard the complaints, we’ve heard, ‘What happened to the Aussie Open that took FTR to the limit?’ We need to win this match next Sunday on October 1st!”

Dax: “If you don’t bring that dog October 1st, don’t even show up! Top guys, out!”

Lexy Nair was backstage with CJ!

CJ: “My husband, Miro, has lost his way. Unfortunately, he’s preoccupied right now.”

Miro interrupted the interview.

Miro: “My temptation is you, but your temptation is the bright lights.”

CJ: “I’ll let you do your thing and take your own path, but please promise me you won’t lay a hand on any of my future clients that I’m going to manage. Can you do that?”

Miro walked away without answering.

Main Event Time!

Texas Death Match!

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. “Absolute” Ricky Starks!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast booth to provide his main event analysis.

Starks began aggressively, kicking and stomping on Bryan in the corner. Danielson fired back with a tope to Ricky outside of the ring. Danielson and Starks brawled in the crowd! Danielson threw a garbage can at Ricky and then hit him with a headbutt!

Starks jumped off the top rope and landed on Danielson, knocking him into the front row! Starks cracked Danielson in the head with the ring bell, busting Danielson wide open!

Starks wrapped Danielson’s legs around the ring post and then swung the steel chair at Dragon’s legs. Danielson grabbed the chair and whacked Ricky in the shoulder with it. Danielson and Starks fought on the top turnbuckle, jockeying for position. Danielson flung Ricky to the mat with a spider vertical suplex! Danielson dropkicked Starks from the top turnbuckle!

Danielson unleashed his kicks on Starks’ chest. Starks hurled the steel chair at Bryan’s head! Starks wrapped his hand in a steel chain. Danielson chopped at Starks, and Starks dropped the chain. Starks speared Danielson. Starks grabbed the chain and wrapped it around Danielson, trying to choke him out!

“This is how Danielson beat Starks in the strap match!” said Nigel.

Starks let go, thinking he choked out Danielson enough to score the 10 count. Danielson managed to get to his feet. Starks grabbed Danielson but Danielson climbed the turnbuckles and flipped over Starks’ back. Starks went for a spear, but Danielson countered with the Le Bell Lock! Danielson grabbed the chain and wrapped it around Ricky’s throat, pulling back! Starks fought out of it, but Danielson battered Starks with forearms!

Both men traded shots from their knees. Starks swung the steel chair at Danielson, but Danielson charged at Starks, Danielson’s knee driving the chair into Ricky’s head! Starks was split open! Starks spat at Danielson! Danielson stomped on Starks’ skull!

Danielson wrapped the steel chain around his knee. Danielson charged at Starks and nailed him with the steel chain-wrapped knee strike! Starks couldn’t get to his feet to answer the 10-count and Danielson won!

“The Odyssey, the final countdown for Danielson, if you will, has begun,” said Kevin Kelly.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from 1stBank Center in Broomfield, CO!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!