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AEW Double Or Nothing 2022 Results


Tonight AEW presented DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2022—live from the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, NV!

It’s Sunday night and you know what that means!

Tony Schiavone and Excalibur were the broadcast team for the Buy-In portion of the show.

The Acclaimed and the Gunn Club came out announced!

Max Caster rapped and then Anthony Bowens hyped up the crowd!

“Premier Athlete” Tony Nese & “Smart” Mark Sterling vs. HOOKHausen—“Very Nice, Very Evil” Danhausen & HOOK!

Taz joined the commentary team for this match.

“I know that HOOK despises these guy Nese,” said Taz.

Danhausen tagged himself in, while Nese cracked up, not taking Danhausen serious. Nese ran through Danhausen with a shoulder tackle. Danhausen avoided an elbow from Nese. Danhausen lifted a boot up and connected with a charging Nese. Danhausen cursed “Smart” Mark.

Sterling and Nese double teamed Danhausen in the corner. Nese whipped Danhausen into the turnbuckles. Sterling suplexed Danhausen but then missed a leg drop. HOOK tagged in and flipped Nese with a Judo throw. HOOK planted Nese and Sterling with the El Camino!

“I think Sterling might be done-ski,” said Taz.

Danhausen asked for the tag and HOOK obliged. Danhausen placed a foot on Sterling and pinned him, avenging the loss.

Jim Ross joined the commentary team at the start of the pay-per-view for the main card!

MJF vs. Wardlow opened the main card of DOUBLE OR NOTHING!

“MJF looks like he’s walking to the gallows for his own execution,” said Excalibur.

“It’s time to pay the piper, as they say,” replied Tony Schiavone.

Wardlow was wearing handcuffed inside a holding cell in the arena. Security escorted Wardlow to the ring.

“Wardlow is a franchise player,” said Jim Ross.

Before the match even began, MJF jumped out of the ring, ordering ref Bryce Remsburg to “back him up,” stalling for time. “You’re on my time,” said MJF.

MJF tried a sunset flip on Wardlow but Wardlow didn’t budge. Wardlow hoisted up MJF for a powerbomb but MJF chomped down on Wardlow’s forehead, escaping the big man’s grasp. MJF tweaked his knee, but the fans in the arena didn’t buy it. The fans were right as MJF pulled the Dynamite Diamond Ring out of his trunks. Both the referee and Wardlow saw it, and the ref pulled it away from MJF.

“Let’s talk this out. I’ll double your pay,” said MJF, as he extended his hand to Wardlow.

Wardlow yanked MJF’s arm, pulling him right into a powerbomb! Wardlow powerbombed MJF a second time! And then a third powerbomb! Wardlow picked up MJF and planted him with a fourth powerbomb! And then a fifth powerbomb! There was a sixth powerbomb to MJF! Wardlow hit a seventh powerbomb! There was an eighth, ninth, and then a tenth powerbomb and then Wardlow decided to pin MJF!

“Finally Wardlow is free of MJF’s contract and he is free to officially join All Elite Wrestling,” said Excalibur.

MJF was stretchered out of the arena by medical personnel. MJF was wearing a neck brace.

Tony Schiavone approached Wardlow on the ramp, informing Wardlow that Tony Khan has declared Wardlow “All Elite.”

The fans chanted “You deserve it! You deserve it! You deserve it!”

The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson (with Brandon Cutler) vs. The Hardys—Jeff & Matt Hardy!

ROH commentator Caprice Coleman joined the broadcast team for this match.

“Delete versus Elite,” said Excalibur.

Matt Hardy and Matt Jackson began for their respective teams. Matt Jackson dropkicked Matt Hardy, showing off his speed advantage. Matt Hardy tagged in Jeff Hardy, and Matt Jackson quickly tagged out to brother Nick.

Jeff Hardy delivered a shoulder tackle to Nick Jackson. Jeff tripped up Nick and then the Hardys clotheslined Nick over the top rope to the arena floor. The Young Bucks collected their thoughts outside the ring.

Matt Hardy suplexed Matt Jackson. The Hardys tried tandem offense but Nick had it scouted and managed to superkick Jeff Hardy, and then superkicked Matt Hardy! Jeff Hardy rallied back and hit a double clothesline to both Bucks. Jeff was looking for the tag but Brandon Cutler pulled Matt Hardy off the ring apron.

Nick Jackson attempted the Whisper in the Wind but Jeff dodged it and answered with his own Whisper in the Wind off the top rope! Matt Hardy finally got the tag and cleaned house on the Bucks! Matt Hardy spiked Nick Jackson with a side effect for a near fall! Matt Hardy tried for the Twist of Fate but Nick shoved Matt over the top rope, with the help of brother Matt Jackson.

Nick Jackson superkicked Jeff Hardy off the ropes, sending him tumbling down on top of Matt Hardy and Matt Jackson. Nick climbed up to the top rope and then took flight, crashing down onto the Hardys!

Nick Jackson smacked Matt Hardy with a running knee strike. The Bucks hit the Risky Business on Matt Hardy for a near fall. Nick accidentally wiped-out Matt Jackson and then Brandon Cutler, as Matt Hardy moved out of the way of two kicks. Matt Hardy sent Matt Jackson down to the edge of the ring with a side effect. Jeff Hardy used the Poetry in Motion.

The Bucks tried to take over here and regain momentum, hitting their world-famous tandem offense on Jeff Hardy! They tried for the BTE Trigger but Jeff dodged it. The Bucks followed up with superkicks to Jeff and Matt! The Bucks hit a rapid fire superkick party on the Hardys!

The Hardys dared the Bucks to hit them again, and the Bucks accepted the invitation with more superkicks to the Hardys. Brandon Cutler helped Matt Jackson move the steel ring steps on the arena floor. The Bucks tried to set up Jeff Hardy on the ring steps, but Matt Hardy hit the BT Bomb on Nick Jackson! T

he Hardys placed Matt Jackson on the steel ring steps. Jeff Hardy sandwiched Matt Hardy with the Swanton onto the steps! In the ring, Matt Hardy spiked Nick on the crown of his head with the side effect! Jeff climbed to the top rope and smashed down on Nick with a Swanton bomb and then pinned him!

TBS Championship Match!

Jade Cargill (c.) vs. Dark Order’s Anna Jay!

Kiera Hogan and Red Velvet were watching from the front row, cheering on Jade.

Jade backed Anna into the corner. Anna went for a crossbody attempt but Jade caught her. Jade powered back with a fall away slam to Anna Jay. Jade Cargill used a snap suplex and then a lariat. Jade dropped a double sledge off the top rope.

There was a huge shift of momentum when Anna Jay superplexed Jade off the turnbuckles. Jade ran into a back elbow from Anna Jay. Jade rolled out of the ring after Anna connected with a flipping blockbuster off the top rope. Kiera Hogan and Red Velvet jumped the guardrail but Anna Jay countered with double DDTs!

As Anna Jay tried to get back into the ring, Jade booted Anna Jay. “Smart” Mark Sterling hobbled down to the ring, distracted the referee and sliding his crutch into the ring. Anna Jay grabbed the crutch, though, and used it against Anna Jay.

Dark Order’s John Silver snuck down to the ring and neutralized Sterling with a brainbuster to the floor. Inside the ring, Jade nailed Anna with the eye of the storm! Anna Jay kicked out Jade’s leg and locked on the Queen Slayer! Jade Cargill backed Anna Jay into the turnbuckles.

Anna Jay climbed to the top turnbuckle but Jade made her up there. Stokely Hathaway walked down to the ring, distracting Anna. Cargill grabbed Jade and spiked her with an avalanche Jaded, and then pinned Anna Jay!

The Baddies were about to double team Anna Jay but then Kris Statlander sprinted to the ring to even up the odds! “The Fallen Goddess” Athena came out to the ring! Athena, Statlander, and Anna Jay went face to face with Jade Cargill and the Baddies!

Death Triangle—PAC, Penta Oscuro, & Rey Fenix (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. The House of Black—Brody King, Buddy Matthews, & Malakai Black!

Malakai grabbed Rey Fenix’s wrist and then tried for a suplex but Rey Fenix landed on his feet! Rey Fenix followed up with a hurracanrana! Rey Fenix ducked a heel kick from Malakai Black. Buddy Matthews tagged in and used a foot stomp on Rey Fenix’s arm.

Penta Oscuro tagged in and had a face-off with Buddy Matthews. Penta Oscura rocked Matthews with a thrust kick. Pac got a blind tag, and then Brody King entered the fray. Brody King clobbered Pac with heavy handed chops. Rey Fenix went to springboard but Brody King was waiting for him with a stiff forearm shot!

Both teams had a standoff and a donnybrook broke out in the ring! Brody King nearly decapitated Pac with a lariat. Malakai used his martial arts on Rey Fenix. Matthews staggered Pac with a thrust kick! Pac powered back with a poison rana on Buddy Matthews.

The fans chanted “A-E-W! A-E-W! A-E-W!”

Brody King pancaked Pac with the bossman slam! Malakai Black tagged in and kicked Pac in the sternum, trying to tax Pac’s cardiovascular system. Brody King got the tag and splashed Pac in the corner. He tried for the cannonball but Pac dodged it! The Lucha Bros teamed up to take down Black, Matthews, and King! Death Triangle used a triple combo on Brody King!

Rey Fenix launched off Brody’s knee and dropkicked him. Matthews blocked a tope suicida and suplexed Rey Fenix on the floor. Penta Oscura launched over the top onto Matthews! Brody King vaulted over the top rope and found his mark on the Death Triangle. Rey Fenix kicked out of the Dante’s Inferno with the help of a well-timed intervention from his partners.

Pac used a sheer brainbuster on Malakai but Matthews saved his partner. Penta Oscura nailed Brody King with a Canadian Destroyer on the apron. Then they used a double foot stomp on Buddy, leaving the Death Triangle alone in the ring with Malakai!

Pac jumped over Buddy and smashed Black with a 450 splash! Pac low blowed Black as Alex Abrahantes distracted the referee. Pac climbed to the top turnbuckle but the lights went off! Julia Hart was in the ring when the power returned! She sprayed black mist into Pac’s eyes, blinding him! Malakai Black used the opportunity to finish off Pac with a back heel kick, grabbing the victory for the House of Black!

Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Finals!

Adam Cole vs. ROH World TV Champion Samoa Joe!

Mike Chioda was the referee for this match.

Samoa Joe jabbed at Adam Cole with shot after shot. Joe chopped at Cole, then followed up with a head butt. Samoa Joe peppered Cole with even more strikes. Cole charged at Joe, but Joe countered with a vicious back elbow.

Outside the ring, Samoa Joe approached Adam Cole but Cole was waiting for him with a thrust kick. Adam Cole shoved Samoa Joe shoulder first into the steel ring post!

Cole returned Samoa Joe to the ring and fired an elbow strike. Cole toe-kicked Samoa Joe in the arm, trying to neutralize Joe’s size advantage.

“In this scenario, Adam Cole is able to utilize what’s already been done. Smart wrestling,” said Jim Ross.

Adam Cole was looking for Panama Sunrise but Samoa Joe countered and then smashed Cole’s knees into the apron. Samoa Joe reached for Adam Cole, who was outside the ring, and Cole surprised Samoa Joe with a kick to the injured shoulder. In the ring, Samoa Joe planted Adam Cole with an STO and then splashed him with a sit-out senton. Cole kicked out at two.

“I think his shoulder was bothering him on that cover,” observed Tony Schiavone.

Samoa Joe grabbed a powerslam on Adam Cole and tried for the pin, but his shoulder was clearly bothering him. Samoa Joe tried for a powerbomb but he couldn’t maintain his grip. Cole slid out, built up steam, charged at Samoa Joe, but Samoa Joe leveled Cole with a clothesline. Samoa Joe was searching for the muscle buster but Cole escaped and connected with a high knee to Samoa Joe’s jaw!

“Counterpunching has been the name of the game here,” said Excalibur.

Adam Cole applied a cross face to Samoa Joe. Adam Cole had to relinquish the hold as Joe’s boots touched the ropes. Samoa Joe intercepted a superkick and then powerbombed Adam Cole. Samoa Joe applied the STF to Adam Cole!

Bobby Fish ran down and grabbed Samoa Joe’s arm. Adam Cole was looking to lower the boom but Joe ducked it! Samoa Joe chopped Adam Cole in the chest. Samoa Joe charged at Adam Cole but Cole defended with superkicks! Adam Cole dropped the boom with his running knee strike and then pinned Samoa Joe!

Adam Cole is the winner of the inaugural Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament!

Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Finals!

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. (with Rebel and Jamie Hayter) vs Ruby Soho!

Fozzy guitarist Rich Ward played Dr. Britt Baker’s theme song as Baker made her way to the ring.

Rancid played Ruby Soho’s theme song as Ruby made her entrance!

Baker sent Rebel and Hayter to the back before the match began.

“That’s about as big as you can get for an entrance,” said Tony Schiavone, after watching Rancid play out Ruby to the ring.

Baker and Soho traded wristlocks, each jockeying for position. Ruby came out on top, maintaining control of the wrist of her opponent. Britt grabbed Ruby’s hair and then hammered her with a few forearms and then a knee.

Ruby Soho fired back with a knee strike to Britt Baker. Ruby shot a dropkick to Britt outside of the ring. Excalibur wondered if Ruby injured a rib on the landing, as Ruby stood up clutching her ribs. Ruby suplexed Britt Baker on the arena floor.

Ruby climbed to the top turnbuckle but Britt Baker shoved her down, with Ruby crashing down on her injured ribs. Britt grabbed Ruby and yanked her into the ring post, again concentrating on Ruby’s ribcage.

Britt used a Russian leg sweep and then hammered on Ruby Soho’s ribs with the point of her elbow. Britt clobbered Ruby with a hard elbow to the jaw. Britt was looking for the Pittsburgh sunrise but Ruby anticipated it and rocked her with a shot. Ruby met Britt on the top turnbuckle and Ruby sent Britt soaring with a superplex! Ruby came up holding her ribs.

Britt landed a thrust kick to Ruby’s jaw. Ruby avoided the curb stomp. Ruby crashed down with a senton off the top rope for a near fall on Britt Baker!

“A very physical matchup, you have to hand it to both wrestlers,” said Jim Ross.

Britt Baker finally landed the curb stomp on Ruby Soho but it wasn’t enough to pin Ruby. Britt Baker applied her surgical glove and was looking for the lock jaw submission but Ruby rolled through. Baker clipped Ruby on the side of the head and tried for the lock jaw again, but Ruby countered with the No Future! Ruby locked in the sharpshooter on Britt Baker but Baker finally grabbed the ropes, forcing ref Paul Turner to break the hold.

Ruby tried the victory roll on Baker but Baker leaned back with a counter and pinned Ruby Soho!

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. is the winner of the inaugural Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament!

Tony Schiavone introduced Dr. Martha Hart, who was there to present Adam Cole and Dr. Britt Baker. D.M.D. with their beautiful championships as the first-ever winners of the Owen Cup. Head of AEW Tony Khan escorted Dr. Martha Hart out to the ramp.

The fans in the sold-out arena chanted “Owen! Owen! Owen!” and then “Thank you Martha! Thank you Martha! Thank you Martha!”

Mixed Trios Match!

Frankie Kazarian, “Spanish God” Sammy Guevara, & Tay Conti vs. TNT Champion Scorpio Sky, “All Ego” Ethan Page, & Paige VanZant (with American Top Team’s Dan Lambert)!

Austin Vanderford, Paige VanZant’s husband, was sitting ringside.

Ethan Page delivered some big right hands and elbows to Sammy. Page went for the Ego’s Edge but Sammy countered and then connected with a corkscrew dropkick. Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian tagged in. Sky hit a beautiful dropkick on Kaz.

Frankie spring boarded off the middle rope with a leg drop. Sammy tagged in but Scorpio Sky blasted him with toxic body shots. Tay Conti raked Scorpio’s back from behind. Sammy landed a springboard cutter on Sky! Sammy flipped off Ethan and Paige.

Kazarian tagged in and grappled his former SCU partner Scorpio Sky to the mat. Scorpio Sky fired back with a flatliner. Tay Conti ran across the ring and connected with a cheap shot to Paige VanZant!

Kazarian had the cross-face chicken wing applied to Sky when Sammy tagged himself in. Paige tagged in and faced off with Tay! Paige dropped Tay with firm clotheslines, followed up by a back suplex. Paige hoisted up Tay for the TKO, but Sammy broke it up. Paige DDT’ed Sammy! Paige planted Tay with the Michinoku Driver for a near fall.

Tay took down Paige with a Judo throw. Tay Conti hit four pump kicks to Paige VanZant! Tay waffled Paige with a face buster on the knee! Sammy and Tay began to kiss and found themselves surrounded by Ethan, Scorpio, and Paige. A frustrated Kazarian came over the top rope with a DDT, after first refusing to help Sammy and Tay. Kaz pulled Scorpio over the top rope into a stunner for a near fall.

Sammy inadvertently nailed Tay Conti with a thrust kick! Ethan Page rocked Kaz with a roundhouse kick and then Scorpio Sky followed up with the TKO. Scorpio Sky pinned Kazarian and then returned the stolen belts to Dan Lambert.

Up next: Darby Allin vs. Kyle O’Reilly!

Kyle surprised Darby with a wicked knee strike, defending himself after Darby shot in for a single leg takedown. Kyle swept out Darby’s legs, and Darby’s mouth was busted open.

Darby charged in with boxing elbows and then a Code Red to Kyle for a near fall. Darby scored a scorpion death drop on Kyle! Darby was looking for the coffin splash but Kyle caught him. Darby came over the top for a stunner. Darby rocketed himself out of the ring but his legs clipped the bottom rope and he pinwheeled into Kyle!

“That’s why they call it high risk,” said Tony Schiavone.

Darby went for another tope but Kyle caught him, applying a choke hold. Kyle returned Darby to the ring and then climbed to the top turnbuckle. Darby yanked him down and locked on the Last Supper but by Kyle escaped.

Darby grabbed an inside cradle but Kyle escaped and spiked Kyle with a brainbuster! Kyle put Darby in an ankle lock but Darby transitioned out and stepped over into a scorpion death lock. Kyle grabbed the bottom rope, forcing the ref to break the hold.

Darby splashed Kyle with a coffin drop as Kyle was caught in the ropes! They tumbled to the arena floor.

“O’Reilly crashed onto the apron and then onto the arena floor,” said Excalibur.

Darby attempted another coffin drop into the ring but Kyle countered with a submission hold. Darby rolled out and they exchanged forearms! Kyle blasted Darby with kicks. Kyle grabbed the chain that Darby wears around his neck and yanked him back. Kyle dropped a diving knee to Darby and then pinned him!

“Wow! Wow! Just wow!” said an impressed Jim Ross.

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

“La Mera Mera” Thunder Rosa (c.) vs. “The Professor” Serena Deeb!

Neither women was looking to give ground as they locked up with a collar and elbow tie up. Thunder Rosa put head scissors on Serena Deeb and we were at a stalemate in the early goings.

Thunder Rosa applied the pendulum submission on Deeb. Thunder Rosa hit a shoulder tackle and then caught Deeb with two deep arm drags. Deeb countered a backslide but then Deeb ate an uppercut from Thunder Rosa.

Deeb grabbed Rosa’s hair and yanked her down over the rope in a guillotine. Deeb followed up with a swinging neck breaker. Deeb and Rosa traded shots in the center of the ring. Thunder Rosa scoop slammed Serena Deeb.

Thunder Rosa smashed her knees into Serena Deeb and followed up with a dropkick. Rosa used a Northern Lights suplex on Deeb for a near fall. Deeb came back with the flying octopus on Thunder Rosa. Serena Deeb was looking for Deeb-tox but Thunder Rosa fought out of it. Deeb wrenched a stretch muffler but Thunder Rosa escaped and began to smash Deeb’s knee into the mat.

Thunder Rosa planted Serena Deeb with the Death Valley driver! Deeb answered with a chop block and then applied the figure four leg lock. They rolled out of the ring! Deeb hit the Deeb-tox but Thunder Rosa got a foot on the ropes to stop the pin. Deeb powerbombed Thunder Rosa and locked on the Texas cloverleaf! Thunder Rosa grabbed the ropes, forcing the ref to break the hold.

Thunder Rosa cracked Deeb with a roundhouse kick! Thunder Rosa superplexed Serena Deeb and followed up with the fire thunder driver to pin Deeb!

Anarchy In The Arena Match!

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson, Eddie Kingston, Jon Moxley, Ortiz, & Santana


The Jericho Appreciation Society—“The Wizard” Chris Jericho, Angelo Parker, Matt Menard, Daniel Garcia, & Jake Hager!

The Jericho Appreciation Society charged into the fray! Kingston went right for Jericho! It was chaos as both teams brawled throughout the arena, amongst the fans! Moxley’s music kept playing throughout the match!

Jericho smashed the soundboard, shutting the music off! Moxley hit a double sledge on Jericho! Santana and Ortiz smashed Hager through a table with the Street Sweeper!

Danielson rammed Angelo face first into a camera. Garcia spiked Ortiz with a piledriver onto the steel ring steps! Matt Menard whipped Eddie Kingston into the merch stand! Angelo Parker waffled Bryan Danielson with the timekeeper’s bell!

Jericho suplexed Moxley onto a row of chairs! Moxley threw a full cooler at Jericho’s head! Garcia and Kingston brawled onto the concourse. Garcia was trying to drag Kingston back to the ring with a belt.

“Look at the blood,” said Jim Ross.

Jericho applied the Walls of Jericho on Moxley on a table, before the table gave out from beneath them. Moxley jumped at Jericho with a tope suicida! Bryan Danielson smashed Hager with roundhouse kicks! Hager suplexed Danielson on the ramp!

“This is getting gnarly,” said Jim Ross.

Moxley unhooked the top rope inside the ring.

“Jon Moxley has gone absolutely berserk,” said Tony Schiavone.

Moxley whipped Jericho with the turnbuckle. Danielson fish hooked Hager with the turnbuckle hook!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Santana and Ortiz set up a ladder. They climbed it and jumped off it, crashing down onto Parker and Menard, right through tables! Jericho sprayed a fire extinguisher into Moxley’s eyes!

Back in the ring, Moxley and Danielson brawled with Hager and Jericho. Danielson and Moxley used hammer and anvil elbows on Hager and Jericho. Eddie Kingston walked down the ramp with a can of gasoline! He dumped it on Jericho and was about to light it when Danielson stopped Kingston. Danielson and Kingston began to fight when Moxley tried to separate them. Jericho hit them from behind. Hager shoved Moxley off the ring apron and onto a table covered in barb wire! Jericho smashed Danielson with the turnbuckle hook!

Hager held Danielson in a full nelson but Danielson fought out of it and took on Jericho and Hager by himself with kicks! Danielson smashed Jericho with a knee for a near fall! Danielson nailed Jericho with a roundhouse kick to the head! Hager cracked Danielson from behind with a baseball bat! Jericho applied a leg lock to Danielson while Hager choked Danielson with the ring rope! Referee Aubrey Edwards stopped the match as Danielson went unconscious!

Andrade El Idolo was with Jose the Assistant in an office suite.

Andrade said he hated the AFO because he wasn’t here to lose. Someone knocked on the door and Andrade told Jose to open it. Rush walked through the door! He is Andrade El Idolo’s new business partner!

AEW World Tag Team Title Match!

Champs Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus (with Christian Cage) vs. Team Taz—Powerhouse Hobbs & FTW Champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks vs. Keith Lee & Shane Strickland!

Taz joined the commentary team for this match.

Swerve and Starks traded strikes outside the ring. Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus took to the air to wipe out the competitors. Jungle Boy jumped out for another one but Keith Lee caught him and powerbombed him onto Luchasaurus’s back!

Powerhouse Hobbs showed poise as he planted Jungle Boy with a suplex in the middle of the ring. Starks tagged in and nailed Jungle Boy with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker!

Hobbs charged at Jungle Boy but Jungle Boy moved out of the way. Swerve chopped down Hobbs and then followed up with a diving uppercut! Swerve kicked Hobbs in the mouth. Keith Lee hoisted up Hobbs but Hobbs escaped and suplexed Swerve off the top rope!

Luchasaurus tagged in and walloped Starks and Hobbs with a double clothesline. Keith Lee tagged himself in and he and Hobbs double choke slammed Luchasaurus! Keith Lee and Powerhouse Hobbs faced off and went toe-to-toe! Keith Lee suplexed Hobbs over the top rope and onto the arena floor! Keith Lee jumped over the top rope and flipped onto Hobbs and Luchasaurus!

Keith Lee and Luchasaurus exchanged strikes. Hobbs jumped off the top rope with a neck breaker to both of them! Jungle Boy and Ricky Starks tagged in. Starks put his feet on the ropes and tried to pin Jungle Boy. Christian Cage jumped onto the apron and pulled Starks away. Hobbs grabbed Christian Cage! Starks speared Jungle Boy and then Luchasaurus jumped in to save his partner.

Swerve tagged in and planted Hobbs with the Swerve stomp! Luchasaurus accidentally booted Jungle Boy in the head! Keith Lee lifted up Jungle Boy and then Swerve jumped off the top rope for Swerve In Their Glory but Hobbs interrupted the pin attempt. Starks had the FTW Championship but Christian Cage pulled him back down off the apron. Luchasaurus grabbed Swerve and Jungle Boy pinned Swerve after Jurassic Express hit their double team finisher!

Main Event Time!

AEW World Championship Match!

“Hangman” Adam Page (c.) vs. CM Punk!

The match began with dueling chants.

Punk and Page traded wicked shots, with Page getting the better of the exchange. Page rocked Punk with a forearm. Punk retaliated with an overhand chop!

CM Punk whipped “Hangman” Page into the turnbuckles. Punk followed up with a Russian leg sweep. Punk went for a flying body press but Page caught him and countered with a fall away slam. Page followed through with a pescado over the top to Punk on the arena floor.

Page smashed Punk with a rolling elbow! “Hangman” sent Punk hard into the turnbuckles. Page was setting up for the buckshot lariat, perhaps, but Punk shoved Page off the ring apron. Punk charged at Page outside the ring but Page nailed Punk with a pop-up powerbomb on the apron. Page followed up with a flying lariat for a near fall!

Page threw Punk to the outside again. Page climbed to the top rope but Punk joined him up there and superplexed Page into the ring. Punk connected with a leg lariat beneath Page’s chin. Punk rocked Page with a running bulldog.

“Punk is finding his offensive groove,” said Jim Ross.

Punk used the springboard lariat. Punk attempted a sharpshooter but Page fought out. Punk came back with a neck breaker for a near fall.

“Here’s where the conditioning becomes a factor, as we approach the deeper waters of this match,” said Excalibur.

“Hangman” Page hit the moonsault to Punk outside the ring. Excalibur wondered if Page hurt his knee when he landed. Page tried for the buckshot lariat but his knee troubled him and Punk moved a step and then countered with the sharpshooter. Page grabbed the bottom rope, forcing ref Paul Turner to break the hold.

Punk went for the Punkshot lariat but his leg gave out when he landed. Punk hit the Punkshot lariat on the second attempt. Punk gestured for the GTS but Page powerbombed him. Page drilled Punk with the deadeye for a very near fall!

Page made the GTS hand signal. Page hoisted up Punk for the GTS but Punk grabbed the top rope. Punk blasted Page with a roundhouse. Somehow Page rallied back with a GTS for a near fall! “Hangman” Page was holding his left knee after the move.

CM Punk buckled Page’s leg after a swift kick. Page connected with a high boot. Page clotheslined Punk over the top rope and then threw Punk over the timekeeper’s table. Page picked up his title belt and said “This is mine! You will never have it!”

Page tried for the Buckshot lariat but Punk stepped back. Punk tried to counter with the GTS but as he hoisted up Page, Page’s boots knocked ref Paul Turner in the head. “Hangman” Page grabbed his world title belt and was thinking about hitting Punk with it. Page thought twice and threw the belt to the ground. Page tried for the Buckshot lariat but CM Punk countered with the GTS and pinned Adam Page!

And new AEW World Champion…CM Punk!

“We just witnessed ‘Hangman’ Adam Page have a crisis of conscience right before our eyes and it cost him the biggest prize in our sport,” said Excalibur.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Forum in Los Angeles and witness the fallout from DOUBLE OR NOTHING!

Missed out on what the entire wrestling world is buzzing about? You can still order the replay of AEW DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2022! It’s available on all major providers, Bleacher Report, and Fite TV (Int.)! See it for yourself!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


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