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AEW Dynamite Results for April 6, 2022


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the sold-out Agganis Arena in Boston, MA!

Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Christian Cage vs. Adam Cole #BayBay!

“The crowd is electric,” said Jim Ross.

“We are kicking off with a first-ever singles meeting,” replied Excalibur.

“The fans are losing their minds and no one has even locked up yet. Wow!” added Tony Schiavone.

Christian Cage applied a tight side headlock. Cole whipped Cage into the ropes and Cage came back with a shoulder block, knocking Cole off his feet. Adam Cole kicked Christian in the midsection. Cole spat at Christian and then Cole retreated out of the ring. Christian followed him out and caught Cole with a lariat!

Christian Cage chopped away at Cole back in the ring. Cole kicked out Christian’s leg, knocking Christian off the turnbuckles. Cage went to the outside to try to collect himself. Adam Cole followed Christian out of the ring and then Adam Cole whipped Christian into the steel ring steps!

Christian rallied back, leap frogging the steel ring post, crashing down onto Adam Cole on the arena floor! They traded strikes inside the ring and Cole cracked Christian Cage with an enzaguri kick. Christian fired back, planting Cole with the swinging DDT.

Christian was looking for the Kill Switch but Adam Cole countered with a backstabber for a near fall! Christian rolled up Cole with an inside cradle for a two-count. Christian followed up with a reverse DDT! Christian attempting a diving headbutt but Cole dodged it. Adam Cole lowered the boom and rocked Cage with the running knee strike!

“This has been an outstanding, strategic match,” said Jim Ross.

Christian Cage jumped off the turnbuckles for a flying European uppercut but Adam Cole defended with a thrust kick! Cole was looking for the Panama Sunrise but Christian countered with a hurracanrana! Christian charged at Cole but Cole connected with a kick. Christian speared Adam Cole for a near fall!

The fans gave Christian and Cole a standing ovation and began to chant “A-E-W!”

Adam Cole poked Christian Cage in the eyes, lowered the boom, and then stole the win!

ReDRagon ran down to continue punishing Christian Cage. Jurassic Express sprinted to the ring and began to brawl with ReDRagon!

AEW World Champion “Hangman” Adam Page walked to the ring and confronted Adam Cole!

Page: “I guess after last week you realized you couldn’t just steal this championship. So next week, we have a live RAMPAGE in Texas. Next week I’ll defend this championship against you, Cole, in a Texas Death Match!”

The Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Qualifier Match!

Samoa Joe vs. The Acclaimed’s “Platinum” Max Caster (with Anthony Bowens)!

The fans were chanting “Joe is gonna kill you! Joe is gonna kill you! Joe is gonna kill you!”

Max got into Joe’s face and Joe headbutted Max. Samoa Joe connected with a swift knee and then an elbow to Max Caster. Samoa Joe wasted no time and hit the elbow suicida onto Caster!

Bowens distracted Samoa Joe, which gave Max a chance to blindside Joe. Samoa Joe got the momentum back with a muscle buster and then pinned Max.

“That is a definitive win,” said Jim Ross.

Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt were backstage and they were sending a message to Samoa Joe on the big screen. Jay Lethal said Joe didn’t return his calls for four months, and Joe is Jay Lethal’s former teacher. Jay said next week in New Orleans he’s going to give Samoa Joe a gift he’ll never forget.

Capt. Shawn Dean vs. “The Chairman” Shawn Spears!

MJF’s music played and out walked Max before the match could even begin. MJF joined the commentary team for this match.

Spears hit a backbreaker on Shawn Dean. Spears hurled Dean over the top rope, and Dean hit the arena floor. Spears followed up with a chop, but Dean fired back with chops of his own. Shawn Spears hoisted Dean and drilled him with a neck breaker!

Backstage, security was wiped out by Wardlow! MJF began to freak out on commentary!

“Wardlow looking like a man possessed,” said Excalibur.

Wardlow almost made it to the ring but three security guards were finally able to stop Wardlow. As this was going on, Shawn Spears was distracted by the mayhem. Shawn Dean rolled up Spears from behind and pinned him!

“Spanish God” Sammy Guevara walked out with a message on his cue cards! Tay Conti joined him.

The message was directed at Dan Lambert, American Top Team, and the Men of the Year! Sammy’s message was that he and Tay will not stop until they get sweat revenge!

Clips were shown from earlier tonight when Eddie Kingston, Santana and Ortiz beatdown the Jericho Appreciation Society!

The Jericho Appreciation Society escaped by running out of the arena and jumping into an SUV!

Kingston, Ortiz and Santana walked out to the ring!

Eddie Kingston: “Chris Jericho, you two-faced coward. Did you see him running? Jericho, his association, on sight. You know what that means? You could be with your wife and kids and I’m still gonna attack you!”

Santana: “The Jericho B!tch Society strikes again! Damn scrubs, this is what we do!”

Ortiz: “Hey Christopher—let’s have a good ol’ fashioned six-man match next week in New Orleans? Either way, on sight!”

Kingston: “We’re gonna beat you like JYD and ‘Hacksaw’ Butch Reed style!”

Tony Schiavone interviewed TBS Champion Jade Cargill with “Smart” Mark Sterling!

Jade: “I am here to formally introduce my Baddie Section. A baddie is a beautiful woman with confidence who knows herself. And I can say this to all you slobs because I know myself.”

Sterling: “Marina Shafir is not allowed in the Baddie Section. She may be a badass but she is no baddie.”

Jade: “She calls herself ‘the problem’? Thankfully I’m the problem solver.”

Alex Marvez was backstage with MJF and Shawn Spears!

MJF: “Wardlow, I pray you show your face next week because there will be twice as many security guards and pain! Shawn Dean, next week, me and you, I promise there will not be another upset victory.”

Tables Match!

The Butcher & The Blade (with The Bunny) vs. Matt & Jeff Hardy!

Butcher and the Blade set up the tables early on. Blade clotheslined Jeff to get the early advantage. Blade charged at Jeff but Jeff dodged it and Blade smashed into a table that was propped up in the corner of the ring!

Butcher tried to German suplex Jeff through a table but Matt Hardy spotted the danger that his brother was in. The Hardys nailed Butcher with a double DDT! Matt held Butcher on a table while Jeff climbed to the top rope. Blade pulled at Jeff’s boot and Jeff lost his balance, crashing down into the ring!

Butcher and the Blade smashed Jeff Hardy through a table with their tandem offense, so Jeff was eliminated! Matt struck back with a steel chair to the Butcher and the Blade! Matt jumped off the top rope, putting Butcher through a table with a leg drop. This left only Matt and Blade left in the match.

Despite being eliminated, Butcher helped the Blade set up a table outside the ring. Butcher and Blade grabbed Matt Hardy and suplexed him off the guardrail and onto the arena floor!

“That was an awful landing for Matt Hardy!” said Excalibur.

Jeff swept out the Butcher’s legs. Jeff used a modified stunner on Blade, and then Matt nailed Blade with the Twist of Fate on the arena floor. Jeff pulled a ladder out from beneath the ring.

Matt Hardy hit the Twist of Fate on the Butcher! The Hardys set up two tables side by side outside the ring. Matt put Blade on the table while Jeff climbed to the top of the ladder. Jeff flew off with a Swanton Bomb, crushing the Blade through the tables!

Andrade El Idolo and Jose the Assistant came out through the tunnel with the rest of the A.F.O. And then Sting’s music hit!

“I think the numbers are about to even up!” said Schiavone.

Sting wiped out Private Party with his baseball bat! Sting approached Andrade El Idolo but Andrade put the Bunny between himself and Sting, using her as a human shield.

“Sting evening the odds, returning the favor for Matt and Jeff Hardy,” said Excalibur.

AEW Tag Team Champions Jurassic Express were backstage.

Jungle Boy challenged ReDRagon to a match next week, and he said they’d put the belts on the line!

The Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Qualifier Match!

Hikaru Shida vs. Julia Hart (with Varsity Blonds—Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman, Jr.)!

Julia Hart kicked Shida before the bell rang. The Blonds asked Julia what she was doing, and Julia ordered them to leave and go to the back!

Shida pulled a chair out from beneath the ring. Shida ran and jumped off the chair, hitting a dropkick on Julia!

Julia DDT’ed Shida as Shida was making her way back into the ring. Julia mounted Shida and began to attack with the ground and pound! Shida rallied back with a running knee strike!

Shida pulled Julia up from the apron and superplexed her for a near fall! Shida hoisted up Julia but Julia gouged Shida’s eyes. Julia used a bulldog on Shida! Julia climbed to the top rope and jumped but Shida moved! Shida blasted Julia with the spinning knee strike and then the falcon arrow to pin Julia!

Serena Deeb tried to ambush Shida with a steel chair after the match but Shida turned around in time. Shida held up a kendo stick and Deeb walked away…for now.

Alex Marvez was backstage with Swerve Strickland when Powerhouse Hobbs and “Absolute” Ricky Starks attacked him from behind!

Keith Lee came to Strickland’s aid and rammed Hobbs through a wall!

FTR vs. Bucks II! ROH & AAA Tag Team Championship Match!

ROH & AAA Tag Team Champions FTR—Cash Harwood & Dax Wheeler vs. The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson (with Brandon Cutler)!

ROH announcer Bobby Cruise made the official ring introductions.

“This has a big match feel,” said Tony Schiavone.

Cash and Matt began for their respective teams. Matt applied a side headlock. Cash ran off the ropes and hit a shoulder tackle on Matt Jackson. Cash posed while Matt went to the outside to collect his thoughts.

Dax and Nick tagged in. Dax ducked a leap frog from Nick and then slammed Nick. Dax used a deep arm drag on Nick. Matt Jackson grabbed a blind tag. FTR and the Bucks began to hockey fight in Boston! The Bucks used a backflip dropkick combo on Dax and Cash!

Dax and Cash applied sharpshooters on the Bucks! Nick and Matt escaped after gouging the eyes of FTR. Matt nailed Cash with a cannonball senton!

Nick Jackson superkicked Harwood before Wheeler could grab a tag. There was some miscommunication and Nick accidentally kicked Matt! Cash made the tag to Dax and Dax wiped out both Bucks with a flurry of offense!

Dax stuffed Matt with a piledriver for a near fall! Dax met Matt on the top turnbuckle and suplexed Matt into the ring. Nick Jackson prevented the powerplex, though, as he used a hurracanrana on Cash! The Bucks used a bulldog dropkick combo on Cash!

“What you’re witnessing is tag team history,” said Jim Ross.

“You’re never going to forget this night,” replied Schiavone.

As the ref was distracted, Matt connected with the low blow on Wheeler. The Bucks blasted Wheeler with the Big Rig for a near fall! The Bucks followed up with More Bang For Your Bucks for another near fall on Cash Wheeler!

“The Bucks can’t believe it and neither can I,” said Jim Ross.

Nick grabbed one of the ROH belts and smashed Cash in the head with it. Dax broke up the pin attempt but the Bucks superkicked Harwood!

The Bucks smashed Cash with the BTE Trigger. The Bucks thought they scored the pin but Cash had his foot on the ropes so the match was restarted!

FTR countered the Meltzer Driver with a tombstone combo to the Bucks. FTR hit the BTE Trigger on Matt Jackson and then after hitting the Big Rig, Dax pinned Matt!

“Is there such a thing as a 10-star match? If there is, I think we just saw it,” said Schiavone.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the UNO Lakefront Arena in New Orleans, LA!

Don’t miss AEW RAMPAGE this Friday on TNT at 10/9c!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


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