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AEW Dynamite Results for August 17, 2022


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE: Presented By Game Of Thrones: House Of The Dragon was broadcast live from the Charleston Coliseum in Charleston, WV!

Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Tonight’s episode of DYNAMITE was presented by the new HBO series HOUSE OF DRAGON which premieres Sunday.

AEW World Champion CM Punk kicked off the show!

CM Punk: “Haven’t been here in some time and I have some business to attend do. There’s somebody that’s from around these parts that I would like to challenge to a rematch and I would like to do it right here, right now.

“ ‘Hangman’ Adam Page, you want that rematch, you got it right here, right now. Let’s go!”

There was no Adam Page to answer the challenge.

“That’s not ‘Cowboy’ S—T, that’s Coward S—T. If anybody else has a problem with the champ, I suggest you come on down. I understand that Jon Moxley has a lot of fans. He can be number one in your heart, but he’s not number one in this ring.

“I know what it takes to be the best in the world. I know what it’s like to lose. Jon Moxley has always been number two. You can boo if you want. Jon Moxley is the third best guy in his own group and that seems to be a reoccurring theme in his career. Tell me when I’m telling lies.

“Jon Moxley has been Interim AEW Champion. Look it up: it means temporary. I’m willing to test myself against him. I have yet to defend this title and that’s what I’m doing at the ALL OUT pay-per-view. I’m looking to test my belt against Jon Moxley’s belt.”

AEW Interim World Champion Jon Moxley’s music hit!

Jon Moxley entered the ring with a microphone.

Moxley: “Look out, CM Punk is dropping pipe bombs. Doing what he does best: writing checks with his mouth that his body can’t cash. You think that microphone in your hands is power. But this is a real world and it’s just a microphone.

“Those words you spit into it don’t mean s—t. That belt on your shoulder don’t mean s—t. My belt doesn’t mean s—t, not until I beat you. I’m the heart and soul of this company.”

CM Punk: “Good, you can be the heart and soul. I’ll be the dollars and cents.”

Moxley: “We both know you only came to AEW because you ran out of money. We both know that you ran out of fighting spirit a long time ago. You want to prove me wrong, go ahead and do something about it. I don’t think you’re going to do s—t.”

CM Punk: “We’ve got a match coming up at the pay-per-view. If I do anything know, I’m afraid you’re just going to bleed all over.”

CM Punk and Jon Moxley began to brawl until AEW security staff sprinted down and had them separated.

Tony Schiavone was backstage with Powerhouse Hobbs!

Hobbs: “I don’t need any friends. Ricky Starks, your true colors came out. You told the world you’re okay with losing. I’m not okay with losing. For two years you got to hide behind my back. I was hired to do one thing: to make sure you stayed champion and you couldn’t do it. And as far as QT Marshall and the Factory? I’ve got something for them too!”

2 Out Of 3 Falls Match!

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson


The Jericho Appreciation Society’s “The Dragon Slayer” Daniel Garcia!

Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat was the special guest timekeeper!

“The Wizard” Chris Jericho joined the commentary team for this match.

Danielson and Garcia grappled on the ground until Danielson got the mount. Garcia got out but Danielson started the ground and pound. Garcia transitioned to a knee bar and both competitors began to exchange kicks.

Danielson got a heel hook to counter the knee bar. Garcia backed Bryan into the corner and then slapped him. Bryan connected with an open palm strike and followed up with a suplex.

Garcia used a butterfly suplex on Bryan Danielson and then applied an arm lock. Danielson escaped and countered with a suplex. Danielson dropkicked Garcia on the jaw. Garcia slowed down Danielson with a suplex on the arena floor!

“Never underestimate a kid from Buffalo!” said Chris Jericho.

Back in the ring, Garcia used the hammer and anvil strikes on Danielson and then tried to apply the Dragon Tamer. Danielson tried to fight out but Garcia spiked Danielson with a piledriver!

Garcia put Danielson in a dragon sleeper. Garcia scored the first fall as Danielson was rendered unconscious!

Garcia charged Danielson and began to stomp him in the corner, connecting with a barrage of kicks! Garcia followed up with European uppercuts and chops.

Garcia went for the dragon sleeper again but Danielson countered, trapping Garcia’s shoulders and pinning him!

Danielson hammered Garcia with elbows on the top turnbuckle. Danielson sent Garcia tumbling to the mat with the spider German suplex. Bryan hit Garcia with missile dropkick. Danielson blasted Garcia with a tope suicida!

Garcia connected with the running knee to Bryan Danielson! They traded forearms, both men bloodied! Garcia flipped Danielson and then began to stomp on Danielson’s face! Danielson countered and started to headbutt Garcia in the pecs!

Bryan put Garcia in the triangle sleeper! Danielson turned his hips, put Garcia in the LeBell Lock, and Garcia was out!

“What a classic!” said Jim Ross.

“Next time, Danielson, you won’t be so lucky,” said Chris Jericho.

Danielson extended his hand toward Garcia as a sign of respect. Jericho assaulted Danielson from behind! Garcia grabbed Jericho to stop him. Jericho pointed his finger at Garcia and Garcia slapped it away!

“This is an interesting development here,” said Taz.

The fans chanted “You’re a wrestler! You’re a wrestler! You’re a wrestler!” at Garcia.

Jericho walked out on Garcia!

Tony Schiavone was backstage with Private Party and AEW World Tag Team Champions Swerve In Our Glory ahead of their match this Friday on RAMPAGE!

Swerve: “You could learn a thing or two from us.”

Kassidy: “Friday we’re taking those belts from you.”

“Premier Athlete” Tony Nese and “Smart” Mark Sterling were about to make their entrance when Jon Moxley hit them from behind and jumped into the ring!

Moxley got int the ring and said he wanted to fight CM Punk right now. Punk came out but security separated them again!

Tony Schiavone was backstage to interview Chris Jericho!

Jericho said that he wanted to talk to Daniel Garcia next week on DYNAMITE!

Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat interrupted Jericho and the Jericho Appreciation Society. Steamboat said Danielson was the better choice to mentor Garcia. Angelo Parker grabbed Steamboat but Steamboat answered with a stiff chop!

Varsity Blonds—Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman, Jr.


The Gunn Club—Austin & Colten Gunn (with Billy)!

“Both these teams need a win,” said Jim Ross.

The Gunn Club were aggressive at the start of the match. Colten connected with the Colt 45 to Griff and pinned him!

Billy: “That’s what you have to do. That’s what gets things done. I know I’ve been hard on you the past few weeks but I’m super proud of you two. I have done a lot of really great things in my career but getting to work with you is what I’m most proud of.”

Stokely Hathaway walked onto the ramp smiling. The Gunn Club blindsided Billy from behind until The Acclaimed sprinted to Billy’s aid!

“The Gunn Club just took out their own father! It’s insane,” said Taz.

The Acclaimed and Billy scissored afterwards!

Jungle Boy came out to the ring!

Jungle Boy: “A couple weeks ago I came out here with a special t-shirt on and it got me in a lot of trouble. Boy, oh, boy, did that shirt hit the nail on the head. Because for weeks now I have tried to hit Christian Cage every chance I’ve got. I tried to hit him with my hands, a chair, even a car.

“He has done absolutely nothing. The way I see it, either I can continue to chase you Christian or you can man up and face me at ALL OUT! Unless of course the shirt was right and you’re just too big of a—”

Christian Cage’s walked out onto the ramp!

Christian Cage: “So Jungle Boy you’re challenging me to a match at ALL OUT? My answer is no. It’s not for the reason you think. Things are getting out of hand. Listen, at the end of the day, believe it or not, I’m proud of you.

“I had to go home after last week and I had to do some reflecting. I’m going to get in this ring if it’s okay. Listen, obviously frustration boiled over when you lost the tag team championships. We said some things that I don’t think either of us meant.

“I don’t want to fight you. I don’t want to wrestle you. I want to fix this. I want to go on another run but this time I want to take you to the promised land.

“At the end of the day we’re family, Jungle Boy, and I love you. You are like a son to me. Come back home.”

Jungle Boy took down Christian Cage and began to ground and pound him! Christian finally got away and then kicked Jungle Boy low! Christian Cage whipped Jungle Boy into the steel barricade and told him he hated his guts!

Jungle Boy grabbed Christian Cage’s arm, placed it on the steel ring steps, and then stomped on it!

Toni Storm vs. KiLynn King!

AEW Women’s Champion Thunder Rosa was watching on a monitor backstage.

King cradled Storm but Storm broke free. King used a side headlock takedown on Toni Storm.

Toni hit a dropkick on King, right on target! King came back with a knee strike. Outside the ring, King blocked a DDT from Toni and then rammed her into the steel guardrail!

Toni turned the table with a suplex to King. Toni Storm used a release German suplex on King and then followed up with the hip attack! Toni nailed King with the pendulum DDT and then scored the pin!

Main Event Time!

AEW Trios Championship Tournament Quarter-Finals Match!

La Faccion Ingobernable—Andrade El Idolo (with Jose the Assistant), Rush, & Dragon Lee


The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson—and…Kenny Omega (with Don Callis)!

“Kenny Omega is back! This is massive!” said Taz.

Nick and Dragon Lee locked up. Dragon Lee used a shoulder tackle but then Nick chopped at Dragon Lee.

The Young Bucks used tandem offense on Dragon Lee, Andrade El Idolo and Rush!

Kenny Omega tagged in and hammered punches down on Dragon Lee. The Bucks used a twisting neck breaker on Dragon Lee.

“They’re cutting the ring off. This is great tag team strategy,” said Don Callis.

Jose the Assistant jumped onto the ring apron and while the ref was dealing with Jose, Rush and Andrade hit Kenny from behind. Andrade continued to work over Kenny. Rush tagged in and dropkicked Kenny.

Nick Jackson tagged in and cleaned house on La Faccion Ingobernable! Kenny and the Bucks hit a triple vertical on La Faccion Ingobernable!

The momentum shifted as La Faccion Ingobernable began to triple team Matt Jackson. Kenny tagged in and dragon suplexed all three of La Faccion!

Matt Jackson powerbombed Dragon Lee into the corner while Matt and Kenny superkicked Dragon Lee! They hit Dragon Lee with a superkick party in the center of the ring!

Jose grabbed Kenny’s leg and then Kenny was pulled out of the ring by Rush and Andrade! Rush and Andrade placed Kenny on the guardrail while Dragon Lee rocketed at him with a tope suicida!

The fans were chanting “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Andrade connected with a moonsault to Kenny for a near fall. Andrade planted Omega with the hammer lock DDT. Matt Jackson pushed Rush on top of Andrade, breaking up the pin attempt.

Kenny creamed Dragon Lee with a nasty knee strike! Kenny followed up with the V-Trigger to Dragon Lee! Omega smashed Dragon Lee with the One-Winged Angel and pinned him!

The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega have advanced in the tournament!

After the match, Andrade attacked Dragon Lee!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Wolstein Center in Cleveland, OH featuring AEW World Champion CM Punk vs. AEW Interim World Champion Jon Moxley in a unification match!

This Friday tune in to RAMPAGE on TNT at 10pm ET!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


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