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AEW Dynamite Results for July 6, 2022


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Blue Cross Arena at the War Memorial in Rochester, NY!

Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

TNT Championship Street Fight!

Champ Scorpio Sky (with “All Ego” Ethan Page & American Top Team’s Dan Lambert and ATT members) vs. Wardlow!

Sky evaded Wardlow and blasted Wardlow with body shots. Wardlow fired back with a massive shoulder tackle, taking the champion off his feet. Scorpio Sky connected with a low blow on Wardlow.

An angered Wardlow hurled Scorpio Sky across the ring! Wardlow followed Scorpio Sky outside the ring. Lambert placed a hand on the back of Wardlow. Wardlow turned around but members of American Top Team were there to block him from getting to Lambert. Wardlow was rammed into the steel ring steps.

Wardlow took to the skies with a swanton bomb onto Scorpio Sky! Wardlow was about to powerbomb Scorpio Sky when Lambert ordered the members of ATT to jump into the ring and stop Wardlow. Wardlow quickly dispatched of the ATT members. As Wardlow was busy with ATT, Scorpio Sky nailed Wardlow with the TNT title.

Wardlow retaliated with a spinebuster. Wardlow powerbombed Scorpio Sky! Wardlow powerbombed the champion again, and then again! Wardlow placed his foot on Scorpio Sky and pinned him!

“For the second time the TNT Championship changes hands in Rochester, New York, and this time it is Mr. Mayhem, Wardlow, your new TNT Champion,” said Excalibur.

“Smart” Mark Sterling was backstage with Tony Nese trying to get Swerve Strickland removed from the roster for being a snake. Keith Lee refused to sign the petition because he said Strickland is still his partner.

We heard from Christian Cage & Luchasaurus!

Christian Cage: “So here we are on the heels of Blood & Guts and I am the “Cage” that everybody is talking about. You ignorant people are demanding answers, wanting to know why Luchasaurus decided to remain aligned with me.”

Matt Hardy’s music began to play and Matt walked out onto the ramp!

Hardy: “Christian Cage, you are unreal. I’ll be honest, Jungle Boy was my friend. Jungle Boy trusted you. He respected you. And you screwed him over. He didn’t deserve that.”

Christian Cage: “You’re going to sit here and pretend all of a sudden you’re buddy-buddy with Jungle Boy. You’re starting to make your brother sound like the sober one.”

Hardy: “I see what you’re doing with Luchasaurus. You want to use him to make as much big money as you can. Hey, I’m not going to be a hypocrite. I did the same with Private Party and Butcher and the Blade, and I regret that. And the last month of my life has been a mess, but I’m out here right now to make sure no one else gets taken advantage of.”

Christian Cage: “You’re out here because you’re a clout chaser, Matt Hardy. You’ll use your kids, your wife, your father-in-law, you’ll even turn a blind eye to your brother just so you can have one last run. I am the hottest, most influential star in AEW, and you just wanted to be near me. Your brother isn’t even the most embarrassing thing to your family—you are!”

Luchasaurus began to assault Matt Hardy, throwing him into the steel ring steps! Matt Hardy tried to fight back but Luchasaurus booted Hardy’s head which was sandwiched against the ring post. Luchasaurus choke slammed Matt Hardy through the time keeper’s table!

Tony Schiavone was backstage with Jake Hager and Claudio Castagnoli.

Hager: “Deep down inside, Claudio knows he’s not as tough as I am. He’s never been a world champion and he won’t be one here in AEW.”

Claudio: “My team beat your team at Blood & Guts. Next week I’m going to go three and zero against you.”

The Butcher & The Blade (with The Bunny)


“Limitless” Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland!

“This is a very high stakes match up here in the tag team division,” said Excalibur.

Keith Lee and the Blade began the match for their respective teams. The Blade slapped Keith Lee but Lee headbutted Blade. Butcher tagged in and Keith Lee sent the Butcher crashing off the top rope to the mat! The Butcher tried to grab a chair to use but the Blade talked him out of it, knowing they need this win to advance up the tag team division ranks.

Swerve tripped up the Blade. Keith Lee tagged in and he and Swerve used tandem offense on Blade. Things broke down outside the ring as Swerve’s leg was swept out by Blade, as Swerve was pursuing the Butcher.

Strickland flatlined the Butcher. Keith Lee hoisted up the Butcher for combination offense. Keith Lee went to shoulder block the Blade but inadvertently connected with Swerve. The Butcher and the Blade took advantage of the miscue with double maneuvers of their own!

Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland managed to pull things together, as Lee held Blade and then Swerve jumped, landing on top of Blade and pinning him!

Powerhouse Hobbs and “Absolute” Ricky Starks stormed out with a microphone! Hobbs said he was tired of being disrespected.

Starks: “You two want to act like you’re somebody. You two are not on our level. You are several levels below us. Here’s the deal. You want to talk about who the best tag team is?”

AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks walked out onto the ramp!

Matt Jackson: “Hey guys, great match! This tag division is on fire. Everyone is eating well. But let us not forget who set the damn table in the first place.”

Nick Jackson: “You two teams are very good. At DOUBLE OR NOTHING, you two had a hell of a match. Four and a half stars. You couldn’t get the job done, though. Jurassic Express beat you, and guess who beat them?”

Matt Jackson: “How about next week, a three-way tag team title match?

Up next: Eddie Kingston was interviewed in the ring by Tony Schiavone!

Kingston: “Before we get to Jericho…Wardlow, congratulations. And congratulations to everybody on the team who won Blood & Guts, even you Claudio.

“Chris Jericho, you made me a liar. I didn’t taste your blood. You didn’t bleed.”

“The Wizard’ Chris Jericho was backstage with the Jericho Appreciation Society.

Jericho: “Kingston, you want to taste my blood? Let me show you how crazy I can get!”

Tay Conti slammed the door of an SUV on Ruby Soho! Jericho and the JAS ran off!

The Dark Order came out to the ring!

The fans chanted “Brodie! Brodie! Brodie!”

John Silver: “The Dark Order is in Rochester and Rochester is Dark Order country!”

Evil Uno: “We have very important news and it’s important that all of you hear it. I want to thank all of you for showing up and supporting us. The six of us are here to stay! Dark Order is forever! We begin a new chapter and a new chapter begins with a proclamation.”

Negative One took the microphone but was interrupted by QT Marshall!

Marshall: “I get it, your dad is from Rochester. Your dad is a legend but you take after your mother. I didn’t bring my friends out here Negative One. So let’s face each other man to man.”

“Hangman” Adam Page’s music hit and Page walked to send QT into the ring. The Dark Order whooped QT Marshall!

Negative One: “QT, I would pin you right now, but I’m going wait until I’m 18.”

“Wow, Negative One putting QT on notice,” said Excalibur.

Jim Ross joined the broadcast team for the second hour of DYNAMITE!

Penta Oscuro (with Alex Abrahantes & Rey Fenix) vs. Rush (with Andrade El Idolo & Jose the Assistant)!

“This is a rivalry that dates back over five years, but this is their first one-on-one match up in AEW,” said Excalibur.

Rush and Penta Oscuro traded chops with one another. Penta blasted Rush with a thrust kick! Outside the ring, Penta Oscuro used an arm drag to take down Rush.

Back in the ring, Rush nailed Penta Oscuro with an elbow strike. Rush tried to rip off Penta Oscuro’s mask, but Penta countered with a sling blade clothesline! Penta Oscuro followed up with a tope con hiro! Alex Abrahantes speared Jose to prevent Jose from hitting Penta Oscuro with the tablet!

Rush ducked a forearm from Penta Oscuro and followed up with a German Suplex and then a powerslam for a near fall! Penta Oscuro fired back with a backstabber for a two-count!

Rush and Penta Oscuro smacked each other with headbutts! Rush hit Penta with a leaping knee strike and both men went down!

“This is breaking down between these two longtime enemies,” said Excalibur.

Rush climbed to the top turnbuckle and connected with a missile dropkick!

“Rush looks like he got shot out of a cannon. That was a beautiful missile dropkick,” said Taz.

Rush splashed Penta with a senton from the top. Penta came back with a cutter to Rush! Penta Oscuro drilled Rush with the Fear Factor. Andrade El Idolo grabbed Rush’s foot and put it on the ropes to stop the pin. As the ref was distracted by Andrade, La Faccion Ingobernable’s Rush used a cheap low blow on Penta Oscuro and then pinned Penta!

Backstage, Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt, and Jay Lethal were celebrating.

Lethal was ecstatic that ROH World Champion Samoa Joe agreed to face him at Ring Of Honor’s Death Before Dishonor on July 23rd on pay-per-view!

“Smart” Mark Sterling was backstage with Tony Nese. They approached Orange Cassidy and the Best Friends. Sterling said Orange Cassidy’s signature was the last one they needed to remove Swerve Strickland from the roster.

Cassidy said he wouldn’t do anything without his lawyer present. Danhausen appeared and acted as the lawyer. Cassidy agreed to a match with Nese this Friday on RAMPAGE!

The Acclaimed—Max Caster & Anthony Bowens, & the Gunn Club—Austin & Colten Gunn


Fuego Del Sol & Ruffin It—Leon Ruffin, Bear Bronson, & Bear Boulder!

Colten stomped a mudhole into Fuego in the corner. Bowens tagged himself in. Fuego rocked Bowens with a DDT!

Bear Bronson ran through the Gunn Club! Bear planted Austin for a near fall. Max hit the mic drop but Austin tagged himself in and stole the pin on Bear!

The Gunn Club and the Acclaimed began to argue. The Gunn Club traded hands with the Acclaimed. Billy Gunn blindsided Caster and Bowens!

“The Gunn family united here against the Acclaimed,” said Excalibur.

Miro was backstage with words for Malakai Black!

Miro: “Malakai Black…you collect the weak. I dispose of them. Don’t you understand you have enraged a man who is flawless. ‘The Redeemer’ is coming…enraged!”

Thunderstorm—AEW Women’s World Champion Thunder Rosa & Toni Storm


“The Native Beast” Nyla Rose & “The Problem” Marina Shafir!

Marina and Nyla went after Thunderstorm before the bell rang! Toni took down Marina with a drop toehold.

Thunder Rosa tagged in and connected with body shots to Marina. Toni assisted Thunder Rosa with a dropkick on Marina Shafir for a near fall.

Toni Storm suplexed Marina Shafir, as Thunderstorm singled out Shafir. Thunder Rosa and Marina Shafir began to chain wrestle. Toni tagged back in and used a hip attack on Marina. Toni Storm ran into the ropes but Nyla nailed her with an umbrella in the back while ref Rick Knox was dealing with Thunder Rosa.

Thunder Rosa was able to get the tag and she used a drop toehold on Nyla, baiting her in. Thunder Rosa blasted Nyla in the jaw with a running dropkick. She tried again but Nyla blocked it and then tagged in Marina.

Marina sent Thunder Rosa for a ride with a pump handle slam. Toni Storm came in and rammed Marina with the running hip attack! Thunderstorm spiked Marina with a piledriver combo for the pin!

Tony Schiavone was backstage with the TBS Champion Jade Cargill and the Baddies.

Stokely Hathaway brought out interim baddie Leila Grey.

Jade: “Stokely, if she doesn’t deliver, then that’s your ass.”

Backstage, Tony Schiavone interviewed Daniel Garcia.

Garcia said he’d see Wheeler Yuta at DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR and he’d be challenging for Yuta’s Pure title!

ROH World Tag Team Champions FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood challenged the Briscoes to a rematch at DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR!

AEW Interim World Championship Match!

Blackpool Combat Club’s Jon Moxley (c.) vs. House of Black’s Brody King!

William Regal joined the commentary team for the main event.

Brody King backed Moxley into the corner and chopped him, a single strike sending Mox to his knees. Moxley got right back up and fired off forearms to Brody King’s face!

Brody King pursued Moxley on the arena floor. Brody King charged at Moxley but Moxley dodged him. King crashed into the steel ring steps. Brody King backdropped Moxley onto the ramp!

Back in the ring, Moxley took the challenger off his feet with a dragon screw leg whip. Moxley continued to work over Brody King’s leg. King finally got back on his feet and used the Bossman Slam on Moxley.

Brody King picked up Moxley but Moxley escaped. Brody King charged at Moxley with a cannonball senton into the corner but Moxley moved out of the way! Moxley hoisted King onto the top rope and then clawed his fingernails into King. Mox superplexed Brody King and then applied the bulldog choke but Brody powered out.

Moxley stomped on Brody King’s head. Mox ate a lariat from Brody King and then the challenger followed up with a piledriver for a near fall!

“How much does Mox have left in his tank?” wondered Jim Ross.

Brody, standing on the turnbuckles, pulled Moxley right off the mat with a choke. Brody followed up with a cannon ball senton in the corner and this time it met its target!

Mox avoided a splash in the corner. Moxley blasted Brody with the Paradigm Shift! Moxley dropped hammer and anvil elbows on Brody King! Moxley put a chokehold on Brody but Brody sat back and smashed all his weight on Moxley! Moxley held on with his bulldog choke and ref Paul Turner had no choice but to stop the match as Brody King could not continue!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Fyter Fest Night 1 on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Enmarket Arena in Savannah, GA!

This Friday tune in to RAMPAGE on TNT at 10pm ET!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


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