AEW Dynamite Results for June 26, 2024



Welcome to FORBIDDEN DOOR week! AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live on TBS from the KeyBank Arena in Buffalo, NY!


Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.


It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!


Kicking off tonight’s show—ahead of his match this Sunday against CMLL’s Hechicero at FORBIDDEN DOOR on pay-per-view—we heard from MJF!


MJF: “Cut my music, cut my music! Buffalo, NY—”


Daniel Garcia’s music began to play!


“Speaking of Buffalo, sounds like the hometown man is out here,” said Taz.


Daniel Garcia walked to the ring and got a thunderous hometown ovation!


“Guys, I like this timing by Daniel Garcia. MJF just said a few words and Garcia is going to upstage him here. There’s nothing wrong with that in Buffalo,” said Tony Schiavone.


MJF: “Danny, I’m glad these people love you but tread lightly.”


Daniel Garcia: “Max the first thing I want to do is thank you for saving me next week, ok? And you got involved in my business. But since we’re out here in Buffalo, New York, everything here is my business. Max, I don’t know why you’re out here. I assume it’s to say some bad stuff about the city that I’m from and maybe since I interrupted you, you’re going to say some bad things about me or about my family sitting in the front row there.


“But first let me tell you why I’m out here, and that’s to do something that nobody in the back has been willing to do to you before. I’m going to say nice things about MJF!”


MJF: “Go on!”


Daniel Garcia: “Max, nine months ago I wasn’t doing a whole lot here, I was sitting in the back, but I was watching you every single week. You were the longest reigning, youngest AEW World Champion of all time, main eventing arenas all over the country and making history. But you came up to me in the back and had a conversation with me that lit a fire underneath me. You told me that you saw me more than just being a lackey. You saw me more than just being a background character. You saw me the same way you saw yourself, and that is a pillar of AEW.


“And you talked to Tony Khan, and he said if I got enough wins, that I could challenge you for your World title. But the thing is when I did challenge you for your World title, it was one of the most embarrassing moments of my entire life. But you know, it wasn’t all bad. Because that loss motivated me more than I could have ever imagined. That loss led me to go on the run of a lifetime and going on to the biggest moments this company has ever seen.


“It motivated me to the point that now I’m someone these people can respect. I’m someone that these people can believe in. And now I’m contemplating why settle for being the pillar when I can be the backbone and the very foundation that the future of AEW is built on. And Max for that I want to thank you.But I want you to know that if you talk s—t now, you’re going to look two-faced and you’re going to have the whole city of Buffalo coming at you tonight.”


MJF: “Okay, hold on, first off, MJF, two-faced? What? Ok, maybe just a little bit. But I came out to shill that I’ll be facing Hechicero at Forbidden Door. Reason number two, before I was so rudely interrupted, I was actually going to come out here and ask you a question, Danny. But before I get to that question, I’ve only got one thing to say to you: thank you.


“No one has ever publicly talked about the nice things I do behind the scenes here in AEW. Some people are very jealous of me in the back, let’s be honest. All those guys think they deserve my spot but none of them are talented enough to beat me and take it. However, I know one guy who is getting closer and closer.


“Danny let’s get something straight. I didn’t give you a title shot against me out of pity, or because you’re a second or third generation superstar, I didn’t give it to you because you had some friend in a high place, or because you made your name elsewhere, jumped in my company, and expected a hand out just because. I gave it to you because unlike everybody else, you earned it!”


“Danny, you remind me a whole lot of me. Two tough, cocky kids from New York. Every morning guys like us, we’ve gotta splash water in our face, look in the mirror and say it’s not about the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog! And these two New York pit bulls got a whole lot of bark and a whole lot of bite!


“But full transparency here, when I gave you that opportunity to take my spot at the top of the mountain here in AEW, I whooped you without breaking a sweat. However, since then you have grown exponentially. You have ascended the ladder here in AEW rung by rung by busting your ass. You didn’t run from the grind, you are the grind.


“So, it got me thinking, Danny boy, maybe you got one more shot at the king. But not just any shot. So, here’s what I’m thinking and here’s the big question I want to ask you tonight. So, here’s my pitch, Dan. Daniel Garcia versus MJF at WembleyStadium, All In! What do you say, Danny?”


Garcia: “That is huge!”


AEW International Champion Will Ospreay came to the ring!


Ospreay: “Hey Buffalo, I don’t mean to interrupt, I just want to come out here and say I appreciate your homeboy, Danny Garcia. This guy has made it publicly known that he wants a shot at the AEW International Champion, and I love the way you’ve been doing it. Because you’ve been racking up win after win after win.


“I appreciate you letting me get Forbidden Door out of the way, and for all your hard work, next week, you’ve got it, AEW International Championship, Danny Garcia against Will Ospreay. But how about I sweeten the deal for you? How about not only will this belt be on the line, how about I put the World Championship on the line as well, bruv? Danny, what do you say we give these people the feeling?”


Garcia: “Next week, Chicago, Ospreay versus Garcia for all the gold, let’s get it!”


“MJF doesn’t look too happy with Ospreay here,” said Taz.


“MJF has been completely upstaged here,” replied Schiavone.


“And that is not a feeling that MJF is very familiar with,” added Excalibur.


Garcia: “Max, about your—”


MJF: “Danny, that is a massive opportunity for you. You need to focus on that. I’m really proud of you, man. Best of luck.”


“Garcia can now turn his attention to one week from tonight, Dynamite: Beach Break in Chicago, where Garcia has the opportunity not only to become the AEW International Champion, but the AEW World Champion if Will Ospreay is successful this Sunday at Forbidden Door,” said Excalibur.


AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana were seen watching the segment backstage, smirking.


Swerve: “Will, man, why you already offering title opportunities before you had your match at Forbidden Door, bro? It’s just like you, man, put the cart before the horse. I don’t get you. You don’t have the strength to carry the weight of two worlds on your shoulder. But you better have your head on straight tonight in the main event.”


Trios Match!

Blackpool Combat Club’s IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, & ROH PURE Champion Wheeler Yuta


Los Ingobernables De Japon’s Shingo Takagi, Titan, & Hiromu Takahashi!


“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson was on commentary for this match.


Claudio hit Takagi with a shoulder tackle and then dropped into a side headlock. Shingo cracked Claudio with elbow strikes, but Claudio countered with a back elbow. Shingo hip tossed Claudio out of the corner.


Yuta tagged in, as did Takahashi. Hiromu charged in with a lariat in the corner to Wheeler. Titan grabbed a tag and connected with a big cross body and then a dropkick. Titan followed up with a tope suicida to Wheeler Yuta.


Titan dropkicked Claudio’s ankle and then stomped him. Moxley intercepted Titan from making a tag. Titan rocked Mox with a heel kick. Titan tagged Takagi and Takagi served up forearms to Moxley. Takagi tried for a double lariat on Claudio and Moxley, but they absorbed it until Shingo quickly followed up with a faceplant and a DDT to the BCC members, a rare misstep for them.


“Two for one there!” said Excalibur.


Shingo and Moxley exchanged forearms in the center of the ring. Moxley dropped Shingo with a lariat, but Shingo got right back to his feet and blasted Moxley with an explosive lariat of his own!


“How often do you see that, someone out striking Jon Moxley,” said Bryan Danielson.


Wheeler Yuta hurled Hiromu with a drop step German Suplex! Hiromu retaliated with a Death Valley Driver for a near fall on Yuta! Moxley was standing on the apron and Hiromu stunned him with a thrust kick. Moxley jumped into the ring with a steel chair and walloped Hiromu in the back with it! The referee threw the match out! Things broke down as both teams began to brawl!


“This is just coming completely unglued,” said Excalibur.


Tetsuya Naito, who will be facing Jon Moxley this Sunday at Forbidden Door, walked onto the ramp! Moxley charged up the ramp and he and Naito threw bombs at one another ahead of Forbidden Door this Sunday! Shingo and Yuta battled it out on the floor.


Shingo rained down hammer and anvil blows on Wheeler Yuta until Danielson sprinted to the ring to come to the aid of Yuta. Danielson and Takagi had a stare down ahead of their match in the Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Quarterfinal this Sunday at Forbidden Door!


The Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Quarterfinal!

Unified World Trios Champion “Switchblade” Jay White(with The Gunns & Juice Robinson)


Rey Fenix (with Alex Abrahantes & Penta El Zero Miedo)!


Before the match began, the referee ejected everyone from ringside.


Jay White went after Rey Fenix’s midsection. Rey Fenix took Jay down with a flying head scissors. Rey Fenix jumped off the top rope and used a high velocity arm drag on Jay White. Rey Fenix followed up with a tope to Jay White outside the ring! Jay White nailed Rey Fenix with a neck breaker for a near fall.


Rey Fenix ran the top rope and punted Switchblade with a kick. Fenix followed up with a big frog splash for a near fall! Rey Fenix rolled through into a hurracanrana, but Jay White kicked out of the count.


Jay White intercepted a thrust kick and spiked Rey Fenix with a DDT on the crown of his head. Jay White drilled Rey Fenix with a brain buster for a near fall. Rey Fenix countered a dragon suplex with a roll up for a two-count on Jay White.


“You can feel the intensity of both of these athletes and how important it is to advance in this Quarterfinal match,” said Taz.


Jay White was looking for the Blade Runner, but Rey Fenix countered with a roll up for a near fall. Rey Fenix tried for a belly to belly piledriver, but Jay White escaped and blasted Rey Fenix with the Blade Runner! Jay White covered Rey Fenix and pinned him, advancing to the next round!


The Bang Bang Gang came back out to celebrate with “Switchblade” Jay White.


Christian Cage and the Patriarchy walked down to the ring! The Bang Bang Gang invited them into the ring, but the Patriarchy stopped short and stayed outside. Christian Cage smiled, putting them on notice, and then walked away with Mother Wayne.


EVPs Matthew and Nicholas Jackson—the AEW World Tag Team Champions—were backstage!


Nicholas: “Last week, the Acclaimed, I was angry, and you took advantage of us! And you won that match. Guess what? When those titles are actually on the line, the results are going to be a little bit different.”


Matthew: “That’s alright, Nick, because we’re still the AEW World Tag Team Champions, and Okada, ‘The Rainmaker’, is still the Continental Champion, right? After Forbidden Door, you’re going to have a new TNT Champion and his name is ‘The Scapegoat’ Jack Perry. But we have even bigger plans. Here’s some breaking news for you. Next week, the Elite have decided to insert our very own wild card into the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament.


“What does that mean? He’s going to run through the entire tournament, get a shot at the World Title, and then bring the championship to the Elite where it belongs. And then we’ll have all the power, and we’ll also have all the gold. Let’s keep changing the world, baby.”


Up next: The number one contenders, The Acclaimed—Anthony Bowens and Max Caster, and Daddy Ass, came to the ring!


Caster: “Yo! Yo! Listen! Last week, the Acclaimed fought the Young Bucks right here in this very ring, and the result surprised nobody because the people’s choice pinned the World Tag Team Champions and earned themselves a title shot.


“And Young Bucks, we exposed you guys for the self-importantEVPs that you are, and we proved you can’t run the company right, and you can’t run from a fight. Because we’re getting those titles back, and that’s a mic drop!”


Bowens: “That’s right, and all we have to do is beat the two of you, Young Bucks, one more time. And Nick, I heard what you said, cheating, but don’t make excuses, because next time you will have none.


“Max and I have been strategizing to see when the best time will be to issue the challenge, and when we do, you’re going to be looking at the new two-time AEW Tag Team Champions, because everybody loves the Acclaimed!”


AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks and AEW Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada walked onto the ramp!


Okada: “Wait, wait, wait! Hey, scissor me, bitch!”


Matthew: “Thank you for that, Rainmaker. Now the first item on the agenda, how about have some respect you people.”


Nicholas: “We’re out here on official business. At Forbidden Door, the three of us challenge the three of you pricks! How about that?”


Daddy Ass: “Hold on, I’ve got something to say, because I have no idea what you were saying because all these people think you guys suck. As much as I’d like to come down there and kick the crap out of the three of you by myself, I have something better. I know how to deal with EVPs. I’m kind of a big deal. I have people in high places. And I happen to know a president.”


Daddy Ass pointed to the screen!


A video played of Hiroshi Tanahashi—the President of New Japan Pro Wrestling—with a message for Okada!


Tanahashi: “I’m coming to open the Forbidden Door to fight you and the Elite. Scissor Ace is coming!”


Renee Paquette was backstage with the Conglomeration—ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly, and Orange Cassidy!


Mark Briscoe said he was pumped for the Ladder Match for the TNT Title at Forbidden Door this Sunday! “I’ve got two shoulders but only one title, so I need the TNT Title to add to my collection,” said Briscoe. Mark said Kyle was going to whoop Zack Sabre Jr. tonight, and then Orange will whoop Zack on Sunday at Forbidden Door!


Trios Match!

Saraya, Anna Jay, & Harley Cameron


AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm, Mariah May,

& Mina Shirakawa!


Mina used a leg sweep on Anna Jay and then kicked her in the spine. Mina ducked a punch from Anna Jay. Mina tagged Mariah May instead of Toni Storm. Mina and Mariah sandwiched Anna Jay with a double dropkick.


Harley Cameron came in and hammered Mariah with elbow strikes. Mariah spun Harley around and planted her. Mariah was torn about whom to tag in.


“It’s pick ‘em time now, Mariah,” said Taz.


Anna Jay swept Toni off the apron, and Saraya grabbed Mina, ramming her into the guardrail. Harley Cameron whipped Mariah into the ropes and then knocked her down with a back elbow. Saraya and Toni tagged in. Toni rattled Saraya with a German Suplex and then a running hip attack. Mina tagged herself in. Saraya made the escape and tagged Harley.


Harley hit a backstabber on Mina for a near fall. Mariah May ran in to make the save. Toni Storm jumped on Anna Jay, grounding and pounding her with a series of punches. Saraya ran in and blindsided Toni. Mina cracked Saraya with a spinning back fist. Mina smashed Harley with a spinning back fist and then pinned Harley after a driver!


Mariah May offered glasses of champagne to Toni and Mina. The champion and the challenger toasted ahead of Forbidden Door this Sunday. Toni began to dance with Mariah May.


Mina was jealous by the sight and grabbed the champagne bottle. Mina went to smack Toni with the champagne bottle, but Toni ducked! Mina inadvertently smashed the bottle over Mariah’s head! Mina and Toni had to be separated by the referees, with ref Aubrey Edwards telling them to save it for Sunday!


TBS Championship Match “The CEO” Mercedes Moné was backstage with strong words for NJPW Strong Women’s Champion Stephanie Vaquer ahead of Forbidden Door!


Mercedes: “Stephanie, I flew all the way to Mexico to watch your title match. And here I am at Dynamite but where are you? You must still be salty after I kicked your ass and held both titles high above my head. And that’s exactly what’s going to happen at Forbidden Door. Because I told you there’s a price to pay when you mess with Moné.


“I heard you have a match this Saturday at Collision. I guess the TBS Champion will have to make her way to TNT and sit ringside just for your match. So, enjoy your final days as the New Japan Strong Women’s Champion because this Sunday I’m going to right my final wrong, and then two-belts Moné, she changes everything.”


FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho came to the ring with “The Redwood” Big Bill and “The Bad Apple” Bryan Keith!


Big Bill: “Samoa Joe, Hook, Shibata, look what you did at our Bad Apple. You took him out and then you have the nerve to challenge us to a six-man tag knowing that we no longer have our third man available. But in the wise words of the Learning Tree, Chris Jericho, when one door closes, another door, perhaps a Forbidden Door, opens.”


Jericho: “Hi, guys. Listen, everybody that knows me, knows that I’m in AEW for one reason and one reason only. I’m just here for the young guys. And that’s why I bring so many of them into the Jericho Vortex, including the Redwood and the Bad Apple.That’s why it’s not fair that Samoa Joe, Hook, and Shibata hurt the Bad Apple.


“But Samoa Joke, the joke is on you, because we found another partner. He’s one of the toughest men that I ever met in my time in Japan. We’ve got a video from this guy, but we haven’t watched it yet because I wanted to share it with all of you and watch it for the first time together. So, Samoa Joe, Hook, and Shibata, you’re going to learn a hard lesson from the Learning Tree. So here he is, a fellow Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Famer just like me. Here’s our partner for the Forbidden Door—Minoru Suzuki!”


Suzuki: “Jericho, I understand why you want me to be your partner at Forbidden Door. But you are mistaken about one thing. I don’t want to wrestle by your side. I want to wrestle you one-on-one. Are you trying to avoid me because you are scared? You’re not chickening out, are you? I hate your soft way of thinking now. The Learning Tree? What is that? I want nothing to do with anything like that! I will not be your partner. Instead, you put your FTW Title on the line, and you wrestle me! Thank you, guys, see you soon!”


Bryan Keith: “Chris Jericho ain’t no chicken!”


Samoa Joe, Hook, and Shibata walked down the ramp!


Samoa Joe: “Well, isn’t this awkward. You came to Buffalo, New York, looking for a savior, and yet you have struck out again. Jericho, you see, what we’ve learned tonight is that the Learning Tree is like the Jericho Family Tree. It doesn’t have enough branches.


“So, Chris, we are students of the game and we have watched all the Learning Tree segments to learn as much as we can about our opponents. Shibata sums it up better than anybody.”


Shibata (via smartphone translator): “Oh brother, this guy sucks.”


Jericho slapped Samoa Joe in the face! Samoa Joe headbutted Jericho. Shibata and Hook swarmed Big Bill! Jericho, Big Bill, and Bryan Keith were sent packing!


Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Kyle O’Reilly!


“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy joined the broadcast booth for this match.


Roderick Strong and Gabe Kidd sat in the front row, with Matt Taven and Mike Bennett.


Sabre and Kyle chain wrestled to start the match. Kyle went for an arm bar, but Zack escaped very quickly. Sabre applied a head scissor counter. Kyle escaped and kicked Zack in the spine.Sabre went after Kyle’s neck and then stomped on Kyle’s arm.


Kyle escaped the flying octopus and then caught Sabre with a round kick to the hamstring. Kyle swept out Sabre’s legs.


The fans chanted “This is wrestling! This is wrestling!”


Kyle clobbered Sabre with a knee to the chest. Kyle suplexed Sabre and went for an arm lock. Sabre escaped and went after Kyle’s ankle. Kyle planted Sabre with a suplex. Kyle stunned Sabre with a rolling elbow strike.


Sabre shot in for a double leg takedown, but Kyle caught him with a knee strike. Kyle and Sabre traded open hand strikes. Sabre went for the flying cross arm breaker, pulled back, and Kyle was forced to tap out!


A disagreement between Roderick Strong and Gabe Kidd seemed to develop at ringside. Orange Cassidy went to the ring to check on Kyle. Roderick Strong and the Undisputed Kingdom jumped into the ring to help Kyle, shoving Orange out of the way. Orange and Sabre had a stare down! TMDK—Shane Haste and Robbie Eagles— ran down and jumped into the ring, but Sabre held them back.


Tomohiro Ishii, the “Stone Pitbull” walked past TMDK and stood by Orange’s side! Robbie Eagles shoved Orange and Orange lunged forward, but Ishii held Orange back.


“What is going on here?” asked Excalibur.


“There’s a lot going on here,” replied Taz.


“Not all of Orange’s friends have abandoned him, though, and this Sunday it’ll be Sabre against Cassidy at Forbidden Door this Sunday on pay-per-view,” added Excalibur.


AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana)

& AEW International Champion “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay


Gates of Agony—Toa Liona & Bishop Kaun!


Ospreay used an inverted monkey flip on Bishop Kaun. Will followed up with a springboard elbow strike to Bishop Kaun. Ospreay nailed Kaun with a standing moonsault press. Toa took advantage of a moment of miscommunication between Swerve and Will and hammered them with a double clothesline.


Swerve went for the tag, but Kaun swept Will off the apron. The Gates used tandem offense to plant Swerve. Bishop inadvertently dropkicked Toa when Swerve moved out of the way. Swerve blasted Bishop with a brain buster!


Will tagged in and hit the standing shooting star press on Bishop for a near fall. Kaun jumped to the top and crushed Will with an avalanche jack hammer. Bishop Kaun went for the cover on Will, but Swerve jumped in to break it up. Swerve smashed Toa with the Swerve Stomp to the arena floor! Will stunned Bishop with the Spanish Fly for a near fall!


Ospreay was thinking about using the Tiger Driver on Bishop, a move he vowed to retire. He lifted Kaun up, perhaps for the Storm Breaker, but Kaun escaped. Will tried for a thrust kick on Kaun but Kaun moved. Will inadvertently kicked Swerve! Toa Liona bulldozed Will Ospreay with a running shoulder block!


Ospreay jumped on Toa’s shoulders. Swerve kicked Toa, and Will used the momentum to take down Toa with a reverse hurracanrana. Will spiked Toa with the Os Cutter but Toa kicked out at the two-count! Swerve snapped Kaun’s arm back with his leg. Ospreay smashed Toa with the Hidden Blade and scored the pin!


“Neither man can afford any hesitation this Sunday at Forbidden Door in the AEW World Championship match,” said Excalibur.


Ospreay grabbed the World Title from Swerve, but Swerve rocked Ospreay with the House Call! Swerve picked up his World title and sneered down at a dazed Ospreay!


This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10/9c on TNT!


Don’t miss AEW COLLISION on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the KeyBank Arena in Buffalo, NY!


Catch the fallout from AEW FORBIDDEN DOOR 2024 during AEW DYNAMITE: Beach Break on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Wintrust Arena in Chicago, IL!


But first get ready for AEW: FORBIDDEN DOOR 2024, live on pay-per-view this Sunday, June 30th, from the UBS Arena in Long Island, NY!


Tickets On Sale Now! –


And remember… We are AEW—Where The Best Wrestle!