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AEW Rampage Results for January 7, 2022


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE emanated from the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

Excalibur, Taz, “Absolute” Ricky Starks, and Chris Jericho were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

Adam Cole #BayBay vs. Jake Atlas!

“Adam Cole is the top ranked wrestler here in AEW as of today,” noted Excalibur.

“Top ranked?” asked Chris Jericho.

“The number one contender,” replied Excalibur.

“I like the look of this Jake Atlas, and I like the reputation that this Jake Atlas brings to AEW,” added Jericho.

Cole had the wrist control but Atlas rolled through and ducked under to reverse it. Atlas brought Cole down with a headlock takeover. Atlas did a cartwheel to avoid the pump kick from Cole. Atlas intercepted a superkick from Cole. Both men had the same idea for superkicks, but they had a standoff instead.

Atlas chopped away at Adam Cole. He followed up with forearms in the corner. Cole shoved Atlas off the top turnbuckle and sent him crashing down hard on the arena floor.

“It looks like Atlas’ hip hit the edge of the apron there,” said Ricky Starks.

Cole met Atlas outside and rammed him into the steel ring post! Cole pulled Atlas into the ring and landed right hands onto the side of Atlas’ head. Atlas returned fire when he blasted Cole with a stiff rolling elbow! Atlas hit a springboard but Cole countered with a backstabber and then hit the double biceps pose!

“There’s a lot of Shawn Michaels in him. You can see it in the way he moves,” said Jericho of Adam Cole.

Jake Atlas battled back to his base and connected with a stellar hurracanrana on Cole! Jake kept the momentum with a beautiful baseball slide on Adam Cole #BayBay! Jake capped off the sequence with a tope suicida, which catapulted Cole into the barricade!

Atlas spring boarded with a shotgun dropkick at Cole for a near fall. Cole rallied back with a pump kick and then a wicked neck breaker!

“Give some credit right there to Jake Atlas for kicking out,” said Taz.

Atlas intercepted another kick from Cole and answered with a thrust kick of his own. Atlas rip corded Cole around. Cole came back with a brainbuster on the knee for a near fall!

“It looked vicious, right on the back of Atlas’ skull,” said Jericho.

Cole charged at Atlas but Atlas countered with a high running boot to Cole’s face! Atlas powerbombed Cole and almost scored the upset! Atlas attempted the springboard again but Cole superkicked Atlas in the knee!

“Atlas is holding his knee,” said Taz.

Cole was trying to go for the Panama Sunrise but Atlas collapsed to the mat. Cole improvised and grabbed a kneebar, forcing Atlas to tap out!

“Wow! Adam Cole proving how versatile he is, picking up the victory,” added Excalibur.

ReDRagon—Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly came out to the ring to congratulate Cole and celebrate.

“It looks like Jake Atlas has a real problem with that knee,” said Jericho.

Cole grabbed a mic. “Happy New Year, Jake Atlas, because in about one minute, congratulations, you earned another ass-whooping,” said Cole, as he and ReDRagon surrounded Atlas.

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy’s music hit!

Orange Cassidy walked out onto the ramp! Orange pulled a steel chain out of his jean pocket and wrapped it around his fist! Orange walked down to the ring and Chuck Taylor and Wheeler Yuta followed him! Adam Cole and ReDRagon retreated!

“Orange Cassidy has not forgotten what Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, and Kyle O’Reilly have done to him. Chuck Taylor and Wheeler Yuta have his back. Cassidy with the chain wrapped around his hand, but it looks like he’ll have to wait for revenge,” said Excalibur.

Excalibur announced that TNT Champion “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes has not been medically cleared to compete for Saturday night’s title defense against “Spanish God” Sammy Guevara at “Battle of the Belts.”

Stepping in to replace Cody will be his brother, “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes, to face Sammy Guevara to crown an interim TNT Champion!

Tony Schiavone was backstage to interview Andrade El Idolo (with Jose the Assistant)!

Schiavone asked why last week on RAMPAGE Andrade El Idolo distracted Sting and Darby Allin so The Acclaimed could attack them from behind.

Andrade El Idolo: “First, this problem is not with Mr. Sting. My question is why does this little kid work for Sting?”

Schiavone: “Darby Allin does not work for Sting. They are friends.”

Andrade El Idolo: “I’m so busy. And Jose too. We need a new assistant. So Mr. Sting, name your price for this little kid.”

Schiavone: “I’m sure Sting and Darby will not want to hear this at all.”

Hook vs. Aaron Solo (with QT Marshall)!

“Sometimes you catch lightning in a bottle in this business. Right now Hook is one of the most popular wrestlers here in AEW, and I’m sure Taz you couldn’t be prouder,” said Chris Jericho.

“I’m insanely proud. Sometimes it’s hard to talk out here,” replied Taz.

Hook entered the ring and turned his back to Aaron Solo. The bell rang and Hook walked to the center of the ring to face Aaron Solo. They began with a knuckle lock but Hook brought Solo up and over the top!

The entire arena began chanting Hook’s name!

Hook performed a standing switch and then an outside trip on Solo. Hook walloped Solo with massive body shots, followed up with headbutts! From outside the ring QT Marshall grabbed ahold of Hook’s ankle but Hook turned around. Solo hit a cheap shot on the distracted Hook!

Solo got a flurry of offense in but Hook countered with a Russian Leg Sweep and transitioned into a ground octopus hold! Solo pushed off the right heel and got a near fall on Hook.

Hook whacked Solo with a ridge hand chop to the side of Solo’s head! Hook followed up with the El Camino suplex. Solo came back with a jawbreaker to Hook.

Hook avoided a high roundhouse kick from Solo. Hook sent Solo flying with a shoulder capture suplex. Hook locked on the RedRum submission and earned the victory over Solo via tap out! Hook kept the RedRum locked on even after Solo submitted, sending a message.

The Factory’s QT Marshall jumped into the ring and confronted Hook! QT grabbed Hook by the arm and yelled at him, telling him not to walk away from him! Hook turned around and QT had second thoughts—he tried to blindside Hook but Hook was ready! Hook planted QT with the head and arm suplex!

“Hook is not messing around here in AEW. Undefeated so far!” said Chris Jericho.

From the broadcast booth, “Absolute” Ricky Starks announced he would be defending the FTW Championship tomorrow at “Battle of the Belts” against Matt Sydal!

Starks: “The reason I chose Matt Sydal is for you, Dante Martin. I’m going to prove a point. It took you three matches against Sydal but it’s going to take me one. And I want you to focus on Powerhouse Hobbs next week on DYNAMITE!”

AEW Women’s World Champion Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. & Jamie Hayter (with Rebel)


Riho & Ruby Soho!

Hayter and Baker began the match with a blindside beatdown on Riho! Ruby jumped into the ring to help her partner Riho.

“It looks like a Tokyo Tornado Match in there,” said Jericho, as all four wrestlers battled before the bell rang.

Soho delivered a right elbow shot to Hayter as the match was finally officially underway. Ruby tagged in Riho who clubbed Hayter with palm strikes. Ruby tagged in again and began to stomp Hayter in the corner. They continued to utilized quick tags to maximize their offense on Hayter.

Jamie Hayter shoved Ruby into Hayter’s corner and tagged in Britt Baker! Ruby was able to get the better of the exchange and then tagged in Riho. Ruby picked up Riho and dropped her on Baker with a combo senton for a near fall!

Britt Baker thumbed Ruby in the eyes and then smashed her with forearms. From the outside of the ring, Rebel grabbed Ruby’s leg, allowing for Britt to get the advantage with a double hook suplex.

Riho and Hayter tagged in for their respective teams. Riho launched herself at Hayter with an explosive dropkick! Britt jumped into the ring so she and Hayter could double team Riho but Riho took them both down!

“Riho launched herself off Baker and spiked Hayter and very nearly got the pin,” said Excalibur.

Riho climbed to the top turnbuckle, looking for the diving foot stomp on Hayter, but Britt shoved Riho! Baker blasted Riho with the ripcord elbow strike. Hayter was in position and nailed Riho with a back breaker. Baker followed through with a thrust kick for a near fall!

“What a combination assault,” said Excalibur.

Hayter attempted a delayed vertical suplex on Riho but Riho was able to land on her feet. Hayter inadvertently hit Baker with a forearm! Riho rolled up Hayter and pinned her!

“Dr. Britt Baker has still never defeated Riho in her career! Will that be the story tomorrow night at Battle of the Belts?” wondered Excalibur.

Main Event Time!

No DQ, No Rules, No Holds Barred Match!

Daniel Garcia & 2point0—Jeff Parker & Matt Lee


“Mad King” Eddie Kingston, Santana & Ortiz!

The fight began with the two teams brawling backstage! Kingston grabbed a garbage can and brought it into the ring. He nailed Garcia with it and then started choking Garcia with Kingston’s t-shirt. He continued to batter Garcia with the trash can.

Jeff Parker connected with a high boot on Ortiz outside the ring. Parker dropped Ortiz throat-first on the ringside barricade! Matt Lee sent Ortiz over the barricade! Santana came over to help his partner and took down Jeff Parker. Santana and Ortiz suplexed Jeff Parker onto the trash can!

Garcia tore at the ligaments of Kingston’s knee! Garcia manipulated the ankle of Kingston outside the ring! Ortiz and Santana pancaked Lee in the ring! Jeff Parker speared Santana! Garcia rolled up Ortiz with a handful of trunks for a near fall!

“It’s all legal, there’s no disqualification, no rules, no holds barred,” said Taz.

Ortiz rolled through with a clothesline and back elbows to Daniel Garcia. He dropped Garcia with a leg lariat. Kingston hobbled into the ring and sent Garcia soaring with an exploder suplex! Santana smashed Garcia with a frog splash for a near fall!

Matt Lee threw powder in the face of Santana and then DDT’ed him!

“This thing is wicked. It’s a rampage on RAMPAGE,” said Taz.

Matt Lee DDT’ed Ortiz this time. Daniel Garcia brought the time keeper’s ring bell into the ring! 2point0 hoisted up Kingston so Garcia could ram him with the ring bell!

“Eddie Kingston just got cracked in the skull by that ring bell,” said Excalibur.

Garcia went for the cover on Kingston but Kingston showed his fighting spirit and somehow managed to kick out! 2point0 and Daniel Garcia triple suplexed Kingston through the time keeper’s table!

Garcia ran and jumped off the ring steps at Santana, but Santana countered by swinging the steel chair at him! Santana smacked Jeff Parker with the chair!

“Santana is a man possessed,” said Excalibur.

Santana walloped Parker with the chair right across the spine! In the ring, Garcia and Ortiz traded forearms. Santana entered the ring and he and Ortiz used tandem offense on Garcia. Jeff Parker jumped in to aid Garcia. Santana swung at Parker with a discus lariat and pinned him!

“What a brutal main event here tonight,” said Excalibur.

After the bell, Garcia and Lee took out Ortiz and Kingston! They wrapped Kingston in the ropes with gaffer’s tape! Chris Jericho threw down his headset at the broadcast booth! Jericho ran down to chase off 2point0 and Garcia!

“Kingston’s not one of his guys but Jericho has had enough of 2point0 and Garcia! Jericho has not forgotten what 2point0 and Garcia did to him just six weeks ago,” said Excalibur.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE live on TBS next Wednesday from the PNC Arena in Raleigh, NC!

Don’t miss AEW RAMPAGE next Friday on TNT!

And join us tomorrow for an AEW special event—Saturday Fight Night: Battle of the Belts—live on TNT at 8/7c from the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, NC featuring:

-“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes vs. “Spanish God” Sammy Guevara to crown an interim TNT Champion!

-AEW Women’s World Champion Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. vs. Riho!

-FTW World Champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks vs. Matt Sydal!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


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