AEW Rampage Results for July 14, 2023


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the SaskTel Centre in Saskatoon, SK!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur, Chris Jericho and Tony Schiavone.

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

Naturally Limitless— “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes & “Limitless” Keith Lee


The Jericho Appreciation Society’s “Cool Hand” Angelo Parker & “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard!

Keith Lee blasted Angelo Parker with a double overhand chop. He scoop slammed Parker and Menard and then body slammed Dustin Rhodes onto them!

Dustin took down Menard and Parker with arm drags. Dustin spilled to the outside of the ring when Parker pulled the ropes down. Parker rammed Dustin into the guardrail. Angelo Parker charged at Rhodes in the corner and rammed him with a shoulder block.

Menard whipped Rhodes into the turnbuckles. Parker jumped off Menard’s back and dropped an elbow on Dustin Rhodes. Parker and Menard double teamed Rhodes, isolating him. Dustin fired back with a powerslam on Menard.

Keith Lee grabbed a tag and splashed Menard and Parker in the corner, over and over, like a runaway freight train! Keith Lee hoisted up Rhodes and hurled him at Menard and Parker, using his partner as a weapon.

Menard and Parker double DDT’ed Keith Lee for a near fall. Dustin Rhodes was there to break up the pin. Keith Lee regained his momentum, and he nailed Parker with the Supernova and pinned Parker!

A QTV segment aired next!

QT Marshall said he was going to fix everything tomorrow, for what Powerhouse Hobbs did to Aaron Solo. Johnny TV threw out a challenge for next week for a trios match against Daddy Ass and the Acclaimed.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Izzy McQueen!

Taya speared Izzy right after the bell! Taya curb stomped Izzy and pinned her, making quick work of Izzy McQueen.

“That’s her eighth win here in AEW since March,” said Schiavone.

AEW Women’s World Champion Toni Storm and Saraya stormed out to the ring!

Toni Storm: “Congrats on your win. You’ve been losing a lot and the reason why you’ve been losing so much is because you’re a loser. And the reason why you’re such a loser is because you’re Canadian.”

Taya: “OK, don’t you have something else you should be worrying about, like that championship?”

Toni: “I don’t worry about that because I’ve already beaten everyone.”

Taya: “Everyone? We’ve never wrestled.”

Toni: “That’s because I haven’t had the opportunity, have I?”

Taya: “How about this? I’ll give you an opportunity at Battle of the Belts, for the AEW Women’s World championship. Unless you’re worried?”

Toni: “Fine! Calgary, Battle of the Belts. You and me. I’m going to humiliate you! How does that sound?”

Taya: “Done!”

“The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer (with Jake “The Snake” Roberts)


Trent Beretta (with Chuck Taylor)!

“He’s back!” said Chris Jericho about Lance Archer.

Archer charged at Trent before the bell. Archer blasted Trent with a forearm, knocking Trent to his knees.

Archer was looking for a powerbomb, but Trent escaped and slapped Archer in the face. Trent dropkicked Archer through the ropes. Trent tried for a tope, but Archer caught him. Trent turned around with a moonsault to the floor, wiping out Archer!

While the ref was distracted by Archer, Jake Roberts connected with a short arm clothesline to Trent on the floor. Trent escaped a Black Out and then hit the half and half on Archer. Trent spiked Lance Archer with a piledriver for a near fall.

“Archer is laughing, with a maniacal grin,” observed Jericho.

Archer went for a chokeslam with Trent rolled up Archer for a near fall. Trent followed up with a running knee strike. Trent climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Archer countered with a rising knee strike. Archer planted Trent with the Black Out, followed by a massive lariat, and then pinned Trent!

Archer kicked Chuck Taylor in the face. He continued to beat down Taylor.

Archer: “Orange Cassidy, come out here, I want that International Championship at Battle of the Belts. If you don’t come out here, your best friends die!”

Orange Cassidy walked to the ring! Excalibur said he just got word over the headset from Tony Khan that the match is official for Battle of the Belts tomorrow!

Archer was about to chokeslam Orange Cassidy when Jake Roberts ordered Archer to release the champ. Roberts grabbed the backpack that held Orange’s title and said Orange would have to retrieve it tomorrow at Battle of the Belts if he had the guts!

Sonjay Dutt, Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Jay Lethal, and Satnam Singh were backstage!

Dutt said Matt Hardy, “All Ego” Ethan Page, and Brother Zay had targets on their backs at the Royal Rampage!

Konosuke Takeshita (with Don Callis) vs. Mentallo!

The bell rang but Callis stepped into the ring with a microphone.

Callis: “Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on. I just want to add a little bit of information tonight. This young abled body man, this young wrestler is not just any wrestler. He’s here because he’s the childhood friend of Kenny Omega. In fact, he was Kenny Omega’s first training partner. That’s not his fault. He’s here because Kenny Omega has a fundamental weakness which is a need to be surrounded by his idiot friends.”

Callis ordered Takeshita to attack Mentallo. Takeshita went right after his opponent after Callis yelled “kill” in Japanese.

Takeshita wiped out Mentallo with a big lariat. Takeshita grounded and pounded Mentallo. Mentallo used a German suplex for a near fall on Takeshita.

Takeshita hit a delayed vertical suplex off the ropes. Takeshita dropped Mentallo with a package piledriver. Takeshita followed up with a senton off the top rope and pinned Mentallo!

“Takeshita building up momentum for Blood & Guts this Wednesday,” said Excalibur.

Renee Paquette was backstage with The Dark Order—Alex Reynolds, John Silver, & Evil Uno!

Silver: “I’m sick of everybody leaving us, and Hangman leaving us pissed us off the most. We made him World Champion and he just abandoned us. Renee, would a real friend just abandon you, and you’d be cool with it?”

Renee: “No.”

Reynolds: “That’s exactly our point. While Hangman’s career was flourishing because of us, we became soft. Last Friday was the Dark Order’s resurrection.”

Evil Uno: “Alex is right. We will no longer waste any time on fake friends. It’s time for us to rebuild. So, are you Dark Order, or are you not?”

Main Event Time!

Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Semi-Final Match!

ROH Women’s World Champion “The Fallen Goddess” Athena vs. Willow Nightingale!

Willow hit a shoulder block on Athena. Athena came back with a pounce, taking a page out of Willow’s playbook.

Willow clocked Athena with a charging forearm. Athena cracked Willow with a kick to the back. Ruby Soho was watching the match on a monitor backstage. Athena dropkicked Willow in the ribs.

Willow scored the pounce on Athena! She followed up with lariats to Athena. Willow smashed Athena with a spinebuster.

Athena hit Willow with machine gun chops. Athena connected with a standing shooting star press for a near fall on Willow. Athena applied the cross face to Willow, but Willow cradled Athena for a two-count.

Willow nailed Athena with a Death Valley Driver. Athena wasn’t finished yet though. She picked up Willow, but Willow countered with a roll up and pinned a shocked Athena!

“Willow Nightingale wins and will face Ruby Soho tomorrow night!” said Excalibur.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Blood & Guts on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the TD Garden in Boston, MA!

Don’t miss AEW Collision & Battle Of The Belts VII tomorrow on TNT at 8/7c from the Calgary Stampede Saddledome in Calgary, AB featuring:

--TNT Championship Match—Luchasaurus (c.) vs. Shawn Spears!

--AEW International Title Match—Orange Cassidy (c.) vs. Lance Archer!

--AEW Women’s World Championship Match—Toni Storm (c.) vs. Taya Valkyrie!

--2/3 Falls Match for the AEW World Tag Team Championship—FTR (c.) vs. Bullet Club Gold’s “Switchblade” Jay White & Juice Robinson!

--Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Finals—Willow Nightingale vs. Ruby Soho!

--Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Finals—CM Punk vs. “Absolute” Ricky Starks!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!