AEW Rampage Results for October 20, 2023


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the Fort Bend Epicenter in Rosenberg, TX!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

2/3 Falls Match!

CMLL’s World Historic Middleweight Champion, the Luchador Legend Mistico


CMLL World Historic Welterweight Champion Rocky “Azucar” Romero!

Rocky ran into Mistico with a shoulder block. Rocky hit an arm drag but Mistico used an arm drag of his own. There was a stalemate early on.

Mistico came over the top with a tornillo, taking out Rocky on the arena floor. After a Russian leg sweep, Mistico wrenched back on Rocky’s knee and forced Rocky to tap, taking the first fall.

Rocky Romero tore at Mistico’s mask, and the ref had to warn him to stop. Rocky charged Mistico and took him off his feet with his Forever Clotheslines. Mistico clubbed Rocky with elbows but Rocky snap suplexed Mistico on the apron! Rocky followed up with a tope suicida!

Rocky superplexed Mistico back into the ring for a near fall. Rocky locked in the camel clutch in the center of the ring. Rocky stomped the back of Mistico’s head. Rocky pinned Mistico after the Sliced Bread!

“One fall apiece. This match is now sudden death,” said Excalibur.

Mistico took flight, jumping over the post and crashing onto Romero on the arena floor! Mistico scoop slammed Rocky. Mistico went for a moonsault but Rocky got his boots up to defend. Rocky blasted Mistico with an avalanche sliced bread but somehow Mistico kicked out at the two-count!

Mistico rocked Romero with the Spanish Fly for a near fall. Rocky smashed Mistico with a jawbreaker. Mistico planted Rocky with a destroyer. Mistico forced Rocky to tap out after the Fujiarwa armbar.

Footage was shown from last Wednesday of Jay Lethal and ROH World Champion facing off backstage!

Lethal: “You only want that championship because it was held by your trainer Homicide. Let me put an end to this sad reign. So, I demand that I get a Ring of Honor World Title shot!”

Stokely Hathaway said he had an idea. This Saturday, it’ll be Jeff Jarrett versus Eddie Kingston, and if Jeff wins, Jay Lethal will get a shot at the ROH World Championship.

Kingston: “You don’t have to mention Homicide’s name. You think I don’t know about Memphis wrestling, Jeff? I grew up on that. I’m going to take you out and I’m going to eat you alive.”

Jarrett: “See you Saturday.”

Three Way Match!

AEW International Championship Contender Match!

Brother Zay vs. Dark Order’s John Silver vs. Kip Sabian!

The winner challenges at Battle of the Belts VIII.

Brother Zay slipped behind and nailed Kip with a neck breaker. John Silver clubbed Zay from behind. Silver stunned Sabian with a German Suplex for a near fall.

Sabian swept out Silver’s leg. Kip took flight with an Arabian moonsault to Silver. Brother Zay jumped over the top rope and took out everyone with his perfect landing. Zay connected with a Swanton Bomb on Kip for a near fall. John Silver punted Brother Zay in the head and pinned him.

John Silver will face Orange Cassidy tomorrow for the AEW International Championship.

Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta


“The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith & Exodus Prime!

Bryan booted Yuta in the face and chopped Yuta, backing him into the corner. Yuta suplexed Keith. Exodus Prime tagged in, and Yuta catapulted him into Claudio’s arms, and Claudio planted him!

Claudio put Prime in the Giant Swing! He swung Prime and Yuta dropkicked Prime in the head! They finished things off with the Fastball Special, and Yuta grabbed the pin on Prime!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, Jake Hager, and Anna Jay!

Menard: “It’s not about the dancing anymore. You’ve got a real problem Garcia.”

Hager: “Enough! Figure this out! I didn’t give up the hat for this!”

Anna: “Jake’s right. If you guys have any chance of winning tomorrow, then get it together right now.”

Angelo: “She’s right. If we want to win tomorrow, Matt and Garcia need to squash it.”

Menard: “I hate that dance, Garcia, but I love you. Consider it squashed.”

Garcia and Menard shook hands.

Garcia: “You are looking at your new AEW Trios Champions.”

ROH World Trios Champs The Young Bucks and “Hangman” Adam Page were backstage!

Hangman: “We haven’t forgotten about our responsibility to defend these belts.”

Nick Jackson: “Good point. And I think we should defend them on Wednesday. We’ll take on anyone! An open challenge for any trio.”

Main Event Time!

Skye Blue vs. The Outcasts’ Ruby Soho (with Saraya)!

Skye Blue peppered Ruby with shots and then grabbed a handful of hair. Ruby drove Skye down with a back heel kick. Ruby followed up with a short arm lariat. Skye connected with a thrust kick. Skye charged at Ruby, but Ruby telegraphed it and countered with an elbow.

Ruby rocked Skye, punting her in the head. Skye raked Ruby’s eyes. Skye cracked Ruby with her knee and then chop blocked Ruby. Skye hit a DDT neck breaker combo on Ruby for a near fall.

Saraya grabbed Blue’s boot. Ruby capitalized with a suplex on Skye for a two-count.

“The numbers coming back to haunt Skye Blue,” said Excalibur.

Skye Blue powerbombed Ruby out of the corner. She grounded and pounded Ruby. Skye popped Saraya with a shot! Ruby connected with the No Future Kick, but Skye managed to kick out! Skye countered the Destination Unknown with a backslide for a near fall.

Saraya swiped Skye in the head twice with the can of spray paint. Ruby rolled up Skye Blue and pinned her!

“A major assist from Saraya,” said Excalibur.

Saraya and Ruby stomped on Skye Blue after the match.

The TBS Champion Kris Statlander sprinted to the ring and evened up the odds. The Outcasts retreated. Kris offered to help Skye to her feet, but Skye bailed out, wanting no assistance from Kris Statlander.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA!

Don’t miss AEW Collision & Battle of the Belts VIII on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the FedEx Forum in Memphis, TN!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!