AEW Collision Grand Slam 2024 Results
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AEW Collision Grand Slam 2024 Results

AEW Collision Grand Slam 2024 Results


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION: Grand Slam was broadcast on TNT from Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, NY!

Tony Schiavone, Ian Riccaboni, and “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! This is for the Sickos!

Saraya’s Rules Match!

Jamie Hayter 


The Outcasts’ “The Unproblematic Icon” Saraya (with Harley Cameron)!

“The rules all favor Saraya,” said Tony Schiavone.

“The rules are all stacked in the favor of Saraya,” replied Ian.

Hayter stomped a mudhole into Saraya. Cameron held Hayter’s ankle and then Saraya smashed a VHS player across Hayter’s head. Saraya walloped Hayter with a computer keyboard. Outside the ring, Harley mounted Hayter and rammed her head into the floor. Harley whipped Hayter into the steel guardrail.

Saraya whacked Hayter with repeated cookie sheet shots. Hayter grabbed Saraya and hurled Saraya with a German Suplex on the floor! Cameron jumped on Hayter’s back but Hayter escaped and bashed Harley into the guardrail. Saraya used a steel pipe on Hayter.

Saraya opened a backpack and emptied the contents—die cast metal toy cars—onto two tables at ringside. Saraya tried to suplex Hayter, but Hayter fought her way out of it. Hayter slammed Saraya onto the floor, as Saraya jumped off the apron at Saraya. 

Hayter was on the edge of the ring when Harley jumped up and tried to German Suplex Hayter onto the tables. Saraya smacked Hayter with a steel chair, sending both Hayter and Harley falling backwards through the tables! Saraya covered Hayter on the floor for a two-count. 

Hayter powered up Saraya and planted Saraya through a table that had been propped up against the turnbuckles. Hayter spiked Saraya with a tombstone piledriver! Hayter won via pinfall after a wicked lariat to Saraya!

“The lariat the exclamation mark on a signature win for Jamie Hayter,” said Ian.

“Just absolutely took her face off,” replied Daddy Magic.

“I would argue that Hayter is immediately in title contention,” added Ian.

TNT Championship Open Challenge Match!

“The Scapegoat” Jack Perry (c.) vs. Minoru Suzuki!

Minoru invited Perry to give him his best shot. Perry fired off multiple forearms and Suzuki laughed and shrugged it off. Minoru walloped Perry with a thunderous chop. Suzuki worked over Perry’s fingers, wrist, and arm, twisting and then stomping on Perry.

Jack Perry nailed Minoru with a neck breaker. Perry cracked Minoru with two knee strikes. Minoru locked a rear naked choke on Perry, but Perry escaped with a back body drop. 

Minoru whipped the champion into the guardrail outside the ring. Jack Perry grabbed Minoru and rammed him into the steel ring steps. Jack followed up with a draping DDT onto the arena floor. Jack Perry jumped back into the ring before the 10-count, but Suzuki couldn’t answer the ref’s count and Perry won via count out!

Perry continued to punish Minoru after the match until Shibata sprinted to the ring, chasing Perry away!

Tornado Trios Match!

The Conglomeration—ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly, & “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy


“The Bad Apple” Bryan Keith, “The Red Wood” Big Bill, & “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho!

“Tornado Rules, anything goes!” said Daddy Magic.

Orange Cassidy hit Jericho with a loaded backpack. Orange opened the backpack and revealed it had a brick inside. Bryan Keith hurled Kyle with a T-bone suplex. Kyle fired back with a rolling elbow strike. Orange and Kyle tried to chop down Big Bill and with the help of Briscoe, they sent him over the top rope.

Jericho nailed Briscoe with a Death Valley Driver onto a steel ring chair. Orange rolled up Jericho for a two-count. Big Bill blasted Orange with a big boot and then served up a bossman slam to Kyle.

Briscoe unleashed the redneck Kungfu on Jericho and Big Bill. Briscoe followed up with a shotgun dropkick to Bill. Briscoe grabbed a chair, but Jericho cracked Briscoe with a Code Breaker on the steel chair. 

Kyle and Orange delivered round kicks and then a dropkick to Keith and Jericho. Big Bill stormed in and bulldozed both Kyle and Orange. Kyle came back with a dragon screw through the ropes on Big Bill. Orange connected with an Orange Punch on Big Bill, who was knocked off the apron and onto Bryan Keith on the arena floor.

Briscoe catapulted off the chair, flipped over the top rope, and wiped out Jericho on the arena floor. Briscoe slid a table into the ring. Briscoe decimated Jericho with a Jay Driller out of nowhere! 

Briscoe placed Jericho onto the table. Mark climbed to the top turnbuckle, looking for the froggy bow, but Big Bill choke slammed Briscoe through the table! Jericho covered Mark Briscoe and picked up a gigantic win via pinfall. Jericho motioned to his waist, indicating he wanted the ROH World Championship.

“In ROH, when you pin the champ, traditionally you get a title shot after that,” noted Ian.

The House of Black’s Brody King vs. Action Andretti (with Lio Rush & Top Flight)!

Action took the fight to Brody, chop blocking Brody twice. Action followed up with a shooting star splash. Brody fired back with a chop to Action’s throat. Action jumped off the turnbuckles, but Brody countered with a big right fist. Brody splashed Action in the turnbuckles. Brody continued with a cannonball splash in the corner and then pinned Action Andretti.

“Let’s give a lot of props to Action Andretti for the effort. But Brody is an absolute monster of a man,” said Tony Schiavone. 

Brody walked past Top Flight with a mocking smile. “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer and the Righteous attacked Top Flight and Lio Rush after the match!

AEW World Trios Eliminator Match!

“The Bastard” PAC, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta (c.)


Komander & Private Party—Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy (with Alex Abrahantes)!

Quen stormed Pac with strikes and kicks. A fired up Quen followed up with a dropkick. Claudio hit Quen from behind as Claudio stood on the apron. 

Claudio tagged in and battered Quen in the corner. Pac tagged back in and stomped Quen in the corner. Yuta wouldn’t accept Pac’s tag. Claudio scoop slammed Marq Quen and followed up with a double foot stomp. Claudio nailed Quen with a back breaker. Wheeler refused Claudio’s tag again.

Kassidy finally entered the fray after Quen reached him for a tag. Brother Zay was working off adrenaline and spiked Pac with a DDT for a near fall. Claudio stomped on Zay’s hand, breaking up the pin attempt. Claudio forced Yuta to tag in.

Claudio hurled Zay around the ring with the Giant Swing. Claudio looked at Yuta, but Yuta refused to dropkick Zay. Claudio and Wheeler argued. Komander came in and wiped out Claudio with a flying crossbody. Yuta used a right angle slam on Zay.

Yuta wrenched on Zay’s broken hand. Yuta clobbered Zay with hammer and anvil elbows. Yuta locked on the Cattle Mutilation and won via ref stoppage! Claudio and Pac clapped for Yuta, but Yuta left the ring without his partners.

Up next: MxM Collection—Mansoor and Masen Madden, came out to the ring!

Mansoor asked if everyone was ready for the Grand Slam finale to New York fashion week. MxM Collection commenced with their fashion walk, the models walking the runway to the ring. MxM Collection unveiled Hans, who was modeling Max Caster’s repurposed, redesigned jacket. Hans began to pose, and MxM Collection said it’d be an honor if they touched tips with him. Hans removed his mask and revealed himself—it was Daddy Ass!

Daddy Ass cleaned house, but the numbers worked against him. The Acclaimed sprinted to the ring and took on everyone. MxM Collection retreated from the ring!

“So much for the Fall fashion show,” said Tony Schiavone.

Lumberjack Strap Match!

“Hangman” Adam Page 


“The Last Outlaw” Jeff Jarrett (with Karen Jarrett, Satnam Singh, and Jay Lethal)!

Jarrett and Page duked it out. Hangman booted Jeff in the jaw. Jarrett escaped a Dead Eye attempt and went for a sharpshooter. Page bit the skull of Jarrett to get out of the sharpshooter attempt. Page planted Jarrett with a belly to belly suplex for a near fall. 

Jeff surprised Page with a Russian Leg Sweep. Page clubbed Jarrett with a clothesline, knocking Jarrett over the top rope. Page followed Jeff but fought off the lumberjacks. Page tried for a buckshot lariat, but Juice whipped Page with the leather strap. Jeff Jarrett took flight off the top rope and wiped out Page on the floor!

Page countered the Stroke attempt with a leather strap. Page continued to whip Jarrett until Karen jumped in the ring to shield Jeff. Jay Lethal got into the ring but Page whipped him. It bought enough time for Jeff to get to his feet and whip Page. 

Hangman left the ring, but the lumberjacks began to give Hangman a taste of his own medicine. Back in the ring Page nailed Jeff with a low blow, followed up with the Dead Eye, and pinned Jarrett.

“Wow, Jeff Jarrett came to fight, but Page survived that one,” said Schiavone. 

After the match, as the Bang Bang Gang were checking on Jarrett, Page blindsided Juice, screaming, “Don’t you ever get in my business!”

Austin and Colten Gunn came to the aid of Juice, and Page finally left the ring!

3-Way Lucha Libre Match!

Dralistico vs. The Beast Mortos vs. Hologram!

The Beast Mortos bulldozed through Hologram and Dralistico with a double clothesline. Dralistico hit Beast Mortos with a thrust kick. Dralistico sent the Beast Mortos out of the ring with a drop toe hold. He followed up with a tope suicida to the Beast Mortos. Hologram, quicker than a hiccup, wasted no time taking flight and hitting a tope of his own on Dralistico!

Dralistico dumped Hologram into the corner with a suplex. Dralistico wiped out the Beast Mortos with a hurracanrana to the outside from the top rope! Hologram walked the top rope and crash landed (on his feet) on Dralistico and the Beast Mortos!

The Beast Mortos hit a Samoan Drop on Dralistico. Hologram stood on the Beast Mortos and then planted him with a poison rana! The Beast Mortos power bombed Hologram onto his knee. Dralistico followed up with a Mexican Destroyer on Hologram! Hologram rebounded, cradled Dralistico and picked up the victory!

After the match, the Beast Mortos and Dralistico pushed one another. Rush walked to the ring and forced them to get on the same page. Hologram jumped into the mix and Rush clocked him!

“When you mess with the horns, you get the horns. I wonder if Rush is getting the band back together, bringing the Beast Mortos into the LFI fold,” said Ian.

Collision Main Event! AEW Continental Championship Eliminator Match!

AEW Continental Champion “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada


ROH World Tag Champion “The Spanish God” Sammy Guevara (with “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes)!

Okada connected with a running dropkick to Sammy. The Spanish God answered with a dropkick of his own. Sammy flipped over the top rope and wiped out Okada on the arena floor. Sammy, using the steel steps as a launch pad, rocked Okada with a cutter on the floor. Okada dodged a moonsault and countered with a DDT.

Okada went for a tombstone, but Sammy reversed it and countered with a head scissors driver! Sammy plowed into Okada with a tope. Sammy climbed back up to the top turnbuckle and moonsaulted down onto Okada!

“Sammy smoked Okada!” said Daddy Magic.

Sammy charged at Okada, but Okada back dropped Sammy! Sammy crash landed onto the steel ring steps, his knee smashing onto the steel. Back in the ring Okada dropkicked Sammy right in the face! Okada connected with a top rope elbow drop.

Okada tried for the Rainmaker, but Sammy countered with a Spanish Fly for a near fall! Sammy blasted Okada with a thrust kick and a GTH! Sammy jumped with a springboard, but Sammy caught him with a Rainmaker and pinned Sammy!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: 5th Year Anniversary on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Petersen Events Center in Pittsburgh, PA!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

Mark your calendar as we are just two weeks away! AEW WrestleDream is taking place at the Tacoma Dome on Saturday, October 12th, and will also be live on pay-per-view! Secure your tickets now!

And remember… We are AEW—Where The Best Wrestle! 

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