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AEW Collision Results for August 3, 2024

AEW Collision Results for August 3, 2024


This Saturday AEW presented the next stop on the PATH TO AEW ALL IN: SUMMER SERIES! Tonight’s episode of AEW COLLISION was broadcast on TNT from the Esports Stadium in Arlington, TX!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Let’s collide!

Tony Schiavone and former ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

AEW World Trios Champions “The Patriarchy”—Christian Cage, Nick Wayne, Killswitch, along with Mother Wayne, kicked off the show walking to the ring!

Christian Cage: “Sit down and shut your mouths while I conduct my business, Arlington. I’m going to keep this short and sweet because I hate it here. A couple short weeks ago the Patriarchy did exactly what I said we’d do, when we walked into this ring and walked out as the brand new Trios Champions. 

“I’m a man of my word and I always keep my promise. I told you all on my road back to becoming the World Heavyweight Champion I was going to use the World Trios Champions as a vehicle and use it as a gift to my family for showing me support for the past year. A belt holds up your pants. What you’re looking at around my waist and over my shoulder is a championship. Until you realize that you do not deserve to call yourself a champion. And I’m proud to say my family realizes what these championships really mean.

“I’m going to do what I promised to do. I’m going to present the Patriarchy with their championship titles. First of all, to my son Nick Wayne, the apple of my eye, my boy, I am so proud of you Nick. The leaps and bounds that you’ve grown since you’ve been with me, I can’t even wrap my head around it. ‘The Prodigy’ has become the youngest champion in AEW history.

“Nick, other than me, I can’t think of anyone that deserves this honor more than me. I gives me great pleasure to present you with your AEW World Trios title. Killswitch, you are what I’ve asked you to be. You are my finisher. You are the muscle. You are the man that does al the dirty work when it’s needed. I want you to know how much I appreciate you and how we do not work without Killswitch. 

“I just wanted to acknowledge you and let you know how much you mean to me. With that being said, you did not give birth to a prodigy. Mother Wayne gave birth to the next best wrestler on this planet. Other than Christian Cage, I cannot think of a better person who deserves to be recognized as a Trios Champion other than her!

“Now let this be a warning to any trios faction in the back that has their eyes—”

The House of Black—Malakai Black and Brody Lee, came down to the ring!

Christian Cage: “Well, well, well, the House of Black. Malakai Black and Jelly Roll! I know why you’re out here, to stake claim as the number one contenders for the Trios belts, but you’re not a trio anymore after what we did to Buddy Matthews. So as far as I’m concerned that distinction of being the number one contender is null and void. 

“Malakai, you walk with this swagger and this cloud around you like you’re better than everybody else. And that’s my problem with you. You think you’re a bigger star than you are. You didn’t come out here to challenge us for these Trios Championships. You came out here because you look at Christian Cage and you realize that everything I touch turns to gold. I heard the hype train but maybe you haven’t lived up to it. Maybe you’re looking for some fatherly advice.

“So, my advice to you is this. You saw us walk through the Bang Bang Gang two weeks ago like a hot knife through butter. If we did that to them, imagine what the three of us could do to the two of you. Just imagine, so what were you thinking?!”

Malakai Black: “This.”

The arena went black!

“What’s going on here, the lights have gone out!” said Tony Schiavone.

When the lights returned, Buddy Matthews was standing beside his partners in the ring!

“He’s back!” said Nigel.

Christian Cage pulled Nick Wayne and Killswitch out of the ring and the Patriarchy retreated from the ring!

The Bang Bang Gang came down the ramp and then the Patriarchy jumped over the barricades to escape! Kip Sabian threw Nick Wayne back over the barricade!

The Bang Bang Gang tossed Nick Wayne into the ring where he was surrounded by the House of Black, who took their turns decimating him!

“It’s karma for what they had said and done to Buddy Matthews!” said Tony Schiavone.

The Bang Bang Gang and the House of Black had a stare down in the ring!

“Who’s going to get a title shot?” wondered Tony Schiavone.

Lexy Nair was backstage with the new Ring of Honor Six Man Champions “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes and the Von Erichs—Ross and Marshall!

Dustin Rhodes said it’s been an emotional week for him, but the stars aligned, and he and the Von Erichs are Texas’ best!

Sammy Guevara interrupted the interview. Sammy told Dustin that he’s aware they have a long history, and that Dustin may not trust him, and Dustin replied, “Trust is earned.” Sammy said he’s been looking to earn Dustin’s trust and be his own man. He told Dustin he wants to team with Dustin in ROH and team with all of them in AEW. Dustin shook Sammy’s hand and agreed.

Continental Collision Three Way Match!Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli


Shane Taylor Promotions’ ROH Pure Champion Lee Moriarty (with Shane Taylor)


The Conglomerate’s Tomohiro Ishii!

Ishii and Claudio knocked down Lee with a double shoulder tackle. Lee fired back with a dropkick to both men. Moriarty rocketed out of the ring with a tope suicida and wiped out Ishii and Claudio!

Back in the ring, the three men battled it out, trading chops! Lee and Ishii both chopped Claudio. Ishii and Claudio and Lee exchanged German suplexes! Claudio rocked both men with lariats!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Claudio hurled Lee around the ring with the Giant Swing! Ishii came in and nailed Lee with a lariat. Lee rallied back with a Border City Stretch on Ishii, but Ishii rolled up Lee for a near fall. Claudio planted Lee with the Neutralizer and went for the pin, but Ishii jumped in to break up the pin. Claudio cracked Lee with a flying European uppercut and pinned Lee Moriarty!

“Claudio earned a future title match against AEW Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada,” said Tony Schiavone. 

CMLL World Historic Middleweight Champion Mistico & Hologram


Premier Athletes’ Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari (with “Smart” Mark Sterling)!

The Premier Athletes double teamed Hologram in the corner. Hologram hit a poison rana on Nese and followed up with a leg sweep. Mistico tagged in and took flight, cleaning house on Nese and Daivari with his high flying offense!

Mistico smashed Nese and Daivari with a double back elbow. Hologram tagged in and jumped off Daivari’s shoulders and then took down Nese! Hologram rocked Nese with a round kick. Hologram jumped through the ropes and speared “Smart” Mark Sterling!

The fans chanted “Holograms! Hologram!”

Hologram launched Mistico into the air and Mistico landed on Nese and Daivari with a tornillo! Hologram finished off Daivari with a 450 splash and scored the pin!

“Three for three for this risk-taking, flashy young star. What a night it must be for him teaming up with his idol Mistico, said Nigel of Hologram.

After the match, “The Learning Tree” FTW Champion Chris Jericho appeared on the screen in a Mistico match!

Jericho: “Hola! Hi, guys! Mistico, I am Lionheart. You are rat heart! Ever since I attacked you just a few weeks ago in Arena Mexico, the world has been abuzz. The first time Chris Jericho appeared in Arena Mexico in 29 years and now for the first time ever, at the 91st Anniversary Show, Arena Mexico, September 13th, 2024, Chris Jericho versus Mistico. 

“I’ve had a lot of classic matches in Arena Mexico. On September 13th, it is going to be the biggest, most important match of your career. It’ll be the night, Mistico, that I am the greatest luchador of all time! On September 13th, the Learning Tree is going to teach you a lesson! Thanks, guys!”

Renee Paquette was backstage with “The Last Outlaw” Jeff Jarrett who was joined by Karen Jarrett, Sonjay Dutt, and Jay Lethal!

Renee asked Jarrett about his upcoming match this Wednesday on Dynamite against “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson.

Jay Lethal: “Let me say it. If it wasn’t for ‘Hangman’ last week at Royal Rampage, than Jeff Jarrett would have a World Title shot at Grand Slam.”

Sonjay: “And if it wasn’t for ‘Hangman’ last month, you would have had a World Title shot at All In!”

Karen: “I think you guys need to do something about that insane wannabe cowboy!”

Jeff Jarrett: “Calm down, guys! I didn’t get what I wanted and neither did ‘Hangman’, but the difference is I’m going to make the most of my situation. So, Bryan Danielson, I couldn’t be more thrilled than to be a part of getting you ready for All In. But you’ve got to do more than get ready for All In. You’ve got to get ready for Swerve. Now you know it and I know it, Swerve is the most dangerous man in all of AEW. So, if you’re going to get ready for Swerve, you’d better get ready for anything. 

“So, I’ve been thinking, this Wednesday on Dynamite, why don’t we take it back to my old stomping grounds in Memphis. We were doing hardcore before it was called hardcore wrestling. Let’s do no time limit. No disqualification. Anything goes! What I’m trying to say is, there are no rules this Wednesday. Bryan Danielson, I respect you as a wrestler. And I damn sure respect you as man, but as the old song lyric goes, ‘Now you’re on the fighting side of me.’ Bryan, this Wednesday, I’m going to introduce you to the ‘Last Outlaw!’”

“The Glamour” Mariah May joined the broadcast booth for the next match!

AEW World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm was introduced for her match, but she stopped on the ramp when she saw Mariah May!

Toni Storm charged at Mariah May! Mariah May grabbed a shoe and bashed it into Toni’s head! 

Christopher Daniels ran down and pulled Mariah May back, trying to escort her backstage. Toni Storm jumped off the ramp and crashed down onto Mariah and Christopher Daniels, wiping out both of them!

Toni Storm and Mariah May traded strikes!

“Toni Storm has lost her mind!” said Nigel.

Security ran down to separate Toni and Mariah!

Toni’s opponent “The Fashionista” Rache Chanel took the opportunity to blindside the distracted champion! Back in the ring, Toni Storm rocked Rache with a running hip attack! Toni spiked Rache with the Storm Zero and won via pinfall! 

“The numbers are there. Twenty-two straight singles wins for ‘Timeless” Toni Storm, but is she prepared to face Mariah May at All In?” asked Tony Schiavone. 

The Don Callis Family’s Kyle Fletcher vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage!

Don Callis joined the broadcast booth for this match.

“Kyle Fletcher has a match with MJF in a mere four days at Dynamite,” said Tony Schiavone.

Cage took down Fletcher with a big back elbow. Fletcher fired back with a big knee strike! Fletcher jumped out of the ring with a tope suicida to “The Machine!” Cage whipped Kyle into the steel ring steps. Cage tried to suplex Cage on the ramp, but Kyle countered with a thrust kick! Kyle charged down the ramp and smashed into Cage with a cannonball!

Back in the ring, Cage suplexed Fletcher and drilled Fletcher with a Death Valley Driver! Cage began to pick Fletcher apart. 

“He has been all over Kyle Fletcher,” said Tony. 

Fletcher rallied back with two thrust kicks to Cage, followed by a brain buster! Fletcher flew at Cage with a forearm in the corner! Fletcher hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Cage for a near fall!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Fletcher jumped off the ropes and crashed into Cage with a springboard elbow drop! Cage retaliated with a discus lariat. Fletcher power bombed Cage out of nowhere for a near fall!

“Kyle Fletcher is showing talent beyond his years,” said Nigel. 

Kyle attempted to superplex Cage, but Cage countered with a spinning slam off the middle turnbuckle for a two-count on Kyle! Cage called for the Drill Claw, but Kyle rolled up Cage for a near fall! Fletcher spiked Cage with a tombstone piledriver and pinned “The Machine”!

Kyle Fletcher: “Right now I want to talk to one person and one person only: MJF. The most self-centered SOB I’ve ever met. I just dropped a three hundred pound monster on his neck, and you know if that happens to you on Wednesday, maybe you don’t get to Wembley. And that fills me with so much joy that I have an idea. 

“If you’re the American hero you say you are, this Wednesday night you’ll put that American Championship on the line, and then maybe I go to Wembley as the International Champion and face my best friend Will Ospreay. So how about it Max? You going to accept or are you a coward like we all think you are?”

AEW American Champion MJF appeared on the big screen!

MJF: “Hey, Kyle Fletcher, up here. You sound like a moron. I sound like a perfect American. You’re just a typical foreign invader trying to steal things away from hard working Americans like myself that you haven’t earned. There’s a line of guys in front of you that deserve a shot. 

“I’m not just an American hero, I’m not just handsome and humble, I’m the salt of the earth. So, I’m going to give you the opportunity of a lifetime Kyle Fletcher. Here is the opportunity. I’m going to give you an Eliminator match this coming Wednesday on Dynamite. Meaning if you can beat me, I’m willing to give you a shot at the all mighty American Championship the following week. I am going to teach you what real wrestling is all about. And for that lesson you can thank me later.”

Lexy Nair was backstage to interview Top Flight—Dante & Darius Martin—and the latest addition to the crew—Leila Grey!

Leila: “When Top Flight rang my call button, I stepped up. And together we are taking off and going straight to the top.”

Dante: “Meaning new look but same goal and that goal—”

MxM Collection—Mason Madden and Mansoor—interrupted Top Flight!

Mansoor: “I think I figured out what TSA stands for: Their Style is Ass!”

Darius: “You two interrupting us just put us on our ‘no fly list.’”

Thunder Rosa vs. Taya Valkyrie (with Johnny TV)!

Taya stomped on Thunder Rosa in the corner of the ring. Taya chopped Thunder Rosa and then kicked Rosa after a snap mare. 

Thunder Rosa cracked Taya with a knee strike and then a sliding lariat. Taya rolled out of the ring to collect her thoughts. Taya evaded Thunder Rosa and then wrenched on Thunder Rosa’s arm. Taya smashed Thunder Rosa with a double knee strike in the turnbuckles. Thunder Rosa found an opening after a neck breaker. 

Thunder Rosa mounted a comeback, hammering Taya with strikes and kicks. Thunder Rosa blasted Taya with a running dropkick for a near fall. 

Johnny TV yanked Taya out of the ring! Johnny TV got in between his wife and Thunder Rosa. He lured Thunder Rosa in while Taya speared Thunder Rosa on the arena floor! This only served to infuriate Thunder Rosa. She locked Taya in a modified cobra clutch and Taya tapped out!

Thunder Rosa: “I’m not going to waste time! I’ve got some unfinished business! Deonna Purrazzo get your little ass out here!”

“The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo walked onto the ramp!

Deonna: “What else could you possibly want from me? A congratulations from me because you won your last two singles matches? You’re on a winning streak just like I was when I beat you three times in a row.”

Thunder Rosa: “You don’t follow the rules and you never truly beat me!”

Deonna: “I’ve beaten you in a singles match, I’ve beaten you in a no disqualification match, and most recently I’ve beaten you in a lumberjack match. So, if you want another match, then go ahead and take your pick. And seal your fate.”

Thunder Rosa: “Okay, how about here in Arlington, Texas, next week, Deonna Purrazzo against Thunder Rosa in a Texas Bull rope Match!?”

Collision Main Event Time! 8-Man Tag Match!

FTR—Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler, ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe, & Darby Allin


The Beast Mortos & The Undisputed Kingdom—Roderick Strong, and ROH World Tag Team Champions Mike Bennett and Matt Taven!

Roddy ate a shoulder tackle from Dax, followed by an arm drag. Cash grabbed a tag, and he whipped Roddy into the turnbuckle shoulder first. Mark and Darby worked over Roddy’s arm. Dax tagged back in, but Roddy slugged him and tagged Bennett.

Dax and Bennett had a chop fest until Dax brought Bennett to the mat with a snap suplex. Dax and Mark hit a double shoulder tackle on Bennett.

The fans chanted “Dem Boys! Dem Boys!”

Briscoe suplexed Taven. Darby dropped Taven with an arm drag. Cash back dropped Roddy and then Mike Bennett. Cash walloped Taven with a bulldog. Roddy ran in to prevent Cash from tagging out to his partners. 

Mark Briscoe finally got the hot tag, and he cleaned house on the Undisputed Kingdom with redneck kung fu. Briscoe flipped off the apron with a neck breaker onto the Beast Mortos! Mark Briscoe blasted Taven with a brain buster for a near fall! 

Briscoe planted Taven with a Death Valley Driver. Cash hoisted up Taven and tossed him to Dax and Dax nailed Taven with a neck breaker. Mark followed up with a Froggy Bow. Dax went for the cover but Roderick Strong ran in to break up the pin attempt.

The Beast Mortos flew out of the ring with a tornillo to Mark and Cash. The Beast splashed Dax with a cannonball in the corner! Roderick entered the fray and mocked Dax. Roderick and Dax collided with clotheslines, both men knocking one another to the mat. 

Darby charged in with splashes on Roderick and Taven. Briscoe and the Beast Mortos brawled outside the ring. Dax superplexed Taven. Cash splashed Taven from the top! Mark dropped the Froggy Bow and then Darby nailed Taven with the Coffin Drop and picked up the pin!

Dax: “I love professional wrestling! And on top of that, I love AEW! This is the lifeblood of AEW right here in this ring! We are the heart and soul of AEW—”

The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass interrupted!

Max: “Cut that music! The heart and soul of AEW, really? I don’t think so. If you really loved AEW, let me ask, where were you last week when I was in the Blood & Guts Match fighting against the Elite? Your body can’t hold up to the grind. So don’t ever talk about us until you’ve done half of what we’ve done for AEW!”

Anthony: “I don’t know what else we have to do to earn your respect, because like Max said, last week we were giving our bodies for this company! Guys, respectfully, we don’t care about your legacy. We care about building ours. We are homegrown! We are the heart and soul of AEW! Everyone loves the Acclaimed! You do not get to cut the line to face the Young Bucks for the AEW World Tag Team Titles. That belongs to us! The scoreboard reads Acclaimed 1, FTR 0, so if you two have a problem with that I suggest you nut up or shut up!”

FTR and the Acclaimed began to brawl!

Mark Briscoe tried to talk some sense into them! Briscoe: “This is what the Young Bucks want! Chill out! Their plan is to divide and conquer. So, let’s show some unity here. We are AEW!”

FTR offered a handshake but the Acclaimed walked away without accepting it!

“This is far from resolved,” said Nigel.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from LJVM Coliseum in Winston-Salem, NC!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

Mark your calendars for AEW ALL IN: London—August 25, 2024—taking place at Wembley Stadium and live on pay-per-view! Secure your tickets at and!

And remember… We are AEW—Where The Best Wrestle! 


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