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AEW Dynamite: Big Business Results


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE: Big Business was broadcast live from the TD Garden in Boston, MA!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Tonight’s episode kicked off with Seven-Time Women’s World Champion Mercedes Moné making her AEW Dynamite debut!

The fans were chanting “CEO! CEO! CEO!”

“I think the women’s division—everything—here in AEW has just gotten a lot more interesting,” said Excalibur.

Mercedes Moné: “Boston, I’m home! If you guys could feel my heart right now, it’s beating out of my chest. First thing I want to say is thank you. Thank you for having my back these past two years. Thank you for giving me the courage and the strength to be here. Thank you for sticking with me through all of my lows, my highs, my milestones, my titles, my history making moments, thank you! 

“And trust me, we are going to be creating so much magic, and so many moments, together. Because every single one of you, you are the reason I’m here. So, thank you. I love you guys. And if you only knew how much tonight means to me, how much this means to me, how much wrestling means to me. In so many ways wrestling has changed and saved my life. 

“Wrestling has given me hopes, a place to dream. My dreams got me to lead a women’s evolution. My dreams made me to become the first ever woman to main event a pay-per-view in this very building. My dreams started when I was only 10 years old. And when I was 13 years old, I dropped out of school to take care of my brother. And I had a dream to become the greatest women’s wrestler of all time. And I want you to know, if I can do it, you can do it too. 

“So, let’s get down to business. You want to know why I’m here? Because I need to be here. AEW is the only place where this revolution can be global, and we are going to make that happen. I’ve been watching week after week after week, and everyone in that locker room, I can’t wait to tear it up with you. 

“But let’s start with tonight’s main event, Riho against Willow Nightingale. Now Willow, you and I have a lot of unfinished business. But right now, at Big Business. Mercedes Moné is All Elite! So, to our chairman, Tony Khan, thank you so much for that tweet, to all the AEW fans out there, please say hello to your new CEO!”

“This is going to be a moment that we never forget here in AEW,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Big Business going down in Boston,” added Excalibur. 

AEW World Championship Match!

Samoa Joe (c.) vs. Wardlow (with the Undisputed Kingdom)

Wardlow whipped Samoa Joe hard into the ringside barricade. Wardlow rammed Joe into the steel ring steps. Back in the ring, Samoa Joe chopped Wardlow, but Wardlow planted Samoa Joe with a spinebuster. 

“Not often that Samoa Joe gets manhandled like that,” said Excalibur.

Samoa Joe tested the chin of Wardlow, jabbing away at the challenger. Samoa Joe chopped at Wardlow. Wardlow fired back with a shoulder block off the turnbuckles for a near fall. Samoa Joe slipped free of a powerbomb and followed up with a high boot and then a senton to Wardlow.

Both men slugged it out in the center of the ring but Samoa Joe powerslammed Wardlow for a two-count. Wardlow’s knee buckled. The ref tried to stop Samoa Joe so the ref could check on Wardlow. As the ref turned his back to back Samoa Joe up, Wardlow thumbed Joe in the eyes. Perhaps Wardlow was playing possum. Wardlow blasted Samoa Joe with a knee strike for a near fall. 

“That is the first time anyone has survived that knee from Wardlow,” said Excalibur.

Wardlow attempted a senton atomico, but Samoa Joe dodged it! Wardlow retaliated with a power bomb out of the corner. Samoa Joe applied the rear naked choke and Samoa Joe won via ref stoppage!

“That was a great, great win for the champion,” said Tony Schiavone.

Swerve Strickland walked out to the ring with a steel chain! AEW security tried to stop Swerve, but Swerve knocked them out of his way. Samoa Joe left the ring, not wanting any part of Swerve tonight.

Trios Match!

The Elite— “Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada & The Young Bucks—EVPs Matthew & Nicholas Jackson


Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston & Death Triangle—PAC & Penta El Zero Miedo!

Kingston ignored a fist bump from Matthew and tagged in “The Bastard” Pac. “The Bastard” wiped out Matthew with a step up hurracanrana and followed up with a back breaker.

Penta El Zero Miedo nailed Nicholas with a thrust kick. Pac grabbed a tag and hit Nicholas with a big pump kick. Pac and Penta clocked Matthew with stereo thrust kicks. Okada tagged in and traded strikes with Kingston! Okada took down Kingston with a beautiful dropkick. Okada and the Bucks triple teamed Kingston in their corner with triple kicks!

Kingston fought out of the corner, crawling to his corner for a tag, but Okada and Nicholas pulled Penta and Pac off the ring apron. The Elite continued to isolate Eddie Kingston. Penta grabbed a tag and cleaned house on the Elite!

Pac blasted Okada with a shotgun dropkick. Pac and Penta took flight over the top rope, wiping out the Bucks on the arena floor. Penta smashed Nicholas with a double foot stomp from the top rope. Pac then landed on Nicholas with a 450 splash! Pac rocked Okada with a German Suplex.

Kingston blistered Okada’s chest with chops. Okada planted Kingston with a DDT. Penta clocked Matthew with a Canadian Destroyer. Nicholas blind sided Penta with a superkick. Nicholas removed his belt, wrapped it around his fist, and charged at Kingston, but Kingston countered with a hot shot, guillotining Nicholas’ throat across the top rope!

Matthew went to strike Kingston, but Kingston countered with a strike. As Matthew distracted the ref in the corner, Nicholas hit Kingston with a low blow between the legs. Okada clocked Kingston with the Rainmaker and pinned Kingston!

“When Okada lands that Rainmaker lariat, it is all over for his opponent,” said Excalibur.

Okada held up Kingston’s AEW Continental Crown Championship aloft after the match! 

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to talk about AEW Dynasty, live on pay-per-view, Sunday, April 21st and the match between “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson and “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay!

Will Ospreay came out to the ring to discuss the upcoming match with Danielson at Dynasty.

Ospreay: “On April 21st, this match means so much to mean. Bryan Danielson left it in the ring every night for all these people. I’m glad he’s a fan of my work. Bryan, allow me to remind you of what you said once upon a time. After my match with Kenny Omega, everybody was talking about one move: the Tiger Driver 91. 

“You see, Bryan, while I respect you, this match means a hell of a lot more to me. Because the moment I stepped foot in AEW, there has been a phrase that has been following me. Restore the feeling. Bruv, I am the feeling! This match is about reminding people what AEW is. You put the best wrestler in the world against the best wrestler of the 21st century, and only one man walks out the winner.

“The one thing I learned from Bryan Danielson is I can have respect for the man standing across from me but the moment I walk into this ring, it’s your life or it’s mine, and I don’t plan on dying, bruv!

“April 21st, this is about finding out who is the best wrestler in the world. And let me tell you, my name is Will Ospreay, and I am on another level!”

“The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo was backstage!

Purrazzo: “Toni Storm and Mariah, if you think this is over between us after Toni tapped out and you DDT’ed me on the ramp, then you’ve learned nothing about the Virtuosa. If this is a numbers game you want to play, then let’s play. I have no problem finding a partner and meeting you both next week in Toronto. 

“And since you already have a tag team match this Friday on Rampage, maybe we’ll stick around and get a closer look. I suggest you watch for the shoe because it’s headed straight up your ass!”

“Switchblade” Jay White vs. Darby Allin!

Darby’s back was all bandaged up after his tag match with Sting against the Bucks from Revolution. 

Jay White rammed Darby into the turnbuckles. Darby fired back with a shotgun dropkick. Darby climbed to the top and splashed Jay White with a back flip, throwing his body at Jay White. Darby rocketed back out of the ring with a tope suicida!

Jay White suplexed Darby onto a metal chair outside the ring! Jay White whipped Darby into the steel ring steps! Back in the ring, White chopped Darby in the back of the neck. Darby dodged a Stinger splash from White. Darby countered a Blade Runner with an over the top stunner and then a sunset flip for a near fall. Darby locked in the Last Supper, but Jay White managed to kick out at the two-count!

Jay White began to dig his fingers into Darby’s back. Darby retaliated with a scorpion death drop out of nowhere. Darby covered White but White got his feet on the bottom rope. Darby was looking for a Coffin Drop, but Jay White avoided it, and Darby crashed onto the edge of the ring apron!

“That was sickening,” said Taz.

Darby managed to jump into the ring, beating the ref’s count just in the nick of time, but Jay White was waiting for him. Jay White blasted Darby with the Blade Runner and scored the pin!

After the match, Jay White and the Gunns assaulted Darby Allin! The Gunns held Darby’s leg between a steel chair, and Jay White was about to smash it to smithereens with Sting’s baseball bat when…

The Acclaimed’s music began to play!

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn sprinted to the ring to stop the Gunns and Jay White from hitting Darby’s ankle with the bat! The Acclaimed help Darby out of the ring. Billy Gunn took the baseball bat away from Jay White, but Jay White smashed a chair against Billy’s head!

Bowens and Caster turned around and saw that Billy Gunn had been knocked out. The Acclaimed jumped back into the ring but the Gunns began to club the Acclaimed with strikes. 

“So much for the Bang Bang Scissor Gang,” said Tony Schiavone.

The Gunns bashed their championship belt into Bowens’ head. Austin Gunn broadsided Caster with the belt next!

“Bullet Club Gold showing their true colors here tonight,” said Excalibur.

The Gunns put Darby’s ankle back between the steel chair and Jay White walloped the ankle with the baseball bat!

LionHOOK—FTW Champion HOOK & “Lionheart” Chris Jericho 


Gates of Agony—Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona!

Hook and Jericho hit a double suplex on Bishop. LionHOOK followed up with a double suplex on Liona. Jericho chopped at Kaun in the corner. Kaun ran Jericho over with a lariat. Toa tagged in and rammed into Jericho, who was hung up on the ropes. 

Jericho connected with a lionsault on Kaun. Hook tagged in and bulldozed Bishop with a lariat and then a T-Bone suplex. Hook followed up with a Northern Lights Suplex to Bishop Kaun. 

Gates of Agony regained momentum, but Hook put Kaun in Red Rum. Jericho dropkicked Toa and then Kuan tapped out to Hook’s Red Rum submission. 

“For their first match together, boy, did they work well together,” said Tony Schiavone.

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview Kyle O’Reilly when he was interrupted by the Undisputed Kingdom!

Roderick Strong: “Kyle! You know how much respect I have for you. And if you want to do this on your own, do it on your own.”

Kyle: “Yeah, this Saturday, first match back, and I’m going to do it on my own.”

Riho was getting warmed up backstage ahead of her match against Willow when Mercedes walked by and introduced herself.

Mercedes: “I look forward to your match tonight.”

Renee Paquette interviewed FTW Champion HOOK and Chris Jericho backstage!

Jericho said that Hook showed him that he had future World champion written all over him. 

Jericho: “But as much as I learned in the ring standing next to you, I still need to learn more. I need to know what it’s like standing in the ring across from you. That’s why next week on Dynamite, live from Toronto, I’m challenging you, ‘Lionheart’ Chris Jericho against HOOK in AEW for the first time ever. What do you say?”

HOOK: “Let’s do it.”

Main Event Time!

Willow Nightingale (accompanied by Stokely Hathaway & Kris Statlander) vs. Riho!

Willow connected with a running cross body. Riho rocked Willow with a running dropkick and then clocked Willow with a knee strike. Willow walloped Riho with a dropkick off the turnbuckles!

Riho hit a diving cross body on Willow for a near fall. Riho followed up with a Northern Lights suplex, but Willow kicked out at the two-count! 

“Willow hit very hard that time,” said Tony Schiavone.

Riho climbed to the top turnbuckle and went for the diving double foot stomp, but Willow dodged it! Willow sent Riho flying with a running pounce! Willow tried for a senton off the apron, but Riho moved, sending Willow crashing on the arena floor! Riho ran off the apron and walloped Willow with the diving foot stomp!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Riho drilled Willow with a dragon suplex on the apron! Riho hit the double foot stomp again, but this time Willow kicked out at the two-count. Willow avoided a running knee strike from Riho. Willow landed a big lariat. Willow smashed Riho with the gut wrench doctor bomb and scored the pin fall victory!

After the match, the lights in the arena went dark!

When the lights came back on, TBS Champion Julia Hart was standing in the aisle! Skye Blue ambushed Willow, chop blocking her leg. Julia and Skye double teamed Willow in the ring! Skye held back Willow while Julia was about to crack Willow in the head with the TBS title when Mercedes Moné’s music hit!

Skye Blue charged up the ramp at Mercedes and Mercedes clocked her! Mercedes entered the ring and planted Julia!

“Mercedes Moné, wow, what a difference maker here tonight,” said Excalibur.

Mercedes turned her attention to Willow, and they smiled at each other, with Willow raising Mercedes’ arm. 

“Great respect shown by Willow towards the CEO Mercedes Moné,” said Excalibur.

“There’s never been a better time to be a fan of AEW than right now!” added Tony Schiavone.

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET featuring:

-The AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament Bracketology will be announced!

-Best Friends vs. Dark Order!

-AEW Women’s World Champ “Timeless” Toni Storm & Mariah May in action!

-Trios Match: Undisputed Kingdom vs. Top Flight & Action Andretti!

Don’t miss AEW Collision live on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Canadian Tire Centre in Ottawa, ON featuring:

-Kyle O’Reilly vs. “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith!

-& Much more!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Coca-Cola Coliseum in Toronto, ON, featuring:

- “Lionheart” Chris Jericho vs. FTW Champion HOOK!

-We’ll hear from Mercedes Moné!

-AEW Continental Crown Championship Match: Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Kazuchika Okada!

- Christian Cage (c.) vs. “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland for the TNT Championship in an I Quit Match!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

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