AEW Dynamite: Blood & Guts Results
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AEW Dynamite: Blood & Guts Results


AEW DYNAMITE: Blood & Guts was broadcast live on TBS from the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, TN!

Excalibur, “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz, and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Alex Marvez was in the AEW hotel parking garage, trying to get the scoop from Will Ospreay after a devastating loss to MJF last week!

Ospreay: “I’ll give everyone the comments when I get to the arena.”

Will Ospreay approached his vehicle but stopped short when he saw someone had slashed his tires. 

Ospreay: “Have you got a car?”

Marvez: “Yeah?”

Ospreay: “Give me your keys. Let’s go!”

Ospreay got into Marvez’s rental vehicle, with Marvez riding shotgun. “Will, I have to ask you, have you ever driven in America?”

Ospreay: “Nope.”

They sped off, with a frightened Marvez letting out a scream!

AEW International Champion MJF kicked off tonight’s DYNAMITE at the arena!

The Nashville Arena Football Team cheerleaders cheered on MJF as he made his entrance.

MJF: “Cut my music, cut my music. Will Ospreay did not hit the Tiger Driver ’91 because he’s a gutless coward. The fact that you mouth breathers actually thought he could beat me when he couldn’t even beat Swerve is laughable. By the way Swerve, I haven’t forgotten about my World Championship, and I’m telling you I’m just waiting for the right moment to pounce.

“When the spotlight is on MJF, I shine bright like a diamond, baby. And when the spotlight is on Will Ospreay, he melts. I beat Will Ospreay without breaking a damn sweat. Easiest match of my life. I did it quickly and efficiently.

“If I were you, Will, I’d take a long walk off a short pier. But lucky for you, Will, your grandma died recently, didn’t she? So, I guess you can dig yourself a grave next to hers. Moreover, let’s talk about the facts here, Will. If you don’t like what I have to say, why don’t you come out here and face me like a man. Oh, that’s right, you won’t because you’re worthless.

“Speaking of worthless, let’s talk about the International Championship. You guys love this belt because it was held by workhorses who would come in here week in and week out and try to earn your affection by working hard. Working hard is for poors like you.

“You guys like this belt because it was held by international talent. I would have to sit back and pretend that anyone outside of our great nation matters. You people are unpatriotic and treasonous. I deserve a title worthy of my superior intellection, my superior bank account, and my superior upbringing. This title, much like Daniel Garcia, much like Will Ospreay, and much like all you white trash hicks, is nothing more than garbage.”

MJF threw the title into a garbage can!

“I can’t believe that!” said Tony Schiavone.

MJF: “I deserve a title that symbolizes the best wrestler in the world, and the best country in the world. Newsflash, I’m not talking about that cesspool known as the United Kingdom. So please rise for your American Championship.”

MJF unveiled a new championship that was on a table in the ring. 

“The International Championship is now known as the American Championship?” wondered Excalibur.

MJF: “When I talk about America, I’m not talking about you. I’m talking about real America. I’m talking about the most magical place in the world known as Plainview, Long Island, New York. God bless the USA, God bless your American Champion, but most importantly, God bless your American hero, MJF! Thank me later!”

Will Ospreay charged into the ring and MJF headed for the hills!

Ospreay: “Max, you can try your best to feed everyone some horsecrap, but we ain’t eating it! I was in that match so allow me to tell everyone what was going on in your damn mind at minute fifty-nine when you were out of breath, you knew that you couldn’t beat me! So, you reached into your trunks, and you pulled out that diamond ring and cracked it over my skull. You would rather have cheated than admit that a guy like me is on your level!

“And Max I am here with the best news for you. I have had a meeting with Tony Khan and Christopher Daniels. And guess what Max, I’ve got my rematch. And I’ve got my rematch on home soil! Max, Sunday, August 25th, you and me for the International Championship at All In!”

“That’s massive news right there!” said Taz.

Backstage, ref Bryce Remsburg went to do the coin flip to see who would have the advantage in Blood & Guts. 

Bryce opened a door and Christopher Daniels had been taken out, as The Elite surrounded him!

Nicholas: “He’s taking a nap!”

Matthew: “Actually, we brought our own coin. AEW on one side, the Elite on the other, sound good?”

Bryce knew he didn’t have a choice and went along with it begrudgingly. Matthew flipped the coin and to no one’s surprise, the Elite won. Nicholas asked where “Hangman” was and Matthew reassured him that Adam Page would show up because they had a deal. Matthew held up the rigged coin to the camera and revealed he’d cheated with the coin, which had the Elite on both sides.

FTW Championship Match!

“The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho (c.) vs. Minoru Suzuki!

Big Bill and Bryan Keith were banned from ringside.

Jericho chopped at Suzuki and Suzuki fired back, not backing down. Suzuki invited Jericho to chop him again and Suzuki laughed it off. Suzuki blistered Jericho’s chest with left handed chops. Jericho served up chops of his own as the fans chanted “Chop forever! Chop forever!”

It was a total chop fest as both men stood there and chopped one another. Jericho finally had enough and hit a lariat on Suzuki. Suzuki baited Jericho in and applied a flying arm bar. Jericho was bleeding from the chest! Suzuki grabbed a steel chair and whacked Jericho across the back!

Suzuki placed Jericho’s hand in between the chair and smashed it with another chair! Suzuki applied a Fujiwara arm bar but Jericho gouged Suzuki in the eyes and followed up with a Code Breaker. Suzuki kicked out at the one count! They traded elbow strikes. Suzuki locked in a sleeper, but Jericho escaped and applied the Walls of Jericho! Suzuki countered out of it!

Suzuki tried for a Gotch style piledriver, but Jericho countered with a low blow and then connected with the Judas Effect for the pinfall victory!

After the match, Suzuki spiked Jericho with a Gotch-style piledriver. Big Bill and Bryan Keith ambushed Minoru Suzuki, swarming him in the ring!

“The Wrestler” Katsuyori Shibata slid in from behind and single handedly wiped out Big Bill and Bryan Keith!

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview the new CMLL World Women’s Champion Willow Nightingale!

Willow: “I’ve traveled—”

Stokely Hathaway distracted Willow while Kris Statlander nailed Willow with a cheap shot! 

Stokely: “How about next week on Dynamite we have an Eliminator Match for that CMLL World Women’s Championship? Willow, what do you say? Well, she’ll let us know.”

Statlander threw the title down at an injured Willow Nightingale!

Earlier in the day, Renee Paquette interviewed “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

Jeff Jarrett interrupted the interview.

Jeff: “I’ve heard your entire conversation and I just have to say this. You know better than anyone that I was crushed that I didn’t win the Owen. But in hindsight, as I look back over it, you overcame the odds that I didn’t. And you were the perfect guy. I couldn’t have been prouder to stand in that ring in Calgary and raise your hand.

“But now you’re going to face a champion who knows exactly what he needs to do, dialed in and focused on that championship. I understand you have to heal up physically, but I think you’ve got a lot of mental healing to get done.

“You can stand on the fence, you’ve got one foot out the door, but Bryan, if you’re going to go all in, go all in. A lot of people believe in you and I’m at the very top of that list.”

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. vs. Hikaru Shida!

Shida blocked a side headlock takeover from Britt, but Britt rolled up Shida for a near fall. Britt looked for head scissors, but Shida rolled away, evading it. 

Shida battered Baker with right hands. Shida followed up with a running knee strike. Britt Baker rallied back with a neck breaker and a sling blade! Baker pulled out her surgical glove, but Shida nailed Baker with a German Suplex.

Britt walloped Shida with a thrust kick. Britt blocked a Falcon Arrow attempt by Shida. Shida looked at her kendo stick in the corner, conflicted, knowing how much a victory over Baker would mean. Shida didn’t grab it. Britt blasted Shida with a snapping neck breaker for a near fall. Shida cracked Baker with a question mark kick and then the Fallow Arrow. Britt countered the katana kick, rolling through with the Lock Jaw and Shida had no choice but to tap out!

After the match, TBS Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné walked onto the ramp!

Mercedes: “Britt, that was very impressive. What a strong victory over a former champion. I know that you want a shot at my title at All In, and what would be hotter than the CEO versus the D.M.D.? So, let’s get to it, because I know that everyone is waiting for my answer. And that answer is no!”

Camille jumped into the ring and booted an unsuspecting Britt in the face! Mercedes laughed at the sight! Camille put Baker in the torture rack after that grueling match with Shida!

“Look at the size of Camille! She’s gigantic!” said Tony Schiavone. 

Camille raised Mercedes’ hand in the ring.

“Wow, what a great job in my opinion by Mercedes, recruiting and pairing up here with this dangerous Camille,” said Taz.

AEW Undisputed Trios Champions The Patriarchy were backstage!

Christian Cage: “Nashville, you haven’t earned the right to see Christian Cage in person, so I’ll be conducting my business backstage. Now this past Saturday on Collision, the Patriarchy triumphed as we walked out as the new Trios Champions. This Friday on Rampage, my son Nick is entered into the Royal Rampage and he’s going to walk out as the number one contender for the AEW World Championship!

“Now Nick you’ve earned the right to speak for yourself, so the floor is yours.”

Nick Wayne: “Well first the Trios Champions, and soon to be the number one contender…hey, why do I keep seeing your face?”

Kip Sabian was standing backstage as Nick walked up to him. 

Nick: “I saw you last week while we were walking outside our locker room to the ring, and now I’m seeing you here. What’s your deal?”

Kip Sabian: “There is no deal.”

Nick: “I know you’re also in this Royal Rampage match on Friday. I’m going to be the one to throw your ass out, alright? And by the way, no one cares that your dad is dead. Be a man and suck it up.”

“The Bastard” PAC vs. The Iron Savages’ Boulder!

Pac hit Boulder with a kick to the midsection. Pac pump kicked Boulder, but Boulder knocked down Pac with a shoulder tackle. Pac dodged a moonsault from Boulder! Pac followed up with a shotgun dropkick! Pac drilled Boulder with a brain buster and scored the pin!

“The Glamour” Mariah May vs. Kaitland Alexis!

May walloped Kaitland with a vicious dropkick right out of the gate! Mariah hit another dropkick, this time off the top turnbuckle. Mariah cracked Kaitland with a running knee strike and then planted her opponent with the May Day in the center of the ring! Mariah May crushed Kaitland with a running hip attack and then the Storm Zero for the pin!

“Timeless” Toni Storm’s music began to play but it was all a ruse as Mariah May began to laugh. Suddenly Toni Storm appeared in the ring and she and Mariah duked it out! Referees and security had to separate Mariah and Toni!

Toni: “Are you prepared to die? Because I am?!”


Team AEW—AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland, ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe, Darby Allin, and The Acclaimed—Max Caster & Anthony Bowens


The Elite—AEW Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada, TNT Champion Jack Perry, “Hangman” Adam Page, and AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks—Matthew & Nicholas Jackson!

The first two wrestlers fight for five minutes before new competitors are introduced. The advantage is decided with a pre-show coin flip. The match can only end via submission or surrender after all participants have entered.

Jack Perry and Darby Allin were the first two participants. Perry nailed Darby with a steel chair as Darby was making his entrance. Jack Perry power bombed Darby against the cage! Jack Perry whipped Darby into the steel ring steps! They began to brawl throughout the fans on the arena floor. Darby drilled Jack Perry over the barricade with a lariat, back towards the steel cage!

They got into the ring and Jack Perry smashed a garbage can on Darby’s head. Jack Perry lawn darted Darby into the corner turnbuckles, where a garbage can had been wedged! Darby spat at Jack Perry and wrapped a cord around Jack Perry’s throat. 

The clock counted down and Nicholas Jackson was the next participant, as Team Elite had the advantage due to the coin flip. Darby countered a double suplex attempt but Nicholas nailed Darby with a superkick. 

ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe was the next entrant! Briscoe cleaned house on Jack Perry and Nicholas Jackson, while the crowd erupted into chants of “Dem Boys! Dem Boys!”

Matthew Jackson came down next, carrying a case. He threw the case to Nicholas and Nick brained Briscoe with the case. Matthew spiked Darby with a DDT onto the case! The Elite triple teamed Darby! Anthony Bowens entered the fray and went right after Nicholas Jackson! Bowens rocked Matthew and then spiked Perry with the Fame Asser!

Briscoe and Darby rallied back for Team AEW! Darby jumped off the top rope and landed on Matthew with a skateboard lined with thumbtacks. Bowens pulled out a pair of scissors and hit Perry with them, using Perry as a pincushion!

“The Rainmaker” Okada came to the ring next!

Okada cracked Bowens, Briscoe, and Darby with a metal street sign! Okada spiked Briscoe with a tombstone piledriver onto the sign. Caster jumped into the ring with a microphone and the odds were temporarily even for Team AEW!

The Bucks hip tossed Bowens onto a board wrapped in barbed wire! They sandwiched him between boards wrapped in barb wire and Nicholas squashed him with a senton onto the boards! Okada and Matthew put tacks into Caster’s mouth! Nicholas and Matthew pumped up their sneakers and superkicked Caster in the mouth!

“Hangman” Adam Page’s music began to play! Page never came out.

“Where the hell is Hangman?” wondered Taz.

Team AEW regained momentum as the Elite had gotten cocky waiting for Hangman. Bowens delivered a barb wire Scissor Me Timbers on Nicholas!

Swerve Strickland was the final participant!

As Swerve was walking to the ring, “Hangman” Adam Page ambushed Swerve with a steel chair! Page handcuffed Swerve to the cage, outside the ring! “Hangman” held up the World Title and told Swerve that Swerve didn’t deserve it! Page smashed the championship into Swerve’s head!

Matthew Jackson got on the microphone and said, “Hangman, what are you doing? We have a deal! Last time we suspended you and you sat at home. If you don’t get your ass in this ring, you’re fired!”

Page got into the ring and Nicholas locked the cage door. Matthew told Bryce to ring the bell! Okada shoved Hangman after Hangman got into Matthew’s face. There was dissension among The Elite and Team AEW seized the opportunity. Mark hammered down on Matthew Jackson!

Jeff Jarrett came to the ring with a guitar! Brandon Cutler, the stooge for the EVPs, ran down and confronted Jarrett! Daddy Ass walked down and popped Cutler in the mouth with a right hand! Jeff Jarrett smashed the guitar over Cutler’s head!

Billy Gunn and Jeff Jarrett had the key for the handcuffs and worked to free Swerve from the cage. Strickland used a tool to cut threw the cage! Swerve got into the ring and went after The Elite, taking out all of his frustrations on The Elite!

Swerve and Hangman had a stare down! They met in the middle, between the two rings, and slugged it out! Page went for the Buckshot, but Swerve countered until Page hit Swerve with a barb wire board!

Swerve had a staple gun and tried to use it on Hangman, but Nicholas hit Swerve with a low blow from behind. Matthew opened up his case and handed out staple guns to the Elite and they took turns puncturing Swerve with staples! Swerve laughed it off and used the staple gun against The Elite! Hangman tried for the Buckshot lariat, but Swerve dodged it and Hangman inadvertently collided with Okada! Swerve grabbed Page and used the staple gun on Page! Swerve followed up with the House Call kick!

“Blood and Guts living up to its name!” said Excalibur.

The Young Bucks stacked four tables outside the ring! Nicholas scaled the cage, but Bowens climbed up after him! Nicholas drove Bowens’ head into the side of the cage and then Bowens lost his grip and fell off the cage, crashing down onto the tables below!

Mark nailed Okada with the Jay Driller and then hit Matthew with the Jay Driller! Briscoe blasted Perry with a Jay Driller! Briscoe planted Nicholas with a Jay Driller! Briscoe pointed up to the heavens! Mark delivered a thunderous froggy bow to Matthew on the table! Darby scaled the top of the cage and nailed Perry with a Coffin Drop from the roof of the cage!

Caster opened up one of the other cases that the Bucks had brought out. It had handcuffs in it! Jack Perry was handcuffed to the cage and Mark Briscoe battered him with kendo stick shots! “Say I quit!” said Briscoe. Perry spat at Briscoe!

“Do you quit?” asked Darby.

Jack Perry nodded “no.”

All right, let’s get this party started,” said Darby.

Darby grabbed a gas can and poured it over Jack Perry’s head! “I am going to light your ass on fire if you don’t quit! I want a match for the TNT Title at All In! Agree to it or I’m going to light your ass on fire!” warned Darby. Jack Perry, defiant, spat at Darby!

Matthew Jackson yelled into Darby’s microphone, “This has gone too far! You want the match for the TNT Title at All In? You’ve got it!”

Darby: “No, hell no. Say, ‘I quit’ or I light his ass on fire.”

Matthew: “All right, damn it, we quit!” 

“Team AEW has won Blood & Guts!” said Excalibur.

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE and the Royal Rampage at 10/9c on TNT!

And this Friday on—Don’t miss ROH: Death Before Dishonor, live from the Esports Stadium Arlington in Arlington, TX!

Don’t miss AEW COLLISION & BATTLE OF THE BELTS XI live on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Esports Stadium Arlington in Arlington, TX!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, SC!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

Mark your calendars for AEW ALL IN: London—August 25, 2024—taking place at Wembley Stadium and live on pay-per-view! Secure your tickets at and!

And remember… We are AEW—Where The Best Wrestle! 

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