Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, NJ!
It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!
Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.
The show opened with Wardlow carrying out cardboard cutouts of MJF to the ring.
“A very undignified entrance for Wardlow,” said Excalibur.
“And they are chanting CM Punk’s name,” added Jim Ross.
Wardlow handed some paper notes to ring announcer Justin Roberts.
Justin Roberts introduced Tully Blanchard and FTR—Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler.
“So they got an introduction but not Wardlow,” said Tony Schiavone.
Next “The Chairman” Shawn Spears was introduced!
Spears handed Justin Roberts a large sheet of paper to read, with a lengthy introduction for MJF!
“MJF acting like he won the AEW World Championship when he scored that tainted victory over CM Punk,” said Excalibur.
MJF was carried to the ring on a throne!
The Pinnacle had a celebratory group hug, but Wardlow stayed back and didn’t join in.
MJF: “Cut my music! Let me just make something perfectly clear. I think I made it crystal clear last week that I’m the best wrestler on the planet. Not Kenny Omega. Not Bryan Danielson. Not Adam Cole. Not Hangman. No, no, right now you’re looking at the best in the world. No, scratch that, I just beat CM Punk twice in Chicago. I’m better than the best in the world.
“Last week was a little bittersweet for me because after I’d just beaten CM Punk, a lot of emotion came over me. It was at that moment I realized I just beat up someone I grew up idolizing. So I leaned over and whispered to him, ‘You suck.’
“If anyone deserves the words ‘Thank you’, it’s Shawn Spears! If you didn’t warm me up, I don’t know if I could have done it.”
Wardlow looked surprised that MJF didn’t thank him, and thanked Spears instead.
Spears showed off a new MJF t-shirt he had designed for MJF that’s currently available for sale online.
CM Punk walked out on the stage! Tony Schiavone came over to interview him.
CM Punk: “You’re talking about beating me in Chicago. Your win in Chicago is about as suspect as your spray tan. I don’t like to ask for help but I learned my lesson. Today I’ve got some friends.”
Darby Allin and Sting walked out with baseball bats!
CM Punk: “I want a rematch!”
MJF protested.
CM Punk: “Max I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to Wardlow. And Wardlow you can be on the other end of this beating that these jerks will receive, or you can leave them. Shut up, Max, give me a rematch.”
Dax Harwood: “Punk I’m begging for a rematch.”
CM Punk: All you had to do was ask, Dax. The three of us agree to a rematch because I’m getting my hands on MJF.”
MJF: “You want a rematch against me and FTR want a rematch against you. We’re in Atlantic City, how about we roll the dice a little. If you can beat FTR with a partner of your choosing, you can wrestle me but it can’t be Sting or Darby Allin.
“Now in the meantime, Wardlow you’d better suit up because you’ve got a match next!”
“Punk can get a rematch with MJF—anytime, anywhere—if he can find a partner and beat FTR!” said Excalibur.
Backstage Andrade El Idolo met with Sting and Darby Allin!
Andrade: “Finally I meet your boss. Nice to meet your boss. This kid works for you.”
Sting: “He’s not a kid. Secondly, if you have a dispute with Darby, talk to him.”
Darby: “I have bigger things to do than work for you, like become the next TNT Champion.”
Andrade: “You will work for me. We have something in common. You want the TNT Championship? I am the next TNT Champion.”
Sting: “One thing is for sure: he means it.”
A.H.F.O’s The Blade vs. “Mr. Mayhem” Wardlow (with “The Chairman” Shawn Spears)!
“Wardlow signed up under very short notice for this match,” said Excalibur.
The Blade chop blocked Wardlow from behind before the bell rang! The Blade kicked at Wardlow’s leg.
Wardlow took Blade off his feet with an explosive lariat! Wardlow followed up with a belly-to-belly suplex! And then another! Wardlow lifted up The Blade and rammed him spine-first into the steel ring post!
Wardlow charged but Blade countered with a knee strike! Blade tried for another knee strike but Wardlow caught him and powerbombed Blade! There was a second powerbomb to Blade! Wardlow kept power bombing The Blade! Wardlow placed his boot on The Blade’s chest and pinned him!
Shawn Spears nailed The Blade with a steel chair after the match!
Inner Circle Team Meeting!
Chris Jericho, Jake Hager, and TNT Champion Sammy Guevara walked out to the ring. Santana and Ortiz were noticeably absent.
Jericho: “Listen I know that I said the whole Inner Circle was going to be out here tonight but honestly we haven’t seen Santana and Ortiz all day—”
Santana and Ortiz walked out to the ring with new music!
Jericho: “All right, I see what you did there. You want your own spotlight and you deserve it. But two weeks ago, you didn’t tag me into our own match against 2point0 and Daniel Garcia. You robbed our fans who paid to see Chris Jericho. It was disrespectful. Why did you do it?”
Santana: “Listen Chris, enough of this corny shit. Sometimes you gotta see things for what they are and at the end of the day, Chris Jericho only cares about one person and that’s Chris Jericho. Anytime we’ve had to shift our focus it has been for the betterment of one person and that’s Chris Jericho.
“And any time it seems like we’re headed to the top for the AEW Tag Titles, it seems like it gets shifted so we can come to your rescue, Chris. Am I wrong? Chris I ain’t done. It’s funny that we’re out here. We came out here to tell you that the days of us playing second fiddle are over and done with.
“At the end of the day it was always you that stood in our way and made sure that we didn’t have a bigger spotlight than you. But it was the fans that kept us going. And Chris you’d better than Ortiz because if it wasn’t for him, I would have dropped your ass a long time ago. Now you may speak.”
Jericho: “You know you remind me of my old friend Eddy Guerrero. He’d get all hyped up and then blame his own friends. What kind of stroke does Eddie Kingston have in this company? I’m the influencer. Since I brought you here, you’ve made more money in your lives in this company than you ever made before. And yet you still want to blame me.
“You had your own chance to become the AEW World Champions about a year ago but you lost to The Young Bucks. That had nothing to do with me. I brought you into the Inner Circle. I can kick you out. Maybe I invited the wrong two members of LAX to join. Hey Jake, you got Homicide and Hernandez’s phone number—”
Santana lunged at Jericho!
Sammy: “Hey guys, stop, we’re a family! I love you guys. Inner Circle forever. But Chris I gotta be honest with you. One of my goals is to be the greatest champion in wrestling that there’s ever been and all this bickering back and forth won’t help.
“So you know what? I’ve quit this group before and unless you guys can figure it out, I’ll quit again. Figure it out.”
Ortiz: “What do you expect Chris? You’re throwing around threats. First Sammy walks away, what’s next? Like the Inner Circle, Eddie Kingston is one of our brothers-in-arms.
“All this bickering won’t solve anything. Where we come from, we settle our issues with our fists. Next week, Santana and Ortiz against Jericho and Hager, and we settle this once and for all.”
Jericho: “I never wanted it to come down to this. And maybe next week after Jake and I smack you around, you’ll come to your senses.”
Backstage Tony Schiavone interviewed Roppongi Vice about their match with The Young Bucks on RAMPAGE this Friday.
The Bucks and Adam Cole ambushed Rocky and Trent!
Then Switchblade Jay White walked through the Forbidden Door and rammed Trent into a semi-truck!
Face Of The Revolution Qualifying Match!
Isiah Kassidy (with “Big Money” Matt Hardy and Marq Quen) vs. “Limitless” Keith Lee in his AEW debut!
“I’ve heard nothing but great things about this young man. We’re so happy he’s here in AEW,” said Jim Ross.
Keith Lee hurled Kassidy all the way across the ring! Keith Lee flattened Kassidy with a cross body!
Keith Lee used a slingshot into a crossbody onto Kassidy! Keith Lee ran through a clothesline attempt from Kassidy and then shoulder blocked him!
Matt Hardy walked out on Private Party during the match!
Marq Quen grabbed the boot of Keith Lee, and this allowed Kassidy to hit a corkscrew over the top rope. Keith Lee returned to the ring and shrugged off Kassidy! Keith Lee hoisted up Kassidy and then powerslammed him, scoring the pin on his opponent!
Private Party tried to double team Keith Lee after the match. Keith Lee caught Kassidy midflight and dumped him. Keith Lee plucked Marq Quen out of the air in midflight and powerbombed him on top of Kassidy!
FTR—Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood—(with Tully Blanchard) vs. CM Punk and Jon Moxley!
CM Punk and Dax squared off. Dax shoulder tackled Punk. Cash tagged in and applied a headlock on Punk. CM Punk used an arm drag takedown on Cash.
Mox tagged in but Dax took Mox down with a side headlock takeover. Mox fought to his feet and scoop slammed Dax. Mox landed two kicks on Dax, and then a third kick!
Punk tagged in and FTR began to double team Punk, working over Punk’s leg. Dax chopped away at CM Punk. Mox tagged in and cleaned house!
Mox German Suplexed Cash and then Harwood! Moxley nailed FTR with a double DDT! Outside the ring, FTR held up Punk but Mox hurled himself with a tope suicida and wiped out FTR on the arena floor! FTR lifted up Moxley and smashed him through the timekeeper’s table!
Mox was bleeding so Dax dropped elbows on Mox’s forehead. Moxley had a surge of energy and suplexed Cash! Mox went for the tag but Dax blocked Punk from making the tag. FTR used tandem offense to get a near fall on Jon Moxley.
Harwood jumped off the top rope for an elbow drop but Mox dodged it. Mox fired back with ab big time lariat on Cash! Mox got the hot tag to CM Punk!
Punk connected with a leg lariat on Dax! He followed up with a rising knee strike in the corner on Dax for a near fall.
Mox lifted up Dax on his shoulders and then Punk nailed Dax with the Doomsday Device! Punk scored a near fall on Dax! On the outside, Cash Wheeler DDT’ed Mox on the arena floor! Wheeler grabbed the ring bell. Dax shoved Punk into Cash and Cash smashed the ring bell into Punk! Dax nearly pinned Punk but Punk got his shoulders up just in time!
“Punk is standing based on adrenaline and courage,” said Schiavone.
Punk tried for the GTS on Dax but Cash intercepted. FTR blasted Punk with the Big Rig but Moxley was there to make the save for Punk! Moxley and Punk stood back-to-back and slugged it out with FTR! Moxley hooked on the bulldog choke and Punk locked on the Anaconda Vice but Tully Blanchard jumped into the ring! Punk connected with the GTS on Blanchard! While Mox spiked Dax with the Paradigm Shift, Punk K.O.’ed Cash with the GTS and pinned Cash for the victory
TBS Championship Open Challenge Match!
TBS Champion Jade Cargill (with “Smart” Mark Sterling) vs. A.Q.A.!
“She’s 26-0,” said Jim Ross of Jade Cargill.
Jade rag dolled AQA to the mat. AQA used her agility with a deep arm drag to Jade.
Jade hoisted up AQA by the arm and smashed her down onto the mat! Jade popped up AQA but AQA answered with a dropkick in midair! Jade smashed her forearm into AQA. Jade snap suplexed AQA onto the arena floor.
AQA strung together a combination in the ring and took down Jade with a sling blade!
“Jade Cargill got rocked by that,” said Excalibur.
AQA got whipped into the ropes by Jade but AQA fired back with a swinging DDT! AQA connected with a shooting star press on Jade for a near fall!
“The power of Jade Cargill absolutely shocked AQA,” said Jim Ross.
AQA went back up to the top rope but Jade knocked her off balance.
“I think the champ is getting impatient as hell,” said Jim Ross.
Jade caught AQA and pancaked her with the Jaded finisher, scoring the pin. Jade Cargill retained the TBS Championship and her perfect record!
The Professor’s 5 Minute Rookie Challenge!
“The Professor” Serena Deeb vs. Katie Arquette!
Deeb hit an uppercut on Katie in the corner. Deeb used a swinging neck breaker and then wrenched back on Katie! Katie was forced to tap out!
Main Event Time!
AEW World Title Texas Deathmatch!
Champ “Hangman” Adam Page vs. “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer (with Jake “The Snake” Roberts and American Top Team’s Dan Lambert)!
The only way to win is by knockout or submission!
The match began with both wrestlers brawling in the back. Hangman shoved Archer through a pane of glass! Archer was busted wide open!
Page blasted Archer with the Buckshot Lariat! Archer rolled outside the ring. Page jumped over the top rope and hit a crossbody press on Archer!
Page attempted a tope suicida but Archer pulled a trash can lid out from beneath the ring and smashed Page in the head with it. Dan Lambert unscrewed the top rope!
“There will be no Buckshot Lariat without the top rope,” said Excalibur.
Hangman tried to hoist up Archer for the Dead Eye. Page connected with two boots to Archer’s head! Archer flung Page into the middle turnbuckle. Jake “The Snake” Roberts nearly took off Page’s head with the patented short arm clothesline. Jake was going to DDT Page but Archer stopped him because Archer wanted to inflict the punishment himself. Instead Page DDT Archer on the floor!
Page, bleeding heavily, cracked Archer with four shots with a kendo stick to Archer’s skull! Archer choke slammed Page through a trashcan! Archer pulled out a fork and punctured Page’s forehead! Archer followed up with a cannonball senton, wiping out Adam Page!
Archer pulled out a steel chair that was wrapped in barbed wire! Archer picked up Page and slammed him with the Black Hole onto the steel ring steps!
“Page looks like he’s on his professional death bed,” said Jim Ross.
Archer was looking for a powerbomb but Page grabbed the barbed wire off the chair. Handman wrapped the barbed wire around his arm and pummeled Archer with forearms.
Referee Paul Turner bent over to pick up the barbed wire and Page vaulted over Turner’s back, nailing Archer with the Buckshot Lariat. The collision sent Archer crashing through a table set up on the arena floor. Archer couldn’t answer the ref’s 10-count so Page retained the championship gold!
“What a win for the fighting champion ‘Hangman’ Adam Page, and still AEW World Champion,” said Excalibur.
Adam Cole walked out to the ring after the match! Cole grabbed the belt from the ref and placed it on Page’s shoulder!
“The #1 ranked Adam Cole making his intentions clear,” said Excalibur
Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Nashville Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, TN!
Don’t miss AEW RAMPAGE this Friday at 10/9ct on TNT featuring:
-The Young Bucks vs. Roppongi Vice!
-HOOK vs QT Marshall’s student Blake Li!
-AEW World Tag Team Championship Match!
Champs Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus vs. The Gunn Club!
And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!