Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.
Tonight’s DYNAMITE began with the Open Challenge for the TNT Dynamite Title!
“The American Nightmare” Cody (along with Nightmare Family head coach, “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson), stood in the ring awaiting to see who would answer the open challenge this week. After Justin Roberts finished his introduction of TNT Champ Cody, out walked…
18-year pro wrestling veteran Eddie Kingston, making his AEW Debut, to answer Cody’s open challenge! Kingston proposed that this week’s open challenge should have a No DQ stipulation, and Cody agreed!
As Justin Roberts began to introduce the challenger, Kingston attacked Cody from behind.
The fight quickly went to the outside of the ring, with Kingston and Cody brawling. Kingston gouged Cody’s eyes!
“This is a dangerous situation that Cody has put himself in,” said Jim Ross.
“And it’s a dangerous man that he is facing. Eddie Kingston, one of the toughest, one of the dirtiest fighters in the game, is now challenging for the TNT Championship,” added Excalibur.
Back in the ring, Kingston went for a single leg takedown on Cody and then started clubbing Cody with fists, employing some “street” ground-and-pound into his strategy. Kingston went for a spinning back fist but Cody dodged it. Cody blasted Kingston with the Disaster Kick!
Kingston, in a fog, stumbled to the outside of the ring to clear the cobwebs after Cody’s Disaster Kick. Cody wasted no time and followed up with a tope suicida onto Kingston!
“Cody’s got his work cut out for him but he is focused,” said Tony Schiavone.
Cody came off the top rope with a missile dropkick onto the challenger. Kingston was clutching his knee and went back outside the ring. Cody removed his weight belt and followed him.
“I think Kingston may have lured Cody to the outside,” said Excalibur.
Kingston booted Cody to the abdomen and snatched the weight belt from Cody. Kingston began whipping Cody’s back with the belt. There is no disqualification in this match after all, so Kingston is using that to his advantage.
“Kingston is whipping Cody like a government mule here,” said Jim Ross.
“Kingston still trying to get his knee back in place,” said Excalibur.
Kingston removed the padding on the outside, exposing the concrete floor! Kingston approached Cody to place him in a piledriver, perhaps, but Cody powered out and backdropped Kingston onto the concrete floor! Cody was driving his fists into Kingston’s forehead.
“Cody showing great aggression here. Tenacity! Toughness!” noted Jim Ross.
The competitors went back into the ring and Kingston was still favoring his injured knee. He hit a backdrop driver on Cody, planting him right on the back of his head.
“That’s that influence of that All Japan Pro-Wrestling style, one of the pillars that Kingston counts as a motivator for getting into the pro wrestling business,” said Excalibur.
Kingston was hitting Cody with hard body shots in the corner but Cody fought back until Kingston dropped Cody to the mat with another stiff shot. Kingston drove the sole of his boot into Cody’s jaw. Kingston was yelling at Cody: “Stay down!”
Cody went after Kingston’s left knee but Kingston turned Cody inside out with a brutal clothesline! Kingston applied a Stretch Plum submission onto Cody. “The American Nightmare” escaped but Kingston took him right back down with a snap mare takeover. Kingston delivered wicked kicks to Cody’s spine. Cody got back to his feet but Kingston poked him in the eyes.
Kingston went for another suplex but Cody floated over the top and caved Kingston’s foundation with a chop block to his tweaked knee! Cody was fired up and sent Kingston headfirst into the turnbuckle pad! Cody tried an Irish whip on Kingston but Kingston’s leg buckled and he crumped to the mat. Cody approached Kingston to take advantage of the situation but Kingston turned and met Cody with a low blow.
“A desperate man pushed to his limit will do just about anything, and we’re seeing that with Eddie Kingston,” said Excalibur.
Kingston DDT’ed Cody on the crown of his skull!
Tony Schiavone noted that Kingston once served as the manager for Santana and Ortiz, as Kingston went to the outside of the ring and pulled a bag out from under the apron.
Kingston emptied the bag inside the ring, spilling the contents across the mat. The bag had been full of thumbtacks! Kingston headbutted Cody between the eyes, growling “Fight me!”
Kingston picked up Cody on his shoulder, carrying him towards the thumbtacks, but Cody escaped and dropkicked Kingston’s knee! Cody attempted to put Kingston in a hold, but Kingston countered and powerbombed Cody right into the thumbtacks!
“Cody is bleeding from the mouth, he’s got thumbtacks in his arm and lower back. Look at that! Can you imagine the pain?!” said Jim Ross.
Kingston backdropped Cody again but Cody popped up, full of adrenaline, and clotheslined Kingston! Cody saw an opportunity for the figure four, but Kingston slapped him in the face. Cody answered with open palm strikes of his own, and then a straight right hand to Kingston! Cody had enough and wrapped up Kingston’s legs in the figure four! After Cody bridged up, Kingston had no choice but to tap!
“Cody has been a fighting champion but this may have been his toughest test yet. That knee injury to Eddie Kingston proved to be a crucial turning point in this match,” noted Excalibur.
AEW World Champion Jon Moxley was somewhere in the bowels of the arena.
“I pride myself on keeping it real. I’m a what-you-see, is-what-you-get kinda guy. So if I tell you I’m going to do something, I’m going to do it. Like when I told Taz that I was going to rip Brian Cage’s arm in two. Hats off to you Taz, you get my vote for ‘Manager of the Year’ because when I had your boy’s arm locked up tight, I could feel tendons and ligaments snapping and cracking, you made the right call. Brian Cage, next time, I ain’t gonna let go.”
Up next in action was MJF (accompanied by Wardlow) vs. Griff Garrison (making his DYNAMITE debut)!
MJF taunted Griff on the microphone and then walloped him in the head with it! MJF stomped Griff Garrison, then whipped him into the corner! MJF followed up with a belly-to-belly suplex on Griff.
The undefeated MJF dominated Griff. MJF grabbed the microphone mid-match and commanded Griff to tell the people watching at home that MJF is undefeated. Griff Garrison slapped the microphone away from his face, out of MJF’s hands. This angered MJF, who then stomped on Griff’s hand.
“Not the answer I was looking for,” said MJF.
MJF got in the mounted position and screamed at his opponent, “Griff, you’re going to tell the whole world that I’m undefeated! Do you understand me?! Say it!”
A battered Griff Garrison painfully mumbled into the microphone, “You’re undefeated.”
MJF laughed and replied, “See, wasn’t that easy?”
Garrison popped the microphone back in MJF’s face and rolled him up! MJF kicked out at two! This only served to further outrage MJF, who took Griff down with a lariat and then pummeled him with strikes! MJF decimated Griff Garrrison with the heat seeker and scored the pin for the victory!
“MJF remains undefeated,” noted Jim Ross.
From earlier in the day, footage was played of Tony Schiavone interviewing Rebel for an update on Dr. Britt Baker’s medical condition.
Before Rebel could answer, Baker called from her room and told them to turn her wheelchair around so she could address the camera and answer for herself:
“Ladies and gentlemen, the conspiracy continues. We all remember vividly in April when Shida violently busted my nose and I returned to AEW the following week as the Role Model and as the much-needed face of this women’s division. And how was I repaid? My fragile, fractured nose was eventually targeted and taken advantage of.
“Rule #4: Never count out a role model. I’m set for the biggest comeback of all time. Do not count me out…particularly at ALL OUT.”
“The Machine” Brian Cage, wearing the FTW Championship came out to the ring accompanied by Taz.
Taz grabbed the microphone: “We had a very difficult week. A lot of heated discussions. To be frank, Brian Cage was pretty close to firing me. Cooler heads prevailed. And I explained to Brian why I did what I did, why I threw the towel into the ring. And I ended up costing Brian the AEW World Championship because me throwing in the towel ended the match. The reason why I did it—it was a business decision. I realized the longer Moxley had that legitimate, bad ass armbar joint lock on the surgically repaired bicep of Brian Cage…I’ll be damned if I’m going to stand outside the ring and have Brian Cage’s bicep torn a second time.
“I stand behind what I did as a business decision because I can assure you, Mox, and any other wrestler in this company, in this world, that Brian Cage will never be in that position again! That will never happen to Cage again! Cage would never tap. He didn’t tap. He’s not wired to tap. That’s why this is the FTW Champion, because he has an FTW mindset. No surrender, no quit.”
Darby Allin’s music cut off Taz on the mic!
Darby started to come down to the ring but was blindsided on the ramp by Ricky Starks!
“The Machine” Brian Cage walked out to the ramp and powerbombed Darby Allin on the stage! Cage picked up Darby again and this time powerbombed him from the ramp straight into the ring!
“It seems Ricky Starks has entered a business relationship with Taz and Brian Cage,” said Excalibur.
In the ring, Ricky Starks continued the beating on Darby. Starks grabbed Darby’s skateboard and handed it to Cage. Starks secured Darby in a full nelson while Cage was about to blast Darby with the skateboard when out came AEW World Champ Jon Moxley from the crowd! Mox was holding a barbed wire baseball bat and ran off Cage, Starks, and Taz!
“Last week it was Darby Allin who had Jon Moxley’s back. This week it is Jon Moxley returning the favor,” said Excalibur.
There was an announcement for the AEW Women’s Tag Team Cup Tournament—The Deadly Draw— coming this summer!
The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson) took on The Butcher & The Blade in a Falls Count Anywhere match!
The Bucks found the Butcher and the Blade in the kitchen of the arena, cutting up meat. There was a fistfight between the two teams right there in the kitchen! The Butcher caught Nick and dropped him across his knee. He tossed him to the Blade, who planted Nick onto a steel cart! The Butcher covered Nick on top of the cart for a near fall!
Matt Jackson picked up the raw meat and pelted the Butcher and the Blade with it, right in the face. The Butcher and the Blade had Matt outnumbered and gave him a double-team suplex onto another metal cart. The Blade got a near fall on Matt!
“They’re using everything except for the kitchen sink!” said Tony Schiavone.
The Butcher rammed Matt into a pillar in the concourse of the arena. The Blade did the same to Nick! The Young Bucks were able to reverse the momentum with their agility and double-teamed the Butcher. Matt held a metal sheet pan up to the Butcher’s face and then Nick ran and smashed it with his knee, driving it into the Butcher skull!
The Butcher and the Blade hoisted Matt Jackson and sent him crashing inside the trailer of one of the AEW production semi-trucks! The Blade swung open the door of the trailer and then the Butcher rammed Nick Jackson’s face into it!
Matt Jackson got a running head start and soared out of the truck and onto the Butcher and the Blade!
“Look at the fearlessness!” said Jim Ross.
“I think Matt hurt himself badly there. Maybe reinjured those ribs. No, the elbow,” added Tony Schiavone.
“Could be both! He came down hard and on the concrete as well,” said Excalibur.
The Bucks placed Butcher on a table. Nick crushed him as he jumped off a bar with the steel cooking sheet under his legs and onto Butcher’s face! The Bucks superkicked the Blade onto a moving escalator!
The match finally moved ringside, where Butcher was hit with a running knee strike! They tried to double team Butcher, but he outmuscled Matt, pushing him away, and then swatted Nick down! Blade began serving up chair shots to the Bucks!
The Butcher and the Blade set up a table and tried to send Matt through it, but Matt escaped their clutches. Using their aerial offense, Nick neutralized the Butcher, and Matt wiped out the Blade.
“The Young Bucks are back in the driver seat,” said Excalibur.
The Bucks set up a table across the steel barricade on the outside of the ring. They tried to suplex Butcher, but Butcher countered with his own suplex! Butcher ran with a cross body block onto Matt, the force breaking the table in half! Matt was clutching his ribs in agony.
Nick whipped a steel chair at Butcher’s head like a fastball. They worked over Butcher in the ring with their spectacular tandem offense. Matt, bleeding from the nose, applied the Sharpshooter on the Butcher. Nick joined in and put Butcher in the cross face. Blade got back to his feet and broke the hold for his partner.
Blade dropped Nick across the top rope and then clotheslined Matt, taking him over the top to the rampway.
“This would be a huge win for the Butcher and the Blade,” noted Jim Ross.
Butcher and Blade dropped Matt on the ramp with a powerbomb/neck breaker combo! Butcher and Blade went to the entrance tunnels and pulled out more tables, but it gave an opening for Nick, who darted from the ring and rocked Butcher with a jawbreaker. The Bucks hit Butcher and Blade with a pair of superkicks! They followed up with the BTE Trigger on the Blade, knocking him for a loop!
The Bucks climbed the staging area and got on top of the entrance tunnels.
“This is crazy!” yelled Tony Schiavone.
The Bucks came flying from high atop the entrance tunnels, at least 20 feet up, crashing down through the tables that Bucher and the Blade were strewn across, and scored the hard-fought victory!
“This was most certainly a statement victory by Matt and Nick Jackson—The Young Bucks!” said Excalibur.
Backstage, Alex Marvez interviewed “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer and Jake “The Snake” Roberts!
Marvez was cut-off midsentence and pulled into a locker room, forced to watch as Archer mauled several unsuspecting wrestlers. Archer threatened, “Everybody dies!”
Up next was Diamante vs. Ivelisse (making her AEW Singles debut)!
Ivelisse was pummeling Diamante in the corner with strikes. Diamante reversed positioning and hit Ivelisse with rapid-fire offense of her own! Ivelisse was blasting Diamante with back elbows galore!
“Those are making a dent in Diamante,” said Jim Ross.
On the outside of the ring, Diamante whipped Ivelisse into the steel guardrail, and then rammed her lower back into the edge of the ring. AEW Women’s World champ Hikaru Shida was watching on from ringside.
Ivelisse kicked Diamante hard against the spine! She began to grind her forearm against Diamante’s forehead. Both wrestlers got to their feet and traded knife-edged chops! Diamante got the better of it when she took down Ivelisse with a waist lock German suplex. Ivelisse fought back with a powerbomb for a two count! Ivelisse was posturing, but Diamante rolled her up with an inside cradle and pinned her!
The Dark Order’s Alan “5” Angels vs. “Hangman” Adam Page (one-half of the AEW World Tag Team champions) was next!
Page ducked a kick from 5 and then smashed 5 with a forceful elbow! Page blasted 5 with a massive boot! 5 avoided a clothesline from Page and followed up with a big rising kick. The comeback was short-lived as Page booted 5, sending him crashing to the outside!
“He had that foot up so high, it was almost like a Bruiser Brody kick,” said Tony Schiavone.
The Dark Order came out and watched the match from the entrance ramp. Hangman was temporarily distracted by their presence and 5 took advantage of the opportunity. 5 connected with a few strikes, and then a neck breaker on Hangman. 5 missed a splash from the top rope and Page quickly got back in control. Page nearly decapitated 5 with a lariat! Page followed-up with the fallaway slam and then a rolling elbow for a near fall on 5!
“Angels might be a little intimidated to lose with The Dark Order watching on,” suggested Jim Ross.
Page pinned 5 after an emphatic powerbomb!
Page challenged The Dark Order to get into the ring.
Mr. Brodie Lee walked down to the ring.
“Mr. Page, I was impressed with that match and your rise to stardom, but what I was not impressed by is your lack of friends and your lack of a tag partner when you are clearly in immediate danger,” said Mr. Brodie.
“The Dark Order can protect you. We would never once leave you alone. Not at a bar and not in this ring. So that’s what we offer you.”
Page grabbed the microphone: “Hey, I appreciate the compliments and all, but to be honest with you, I don’t know if I’m ready to join a cult right now.”
“Cowboy, you just made your bed, and I hope you enjoy your sleep in it,” replied Mr. Brodie.
Mr. Brodie took Colt Cabana with him to the back, shielding him from what was about to happen next. The rest of The Dark Order surrounded Page in the ring. Page was brutally assaulted by Evil Uno and Stu Grayson and the rest of The Dark Order!
Finally FTR—Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler—came barreling down to the ring to Hangman’s aid! Eventually Kenny Omega sprinted down to help his partner. Hangman accepted a handshake and a beer from FTR as Omega looked on.
It was time for our main event!
Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy—Jurassic Express (accompanied by Marko Stunt) vs. Jake Hager and Chris Jericho (with Santana & Ortiz)!
Jericho stomped Jungle Boy as soon as the bell rang. Jungle Boy took down Jericho with two deep arm drags and a dropkick. Jericho tagged in Hager, and then Jungle Boy tagged in Luchasaurus.
Hager threw a right hand but Luchasaurus blocked it. Luchasaurus kicked Hager right at the temple but Hager grabbed Luchasaurus’ ankle. Hager tagged in Jericho and Le Champion started to work over Luchasaurus’ leg.
Hager was tagged back in and wrenched the neck of Luchasaurus. Hager grapevined Luchasaurus’ leg at an unnatural angle, applying the pressure and stretching the ligaments. Hager hit him with a low chop block!
Jungle Boy got the tag and cleaned house! He hit a hurracanrana on Jericho for a near fall! Jungle Boy flew to the outside with a tope onto Santana and Ortiz! Jungle Boy hit a springboard DDT onto Jericho but Hager ran in to make the save! Jericho punched Marko off the apron for some earlier interference.
Matt Hardy was seen watching from the seats in the upper bowl of the arena.
After a standing vertical suplex on Jungle Boy, Jericho hammered him with closed fists. Jericho hoisted up Jungle Boy and had him perched on the top turnbuckle. Jericho attempted a superplex but after connecting with right hands, Jungle Boy pushed Jericho to the mat! Jungle Boy landed on Jericho with a crossbody block for a near fall!
Hager and Jericho double-teamed Jungle Boy. Jericho brought in the baseball bat but ref Aubrey Edwards enforced the rules, insisting that Jericho drop the bat outside the ring. Jungle Boy threw everything he had into a lariat, and then a kick to the back of Jericho’s head. Jericho managed to tag Hager in. Jake Hager tested the conditioning on Jungle Boy as he applied a headlock and put all of his weight onto it. After a double Irish whip, Jungle Boy countered with a double DDT onto Jericho and Hager!
Luchasaurus came in after the tag and greeted Hager with thunderous pump kicks! He took the wind out of Jericho’s sails with chops to the chest! Luchasaurus rocked Jericho with a hook kick and then sent a wobbly Hager to the mat after a roundhouse! Jungle Boy connected with a forearm off the top rope onto Hager! Marko Stunt aimed a missile dropkick at Jericho, which sent Jericho into Luchasaurus’ thrust kick! Jericho kicked out at two!
While ref Aubrey Edwards was distracted, Luchasaurus grabbed Jericho by the throat for a chokeslam. Serpentico jumped onto the ring apron, ambushed Luchasaurus, and swung Jericho’s baseball bat at Luchasaurus’ lower back! Jericho followed up with the Code Breaker for the three-count victory!
“Has Serpentico joined The Inner Circle?” asked Excalibur.
“Apparently so,” answered Tony Schiavone.
The Inner Circle outnumbered Jurassic Express and continued to punish them after the match was over. Serpentico jumped off the top rope with a shooting star press onto Luchasaurus!
Serpentico unmasked and revealed himself to be…Sammy Guevara!
Orange Cassidy’s music hit and out walked “Freshly Squeezed”! Chuck Taylor and Trent—Best Friend—joined Orange Cassidy! The Inner Circle retreated from the ring!
Be sure to join us next week for all the explosive action as AEW DYNAMITE is broadcast on TNT!