Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.
Opening DYNAMITE tonight was a World Tag Team Title Match—The Natural Nightmares—QT Marshall & Dustin Rhodes (accompanied by Brandi Rhodes) vs. champs Kenny Omega & “Hangman” Adam Page!
Jim Ross pointed out that Allie was not ringside for this match.
Omega tried to end it early with a One-Winged Angel on Dustin, but “The Natural” slid out and popped Omega with an elbow. Dustin and Omega’s heads collided, and then Omega raised some knees into Dustin. From the top rope, Dustin nailed a hurracanrana on Omega! Brandi shouted words of encouragement to Dustin and he tagged out to QT, wanting to clear out the cobwebs from his head.
“Dustin is a little wobbled, so QT is going to have to pull some extra weight in this match up,” said Excalibur.
“This has got to be the biggest match in QT Marshall’s career,” added Jim Ross.
QT hit a beautiful high drop kick on “Hangman” Page that was right on the money!
Page sprung up and used a high boot on QT. Kenny was tagged in, jumped over the rope with a springboard, dropping a sledgehammer on QT. The tides were turned on Omega, though, as QT turned up the intensity with his own storm of offense.
“Let’s face facts: Cody was a big factor in creating a break for QT, who is now running with the ball,” noted Jim Ross.
Omega bought some time with a Kotaro Crusher on Dustin, and then made the tag to Page. The Hangman wiped out The Natural Nightmares with a variety of strikes, a fallaway slam, and then a sliding lariat on QT!
“The champions seem to be hitting their stride here,” said Excalibur.
Omega landed a moonsault from the middle rope on QT, good for a two-count. Page tagged in but QT used misdirection and landed a kick on Page. Rhodes and Omega were back at it, and Rhodes caught Omega with a Manhattan drop and followed up with a bulldog. Rhodes served scoop slams to the champs, tossed them over the top rope, and then did a cannonball senton! QT Marshall then executed the QT Special!
“It’s ugly but it’s effective!” said Excalibur.
QT signaled for the Diamond Cutter, which was gifted to him by the legendary Diamond Dallas Page, but Omega blocked it. Omega took QT down hard to the mat with a wicked snap dragon suplex! Dustin got back in and planted Omega with a Canadian destroyer! “Hangman” Page was back in and connected with a thunderous clothesline to Rhodes, but then QT made Hangman feel the bang with the Diamond Cutter!
At this point, Allie came out and cheered on QT from the ramp. QT tried for a moonsault on Omega, but Omega moved! Omega and Page isolated QT in the corner and began picking him apart with their tandem offense—a discus elbow strike into an assisted German suplex by Page—but Dustin Rhodes came in to break up the count!
“How about the resiliency of QT?” asked Tony Schiavone.
The champs connected with the Last Call on QT and Omega got the pin! Omega and Page are going on to defend their belts at FYTER FEST!
Up next: “The Star of the Show” Anna Jay vs. Abadon!
“Abadon is a horror movie come to life,” said Excalibur, as she made her entrance by crawling to the ring.
Abadon took down Anna Jay with a clothesline. She draped Anna Jay’s throat over the ropes and began pressing down with her leg. Abadon smashed Anna Jay’s skull into the mat with a step up hurracanrana for the three-count!
“This has got to be considered an upset,” said a shocked Tony Schiavone.
“Totally disturbing is how I see it,” said Jim Ross.
“But in the same breath, totally effective,” added Tony Schiavone.
The Dark Order’s music began to play. “The Exalted One” Mr. Brodie Lee walked out with his minions. Colt Cabana watched on from ringside with a concerned look. Evil Uno presented a large envelope to Colt.
“Maybe it’s some sort of offer? Marching orders?” questioned Tony Schiavone.
The Dark Order minions helped Anna Jay out of the ring and walked her back through the tunnel.
#1 Ranked MJF (with Wardlow) vs. Billy, leader of The Gunn Club (accompanied by Austin & Colten Gunn)!
MJF tried to work on Billy’s arm to no avail. MJF ducked a boot from Billy, but Billy hit him square in the jaw on the second attempt.
“MJF tried to go upper body and that was a mistake. Get the big man off his feet,” suggested Tony Schiavone.
MJF tried to retreat to the ramp, but Billy carried him back to the ring. MJF changed the pace and got the advantage after two consecutive chop blocks to Billy! MJF seized Billy’s leg and began to work it over. While ref Aubrey Edwards was distracted, Wardlow took some shots on Billy’s leg, ramming it against the ring post!
MJF kept wrenching on Billy’s leg, who had a decided advantage at this point in the match. MJF taunted Jungle Boy who was watching on the outside.
MJF grapevined Billy’s leg, but Billy pushed him off and fought through the pain. He slammed MJF with a tilt-a-whirl. Billy missed a splash in the corner. MJF applied the calf crusher, smartly working over Billy’s legs again. Billy hit his finisher on MJF but Wardlow jumped to the apron to distract Billy! Wardlow got popped, but in the process, he tossed the Dynamite Diamond Ring to MJF, unbeknownst to ref Aubrey Edwards. Wardlow clotheslined Austin on the outside, but Billy saw this and threw Wardlow into the barricade!
Billy got back in the ring but MJF blasted him with the loaded right hand. He pinned Billy after a knock-out punch!
“MJF remains undefeated in the year 2020,” noted Excalibur.
After the match, Wardlow and MJF got into a pull apart brawl with Jurassic Express!
“Wardlow and Luchasaurus have this burning desire to fight and they’re the biggest dogs in the yard,” said J.R.
Alex Marvez interviewed Le Sex Gods backstage. Marvez wanted to know why Chris Jericho attacked Orange Cassidy last week:
“You want to know why ‘Blood Orange’ was juiced all over the ring last week? Everybody loves Orange Cassidy, but he had the audacity to interrupt The Inner Circle twice.”
Tony Schiavone was with Dr. Britt Baker and said he had a big announcement: at FYTER FEST, the AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida will defend her title against Penelope Ford!
Dr. Baker was outraged over this development and said she and Tony were now on a “friendship timeout.” Baker commanded the driver of her Role’s Royce to leave immediately, but it was Big Swole behind the wheel: “Where to, Doctor?” asked Swole, who drove off with a devilish grin!
TNT Champion “The American Nightmare” Cody (with coach Arn Anderson) vs. the man who answered Cody’s open challenge tonight…former NWA World Television champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks!
But before the match began, Cody grabbed the microphone. After last week’s confrontation with Jake Hager, Cody noticed he didn’t get any assistance from his friends or his brother. He wondered aloud if he was still a part of The Elite, and if “The Nightmare Family” were still a thing.
And then Cody handed off the mic to Double A:
“With age comes maturity, and with maturity comes wisdom. You have to listen sometimes to the voice of reason. I know you believe you can beat Hager. I know you can beat Hager, but I also know in this business timing is everything, and the timing is just not right. OK? Let’s move past it. Today you have an opponent that is more than qualified, very talented. As your coach I’ve checked it out. But he’s also a guy you can take it to and hone your skills and that’s what we’ve been looking for…”
“Ricky Starks is perhaps the hottest free agent in pro wrestling,” noted Excalibur.
Jake Hager was watching backstage on a monitor.
Starks and Cody began the match with some superb chain wrestling. It broke down quickly, the two men trading punches.
“Ricky Starks is really impressive,” said Schiavone.
Cody switched gears and launched himself with a tope suicida onto Starks!
Starks whipped Cody into the ropes, his ribs hitting awkwardly, and Starks saw the opportunity and moved in. Starks placed his knee between Cody’s shoulder blades and pushed his weight down onto the champ. Starks launched off the top rope and planted Cody with a DDT!
“Starks has everything to gain and nothing to lose here, and he’s wrestling like it,” said Jim Ross.
Starks dropped an elbow right on the crown on Cody’s head. Starks missed an attempt at another swinging DDT and Cody countered with a powerslam. Cody pancaked Starks down with a beautiful forward suplex. Cody went up to the top, but Starks met him there—and Cody was driven into the mat by a superplex!
Starks and Cody had a slugfest! Starks dodged a Disaster Kick from Cody and then speared Cody, practically knocking him out of his wrestling boots! Cody drilled Starks with CrossRhodes after Starks missed a clothesline, successfully defending his title for a third week in a row!
“I tip my hat to both men. This was a barnburner,” said Jim Ross.
The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson) vs. The SuperBad Death Squad (“SuperBad” Kip Sabian & Jimmy Havoc, with “The Bad Girl” Penelope Ford).
Havoc went right after Matt’s taped up ribs, grinding his knuckles into them. Nick tagged in and the Bucks showed off their patented tandem offense.
The Butcher and The Blade were at ringside, threatening the Bucks with violence. Matt decimated Jimmy Havoc with a flipping neck breaker! The Butcher and The Blade jumped the rail, and then hopped onto the ring apron. As Matt Jackson was distracted by The Butcher and The Blade, Jimmy Havoc hit him in the lower back with some plunder! The tables were turned and Kip Sabian put the boots to Matt Jackson.
As they punished Matt Jackson’s ribs, Jim Ross noted: “Sabian and Havoc have great continuity. They think as one.”
Butcher and The Blade made their way from the ringside area up to the entrance ramp, but Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood of #FTR came out to confront them, balancing the scales.
Kip Sabian catapulted Nick Jackson into an eye poke from Jimmy Havoc! Sabian went for a hurracanrana but Matt blocked it and powerbombed him. Nick Jackson got the tag and ran over the SuperBad Death Squad like a runaway locomotive!
Nick Jackson had Sabian in a sharpshooter. Havoc distracted the referee by holding up a mallet. As the ref had his back turned, Penelope Ford clobbered Nick with plunder! Havoc got a two-count on Nick after a fisherman’s DDT! Sabian hit an assisted DDT on Nick for another near fall! Sabian missed a double diving foot stomp and was greeted by a superkick from Nick! The Bucks used Risky Business, and Nick almost pinned Havoc!
The Bucks were trying for the Meltzer Driver, but The Butcher and The Blade approached the ring again, but #FTR forced them to back down yet again. In the chaos, Havoc escaped and rolled up Matt for a two-count! Sabian smashed Matt with the diving foot stomp but Nick made the save for his brother! After some miscommunication, Matt Jackson used a double suplex on Havoc and Sabian! The Bucks rocked the SuperBad Death Squad with superkicks! With offensive ingenuity, the Bucks finished off their opponents with more kicks, causing Sabian to tombstone his own partner! Sabian ate stereo kamigoye knees from the Bucks and then Nick pinned him for the victory!
The Butcher and The Blade assaulted the Bucks after the match ended, but #FTR ran in and everything broke down with all four teams teeing off! The Bucks and #FTR hit stereo mind breakers on the SuperBad Death Squad and The Butcher and The Blade!
A clip from earlier in the day aired of Taz with Brian Cage.
Taz called AEW Champ Jon Moxley a miserable S.O.B.!
“You brought this on yourself, Mox. I wish FYTER FEST was right now!” said Cage.
Dr. Britt Baker was found outside the arena in a dumpster and she vowed revenge on Big Swole!
“Unkillable” Matt Hardy joined the commentary team at the broadcast table for the next match.
In the second of two main events tonight, to determine who will be facing the tag champs at FYTER FEST, #1 ranked Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) battled Le Sex Gods (Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara)!
Chuck Taylor went right after Jericho with punches to the head. Trent speared Sammy on the other side of the ring!
“The Inner Circle are being tested here by Best Friends,” said Jim Ross.
Taylor slammed Le Champion face-first into the top turnbuckle. Jericho fought back and blasted Taylor with a missile dropkick! Jericho sent Taylor back to the mat with a vicious suplex. Chuck Taylor moved out of the way of a lionsault from Jericho.
“I am going to do all I can to influence Sammy and get him out from underneath the shadow of The Inner Circle. I believe Sammy is the future, but he has fallen under the spell of the nefarious Chris Jericho,” said Matt Hardy on commentary.
Trent suplexed Sammy and then jumped over the top rope at Jericho, but Jericho hit Trent in the abdomen with his baseball bat!
Sammy knocked down Trent with a clubbing shot and then tagged in Le Champion, showing great ring awareness. Jericho nearly took off Trent’s head with a clothesline!
Taylor got the tag and ducked a clothesline from a cocky Guevara. Taylor nearly picked up the win for his team after dropping Sammy with the Falcon Arrow.
“Sammy is resilient,” said Matt Hardy.
Taylor tried for a moonsault, Sammy moved, and Taylor landed on his feet! Chuckie T. palmed Sammy up and hit a beautiful LigerBomb on him! Jericho saved Sammy from the pin!
Best Friends sent Sammy flying across the ring with the sole food half and half combination! Best Friends tried to hug because you’ve got to give the people what they want!—but Jericho cut them off at the pass!
“Maybe that was a salute to Orange Cassidy,” pondered Jim Ross.
Trent took Jericho off his feet with a swift knee strike. Trent launched off the ropes for a swinging DDT, but Jericho countered with a lion tamer! Trent made it to the bottom rope causing the ref to break the hold. Jericho jawed with the ref and walked right into a clothesline from Trent!
Trent and Sammy battled on the top turnbuckle, and then Sammy came crashing to the mat after an assisted superplex by Best Friends! Taylor’s anger got the best of him and he tried to swing a chair at Jericho on the outside of the ring, but the ref grabbed it.
While ref Bryce Remsburg had his hands full with that on the outside, Sammy used the baseball bat on Trent inside the ring! Sammy followed up with a shooting star press on Trent, but Trent kicked out before the three count! Sammy went for the GTH, but Trent pushed him into the ropes, and Sammy inadvertently got tripped up by the cameraman. Trent took advantage of the opportunity and dumped Sammy on his head and then clinched the victory!
“A huge victory for Best Friends tonight. They are very, very underrated,” said Matt Hardy.
The cameraman got into the ring and revealed himself to be Orange Cassidy!
“Orange Cassidy has been at ringside running camera this entire time apparently! He is here for retribution,” said Jim Ross.
Cassidy squared off with Jericho in the ring and then charged after Le Champion, taking him down!
“Orange Cassidy is absolutely unleashing on Jericho!” said Excalibur.
“Freshly Squeezed” knocked Jericho out of the ring with a superman punch!
Tony Schiavone received news over the headset: Tony Khan has signed Orange Cassidy vs. Chris Jericho for FYTER FEST!
Be sure to join us next week for all the explosive action as AEW DYNAMITE is broadcast on TNT!