Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.
To kick off tonight’s show we had a Lumberjack Match—“Mr. Mayhem” Wardlow (accompanied by MJF) vs. Luchasaurus (accompanied by Marko Stunt and Jungle Boy)!
They were swinging from the fences at the outset of the match! Luchasaurus was taken down by a stiff lariat from Wardlow.
“Wardlow just opened some eyes in a big way,” said Jim Ross.
Wardlow tossed Luchasaurus into the ring and Wardlow went for another suplex but Luchasaurus escaped. Luchasaurus managed to get some kicks in before Wardlow took him down again. Wardlow didn’t have the advantage for long as Luchasaurus whipped up more of those high kicks to Wardlow!
Both competitors fought on the top rope until Wardlow sent Luchasaurus crashing down with a superplex!
The two behemoths continued to battle in the center of the ring, with each countering one another’s power moves! Wardlow powerslammed Luchasaurus onto the ramp! Luchasaurus got to his feet and hit a shooting star press from the ramp down onto Wardlow and the lumberjacks!
MJF distracted referee Rick Knox, giving Wardlow enough time to connect with a low blow and then his F-10 finisher on Luchasaurus for the pin!
“The low blow is what did the deal,” said Jim Ross.
Jungle Boy went to check on Luchasaurus and then MJF attacked him from behind. The entire ring filled up with lumberjacks as chaos ensued!
It was announced by Jim Ross that Tony Khan just gave him word over the headset that next week at FYTER FEST it’ll be MJF & Wardlow vs. Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus!
Dr. Britt Baker sent a message to Tony Schiavone and said Tony had been taken off “Friendship Time-Out.”
Up next: AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida vs. Red Velvet!
Shida was decked on the outside of the ring by Penelope Ford before the match began! Shida wasted no time and hit Red Velvet with the running knee and the Falcon Arrow, scoring the victory over her opponent!
Shida immediately ran back to the outside of the ring to give Ford her receipt for striking her before the match! Shida and Ford had to be separated from one another as the action got out of hand!
Highlights from the FYTER FEST press conference aired with TNT Champ “The American Nightmare” Cody!
It’s notable that Jake Hager was absent at the start of the press conference.
Arn Anderson said he knew that Cody was motivated by his comments last week and that Jake Hager may be doubting himself now!
Cody said his TNT Championship represents “hope.”
Jake Hager finally showed up, albeit late, along with his wife.
“You ready?” asked Jake.
“I’m ready,” replied a confident Cody.
Jake Hager taunted Cody but Cody wouldn’t take the bait. As Hager and Cody walked away from one another, Hager’s wife threw a glass of water at Cody!
Following this was “The Exalted One” Mr. Brodie Lee (accompanied by Silver and Reynolds of The Dark Order) & “Boom Boom” Colt Cabana vs. “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela & “The Concrete Rose” Sonny Kiss!
Kiss used agile offense on Brodie Lee before Brodie dumped him on his tailbone! Janela tagged in and was greeted by a shoulder block by Brodie.
Kiss and Janela utilized impressive tandem tactics on Cabana before Brody came to Cabana’s aid. The Dark Order minions hopped up to the ring apron, distracted Sonny Kiss, and then blasted him with a cheap shot. Cabana didn’t see this happened, but he definitely seized the moment and dropped a bionic elbow on a dazed Kiss.
Janela was tagged in and hit a crossbody press from the top on Cabana, and then a Death Valley Driver! Janela and Kiss each hit high risk dives off the top to the outside onto their opponents! Sonny Kiss hit a 450 splash on Cabana, but Brodie saved Cabana before the three count!
Brodie nearly took off Janela’s head with the discus lariat and then Cabana jumped on “The Bad Boy” for the pin fall victory!
“Mr. Brodie Lee serving up the victory for Cabana on a silver platter,” said Excalibur.
Out of nowhere, Lance Archer annihilated Sonny Kiss after the match as Jake “The Snake” Roberts looked on! Janela went to defend his partner and chucked a steel chair at “The MurderHawk Monster.” Archer shrugged it off and then dropped Janela with the big boot!
#FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. SCU (“The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian) was up next!
Dax and Cash worked over Frankie’s arm, focusing on that single body part like Arn and Tully would do back in the day.
Daniels was tagged in and headbutted Cash.
“Tempers are flaring here,” said Jim Ross.
Both teams began to slug it out as things broke down in the ring!
“We’ve got ourselves a donnybrook here,” said Excalibur.
SCU isolated Cash in the corner and showed off some of their next level, world class tag team offense on him.
“This has been an absolute master’s class in tag team wrestling by two of the best teams in our sport,” noted Excalibur.
Dax finally managed to tag in and used a slingshot suplex on Daniels. He rolled up Daniels for the near fall. Daniels retaliated out of instinct with a clothesline to Dax.
Frankie took down Cash with a clubbing lariat! Cash floated over on a suplex attempt, but Frankie countered with a backstabber for a two count!
Cash catapulted Daniels into #FTR’s corner. After a legal tag, Dax dropped a leg off the turnbuckle onto Daniels. Moments later, SCU connected with a powerbomb neck breaker combination on Dax, but it wasn’t enough to finish #FTR! After some misdirection, #FTR beat SCU with the Goodnight Express on Christopher Daniels!
“This match was a salute to tag team wrestling!” said Jim Ross.
After the bout, The Butcher & The Blade revved up #FTR’s pick-up truck. The Butcher & The Blade, along with The Lucha Bros., challenged #FTR and The Young Bucks to a match at FYTER FEST!
The Butcher and The Blade, with Penta and Fenix, drove off in #FTR’s truck!
A video package aired hyping the upcoming FYTER FEST match between Best Friends and AEW Tag Champs Kenny Omega & “Hangman” Adam Page.
This was followed by “The Machine” Brian Cage vs. Jon Cruz!
Taz joined the commentary team for this match.
Cage absolutely mauled his opponent here! He quickly finished Cruz after he powerbombed him from the ramp, over the top rope, and into the ring! Cruz landed halfway across the ring! Then Cage picked up his opponent with ease and planted him for the decisive victory!
Taz joined Cage in the ring and took the microphone. Taz stared into the camera and addressed AEW Champ Jon Moxley:
“Mox, you are staring at your fate. At FYTER FEST I want you to ask yourself—‘Can you stop the path of Cage!’”
Backstage, Brodie Lee asked Colt Cabana for one more opportunity to show him how good victory feels, by tagging with him against SCU at FYTER FEST!
Big Swole confronted Dr. Britt Baker, who was in her Role’s Royce surrounded by plexiglass. Baker called Big Swole “trash.” Big Swole climbed the Role’s Royce and emptied a trash can on top of a surprised and disgusted Baker.
Our next match was “Broken” Matt Hardy aka Damascus (accompanied by the NEO-1 drone) vs. Santana (accompanied by Ortiz)!
They locked up in the center of the ring. Santana pushed Hardy into the turnbuckle and began chopping him and connecting with jabs to the abdomen. Hardy backdropped Santana over the top to the floor!
On the outside of the ring, Hardy headbutted Santana and then whipped him into the steel guardrail. Hardy began to bite Santana’s fingers!
Ortiz distracted Hardy, who got hung up in the ropes. With the help of his partner, Santana smelled blood in the water and got the upper hand on Hardy! Ortiz got more and more involved, practically making this a two-on-one match.
Hardy went for the Side Effect, but Santana flipped out of it and planted Hardy in the center of the ring. As an homage to Inner Circle’s leader Chris Jericho, Santana used a lionsault on Hardy for a near fall!
On the top turnbuckle, Santana headbutted Hardy. Santana went for the frogsplash but Hardy moved out of the way in the nick of time!
Hardy and Santana exchanged right hands! Hardy got the better of Santana after an elbow and then a lariat! Hardy caught Santana with the Side Effect but Santana kicked out at one! Hardy tried a second Side Effect on Santana and Santana escaped again! Hardy hit a third Side Effect and Santana still kicked out! Hardy was looking for the Twist of Fate when Ortiz jumped onto the ring apron to distract Hardy and the ref. After reversing a roll-up, Matt Hardy surprised Santana with the pin!
Ortiz ran into the ring and began to assault Hardy by swinging the mad ball loaded sock at him. Santana and Ortiz leveled Matt Hardy with the Street Sweeper!
Private Party ran down to the ring to even up the odds for their friend “Broken” Matt Hardy! Santana and Ortiz didn’t want any part of it and retreated from the ring!
Before their match at FYTER FEST, facing off tonight—Le Champion Chris Jericho and “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy!
“Jericho has taken issue with what Orange Cassidy has done,” noted Tony Schiavone.
“Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side. It’s a joke everybody knows. The more you hear it, the more annoying you realize it is. And that’s you, Orange Cassidy. You are the annoying joke of pro wrestling and the more I see you, the more you piss me off,” said Jericho.
“You got over on your own by being yourself,” said Jericho. “But you made a mistake when you got out of your lane and got in the face of Le Champion. If you try any of that BS offense on me at FYTER FEST, I’ll kick your teeth in! I’m going to make sure you run out of juice,” smirked Jericho.
Orange Cassidy walked up to Jericho and taunted him with light kicks to the shin.
“He is not intimidated by Chris Jericho,” said Excalibur.
Jericho grabbed the sunglasses off Orange’s face and broke them in his hands.
Orange erupted and took down Jericho. Orange began pounding on Jericho! They stumbled to the outside of the ring and continued to brawl! The fight went up the arena steps where Jericho nailed Orange with a TV camera!
Orange slammed Jericho’s head into a rail! Orange, who was busted wide open, ran down the steps and blasted Jericho with a superman punch, sending him crashing right through a table!
Be sure to join us next week on TNT for Night 1 of FYTER FEST on AEW DYNAMITE on TNT!