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AEW Dynamite Results for March 2, 2022


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL!

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

It’s the final DYNAMITE before this Sunday’s REVOLUTION pay-per-view!

Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

AEW General Manager Tony Khan was out to make a huge announcement!

“Normally I’m the one keeping people on time so I’m going to make sure we get to the wrestling tonight. Thank you to all the fans for keeping this company going during the pandemic. This is the biggest week in the history of this company. We’re on the road to REVOLUTION and ahead of REVOLUTION, I have a huge announcement tonight.

“When we started AEW three years ago it was out in that parking lot. About 17 years before that another company started—ROH—Ring of Honor. Today I just signed a new deal. I just became the owner of Ring of Honor!

“Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels vs. “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

Both wrestlers were at the first Ring of Honor show and are facing one another here tonight!

They observed the code of honor before the match, shaking hands.

“Danielson has been talking about teaching the younger wrestlers about violence. Danielson isn’t going to teach Christopher Danielson anything he doesn’t know,” said Tony Schiavone.

Daniels hit the leg lariat on Bryan and then followed up with a split legged moonsault off the ropes. Back in the ring, Bryan clobbered Daniels with roundhouse kicks.

Danielson applied a bow and arrow submission and Christopher Daniels, who grabbed the ropes to break the hold. They traded chops!

“Flesh on flesh echoing throughout Daily’s Place,” said Jim Ross.

Daniels planted Danielson with the Blue Thunder Bomb! Daniels followed up with an STO. Daniels was looking for the Angel’s Wings but Bryan escaped. Bryan closed the distance with a running strike into the corner!

Daniels knocked Bryan off the turnbuckles with a headbutt. Daniels tripped Bryan but Bryan cradled Daniels for a near fall. Bryan clocked Daniels with a rolling elbow! Bryan climbed to the top turnbuckle but CD blasted him with an open palm strike. Daniels attempted the Best Moonsault Ever but Bryan moved and captured Daniels with a leg lock. Bryan rammed his elbows down onto Daniels and the ref stopped the match as Daniels was knocked out.

“Ladies and gentlemen. Twenty years since the first Ring of Honor show. Christopher Danielson and I were in the main event. At that time we started the match with a handshake and we ended the show with a handshake. But here’s the thing. I’m not in Ring of Honor. I’m in AEW. And it’s time to kick somebody’s head in!”

Danielson grabbed Christopher Daniels’ arms and began to stomp on Daniels’ head!

Danielson: “Jon Moxley, the head that’s going to be kicked in on Sunday at REVOLUTION is yours,” said Danielson.

Jon Moxley’s music hit and Moxley stormed out to the ring!

Moxley: “I can see that the American Dragon Bryan Danielson is better than ever, and more violent than ever. But you’ve got it wrong my friend. I’m at a crossroads and which path I walk will determine my future.

“If I walk down one path I get my head kicked in on Sunday and I fade into oblivion. But that’s not going to happen. I choose to walk down another path. I will walk down bullets and through you. At the end of this path I beat ‘The American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson. The story of Jon Moxley is just starting. And I write the first chapter that’s going to be written in blood.

“There’s like a million people watching on TV. You want to prove me wrong? Take your shot!”

Danielson squared up to Jon Moxley and then retreated from the ring.

15 Team Casino Tag Royale!

The winner will receive the final slot in the match for the AEW Tag Team Championship this Sunday on pay-per-view at REVOLUTION against champs Jurassic Express and ReDRagon!

Participants included:

-Santana & Ortiz

-FTR—Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler

-Top Flight—Darius & Dante Martin

-Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor

-The Acclaimed—Max Caster & Anthony Bowens

-2point0—Jeff Parker & Matt Lee

-The Young Bucks—Nick & Matt Jackson

-The Butcher & The Blade

-The Gunn Club—Colten & Austin Gunn

-Brock Anderson & “Big Shotty” Lee Johnson

-Bear Country—Bear Bronson & Bear Boulder

-The Varsity Blonds—Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman, Jr.

-Evil Uno & Stu Grayson

-Pres10 Vance & Alan “#5” Angels

-“Pretty” Peter Avalon & Ryan Nemeth!

Top Flight and FTR were the first two teams to enter the match! The Acclaimed came out next, followed by Alan Angels and Pres10 Vance!

Angels hit the Standing Sliced Bread on Caster! The Varsity Blonds were the next team to the ring! Santana and Ortiz went right after Bear Country, taking the fight directly to them and eliminating them.

Dax and Matt Jackson traded strikes with each other.

“I’d like to see a best of 5 between FTR and the Young Bucks,” said Jim Ross.

Bowens went after the mask of 10 and then clubbed him out of the ring. Bowens sent Grayson over the top rope too!

The Young Bucks knocked Brock Anderson over the top with a double lariat! Top Flight eliminated Anthony Bowens.

“Anthony Bowens took a lot of punishment in this match. He was on the receiving end of a Big Rig from FTR,” said Excalibur.

Evil Uno was about to piledrive Trent on the apron when Danhausen crawled out from beneath the ring and put a curse on Evil Uno! Trent used a half and half suplex on Evil Uno and eliminated him.

FTR, the Young Bucks, and Top Flight were the three remaining teams.

Darius nailed Dax with a kick. Dante ate a right hand from Cash Wheeler. Cash popped up Dante but Dante pulled him over with a hurracanrana and both men were eliminated.

The Young Bucks superkicked Dax Harwood, eliminating him after ReDRagon ran out and distracted FTR at ringside!

Darius Martin took on the Bucks singlehandedly! Darius used a flying forearm on Matt Jackson. Darius hit a standing Spanish Fly on Matt Jackson. Darius eliminated Nick Jackson! Matt Jackson and Darius Martin brawled on the ring apron! Matt Jackson kicked Darius with a low blow and then superkicked Darius out of the ring!

The Young Bucks advance to REVOLUTION on Sunday on pay-per-view!

ReDRagon and the Young Bucks celebrated in the ring!

Backstage, Jericho had some choice words for his match against Eddie Kingston this Sunday. Santana and Ortiz interrupted him. Jericho asked, “Are we good?” Ortiz nodded his head yes.

CM Punk came out to the ring!

CM Punk: “I used to splash water in my face every morning and ask myself, ‘Am I the bad guy?’ Up until a week ago I believed Max was the bad guy. And for Max to bare his soul like he did last week, it took a lot of courage.

“But I also can’t shake the feeling that I’m being gaslit. I don’t believe Max is lying. Where my questions like is in his sincerity. I must be getting soft in my old age but I don’t think it matters.

“There’s a famous picture of me on the internet, from when I was younger and I met Steve Austin. I’ve listened to Max bury Brian Pillman, Jr’s father, the late great Brian Pillman in his hometown. And he said awful things about Darby Allin’s uncle. When I came here Max stood in front of me and introduced himself and I didn’t shake his hand.

“Am I Dr. Frankenstein and he’s the monster? I don’t think there’s anything I can say that’s any more impactful than what I can do. Max can come out here and we can talk and have a conversation in front of the world.”

MJF joined Punk in the ring.

CM Punk: “So here’s the thing Max. I’ve done horrible things in my life. I used to be you. So full of hate. But listen man, I mocked a wrestler’s addiction until he lost his job because of it. I covered a legendary wrestler in the ashes of his manager. And I’m here to tell you that all that hate won’t keep you warm, it’s going to burn you up. I’d like to think my respect isn’t given, it’s earned.

“But this is about some 11-year-old kid at home watching right now who looks up to you, Max. And I woke up this morning and I splashed myself with water in the face and I asked, ‘Are you the good guy?’ And that answer is ‘I sure am trying.’”

CM Punk offered his hand to MJF. MJF paused and then grabbed CM Punk and hugged him. Punk hugged him back. MJF said “Thank you” and then kicked Punk with a low blow! MJF followed up with a heat seeker on Punk!

MJF called out Wardlow and Shawn Spears. Spears handed MJF the Dynamite Diamond Ring. MJF rocked Punk in the head with a stiff shot! Punk was busted wide open!

FTR were on the ramp, running interference.

“You stupid, stupid old man. I’m a snake. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist. This Sunday at REVOLUTION I’m going to show the world and all these mindless sheep that I’m the devil himself!”

Wardlow and Spears had the dog collar around Punk’s neck and began to pull the steel chain from inside the ring, as Punk was bleeding on the arena floor!

“That ring is tearing at the flesh of CM Punk,” said Excalibur.

Darby Allin, Sammy Guevara, and Sting ran down to the ring to save CM Punk!

AEW Women’s World Champion Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. & Jamie Hayter (with Rebel) vs. Thunder Rosa & Mercedes Martinez!

Thunder Rosa hoisted up Baker but Baker escaped. Mercedes whipped Rosa into Baker in the corner. Britt Baker fired back with a sling blade clothesline on Mercedes!

Jamie Hayter tagged in and she and Mercedes collided with shoulder tackles. Mercedes backed Hayter into Thunder Rosa and made the tag to Rosa. Rebel grabbed Rosa’s leg and in the process distracted the referee. Britt Baker blindsided Rosa while the ref was admonishing Rebel.

Baker connected with a ripcord elbow on Mercedes and then Hayter hit the backbreaker! Baker covered Mercedes for a near fall. Britt staggered Mercedes after a thrust kick!

Thunder Rosa tagged in and flipped off Baker. Rosa tried a foot stomp on Baker but Baker avoided it. Thunder Rosa caught Baker with a Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Hayter was there to break up the pin attempt by Thunder Rosa.

Thunder Rosa pinned Britt Baker after a Tiger Driver ’98!

“Mr. Mayhem” Wardlow (with Shawn Spears) vs. Cezar Bononi!

Wardlow wasted no time tuning up the band! He hoisted up Bononi and powerbombed him three times, pinning him after conducting the Powerbomb Symphony!

Shawn Spears was about to swing his steel chair at Bononi but Wardlow grabbed the chair out of Spears’ hands. Wardlow and Spears faced off!

“Tony in my mind this is a long time coming,” said Excalibur.

Shawn Spears nodded his head cautiously and left the ring.

Trios Match!

AEW World Champion “Hangman” Adam Page, Dark Order’s John Silver & Alex Reynolds vs. Adam Cole #BayBay, & ReDRagon—Bobby Fish & Kyle O’Reilly!

Cole and Page began the match for their respective sides. Page backed Cole into the corner without touching him and Cole tagged out to Bobby Fish.

Fish was looking for a knock out kick but Page ducked it and nearly decapitated Fish with a high boot to the head! Page took on ReDRagon by himself and then tagged out to John Silver. Reynolds and Silver used effective tandem offense on ReDRagon!

After O’Reilly put in the work on Reynolds, Cole tagged in for a few shots on Reynolds. Cole tagged right back out to O’Reilly.

“Cole is being very judicious with his time in the ring tonight,” noted Excalibur.

“Good strategy,” replied Jim Ross.

Cole attempted for the Panama City Sunrise but Page muscled out of it, looking for the Dead Eye. Cole escaped and then kicked the top of Page’s knee. Cole was about to lower the boom with a knee strike but Page heard Cole’s footsteps and moved out of the way.

Hangman used a fallaway slam on O’Reilly. He powerbombed Kyle for a near fall. Cole got in the ring and he and Page traded strikes! It broke down and all six men were brawling in the ring. Page scored big time with the Buck Shot Lariat on Cole.

Reynolds made a blind tag and popped Cole up for a knee strike. Cole fired back with a superkick and then lowered the boom with the knee strike. Adam Cole scored the pin on Reynolds!

“Adam Cole comes out of this healthy and with some momentum heading into the pay-per-view Sunday night,” said Jim Ross.

Page fought off ReDRagon! Page was poised to deliver the Buck Shot Lariat to Cole when Bobby Fish kicked out Page’s leg! ReDRagon used gaffer tape and restrained Hangman to the ring ropes!

“Cole and crew have got it rolling. Page is in a helpless state,” said Jim Ross.

Cole superkicked Page and then mockingly placed the AEW World title on Adam Page, saying “That belt belongs to me!”

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Hertz Arena in Estero, FL!

Don’t miss AEW RAMPAGE this Friday from Addition Financial Arena in Orlando, Florida, airing at 10pm EST on TNT featuring:

-TNT Champion Sammy Guevara vs. Darby Allin vs. Andrade El Idolo for the TNT title!

-“The Professor” Serena Deeb’s 5-Minute Challenge!

-Keith Lee in action!

-“All Ego” Ethan Page vs. Christian Cage in a Face of the Revolution Qualifying Match!

This Sunday at 8pm ET, it’s AEW REVOLUTION live on pay-per-view! Available on all major providers, Bleacher Report, Fite TV (Int.) & in theaters (Cinemark, AMC, & Regal Cinemas)!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


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