Dasha interviewed Chris Jericho, who was with Jake Hager and Santana. They were interrupted by MJF, who said he’s glad Chris will have a front row seat tonight to see first-hand that MJF belongs in the Inner Circle.
“I don’t think you have the killer instinct that we have, Max. In fact, I think you’re soft,” said Jericho.
“Soft? Just watch,” replied MJF.
Up first: The Inner Circle’s Ortiz & “The Spanish God” Sammy Guevara vs. MJF & Wardlow!
“Demo God” Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event!
Jericho will be facing MJF at FULL GEAR, and if MJF wins, he can join the ranks of Inner Circle.
Ortiz connected with a low dropkick on Wardlow. “Mr. Mayhem” Wardlow grabbed the leg of Ortiz and slammed him down. MJF tagged in and began to stomp on Ortiz, and then quickly tagged out to Wardlow.
“Wardlow is doing all the heavy lifting here, while MJF is just picking up the pieces,” noted Tony Schiavone.
MJF was biting and scratching at Ortiz.
“I like that! That’s what we do in the Inner Circle,” said Jericho.
Ortiz escaped Wardlow and tagged in Sammy. Wardlow blocked a pump kick but Sammy followed up with a knee strike! Sammy hit two consecutive corkscrew tope suicidas on MJF and Wardlow!
Sammy and MJF faced off in the ring and countered each other’s moves until MJF poked Sammy in the eyes. Sammy countered with the GTH but Wardlow broke up the count for MJF! Ortiz nailed Wardlow with a face buster and then Sammy used a running shooting star press. Wardlow was infuriated and walloped Ortiz with the F10 but Sammy broke up the pin!
“Sammy is having a night!”
Sammy was on the outside of the ring and flipped the bird to Serpentico, who responded by hurling a chair at Sammy! Serpentico—or the person pretending to be Serpentico unmasked—and it turned out to be Matt Hardy in disguise!
MJF finished off Ortiz with the Salt of the Earth armbar!
After the match, MJF charged Chris Jericho at the broadcast booth, knocking him to the ground with a solid shot!
Earlier in the day, Tony Schiavone interviewed Kenny Omega about his upcoming match at FULL GEAR with “Hangman” Adam Page.
“My former tag team partner is in the finals against me. I’m destined to win the tournament and then become the next AEW World Champion,” said Omega.
Making His Singles Debut in AEW—“The Best Man” Miro (with Kip Sabian & Penelope Ford) vs. Trent (with Chuck Taylor & Orange Cassidy)!
Miro insulted Trent’s mom before the match and Trent cut him off with a dropkick! Miro followed up with a suplex and a side dish of elbows and kicks. He threw Trent across the ring with a suplex again. On the outside, Chuck Taylor rammed Kip into the arena wall!
Miro charged Trent with a splash into the corner, and then sent Trent up and over with an Irish whip!
“I can’t see how Miro is going to best Miro here,” said Jericho.
Trent attempted a swinging DDT but Miro blocked it and dumped Trent over the top! Miro rammed Trent into the steel guardrail for good measure!
Penelope Ford slapped Orange Cassidy and then John Silver attacked Cassidy from behind! Cassidy will be facing Silver of the Dark Order at FULL GEAR!
Trent took Miro off his feet with a clothesline. Trent covered Miro for a pin and Miro kicked out at one! Miro missed a roundhouse kick and Trent countered with a half and half suplex! Trent set up his knee strike but Miro caught him and pancaked him for a near fall. Trent drove Miro down to the floor with a tope con hiro! Trent spiked Miro with the swinging DDT! Trent hit the bicycle knee on Miro, but Miro kicked out just in the nick of time!
“What a war we are seeing between these two men!” said Excalibur.
Trent jumped off the top rope with a springboard but Miro blasted him with a kick and it was Game Over!
Miro grabbed the microphone and insulted Trent’s mother again, but this time, Orange Cassidy dropped from the top rope and crashed onto Miro and Kip Sabian!
Earlier in the day, Jim Ross interviewed “Hangman” Adam Page.
Page was drinking a cocktail during the interview. Jim Ross asked Page about his strategy for this Saturday night against his former partner Kenny Omega.
“I think you’re nervous, guzzling that drink. Are you nervous?” asked Jim Ross.
“Yeah, I’m a little nervous. If I don’t win this Saturday, I don’t know what I got other than this glass of whiskey,” replied Page.
Team Taz came out next.
“For three hours I sat outside Tony Khan’s office trying to get two minutes of his precious time. He was too busy for me. ‘The Machine” Brian Cage is 10-1. That Mox match doesn’t count. He’s also ranked #1 in your ranking system. Who better than Cage? How about Ricky Starks, who has won the last 10 of his 11 matches. He’s not even in the top five ranking. What kind of BS is that?” asked Taz.
“How do we not have a match at FULL GEAR? Make it make sense, Taz,” said Ricky Starks.
“Cody, you believe in the motto ‘Do the work.’ Well Team Taz is getting worked! This Saturday at FULL GEAR, there will be an FTW presence. I guarantee it!” said Taz.
The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. Private Party (Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy with Matt Hardy)!
As Private Party made their entrance, Sammy Guevara ambushed Matt Hardy and spiked him on the entrance ramp!
This is a rematch from the second episode of DYNAMITE, where Private Party eliminated the Bucks in the first round of the AEW World Tag Team championship tournament.
We were reminded that if the Bucks don’t win the belts this Saturday in their match against FTR at FULL GEAR, they’ll never challenge for the titles again.
Matt Jackson was still showing signs of an injured leg, from the hands of FTR’s attack last week.
“Matt’s limping already in there!” said Jericho.
The Bucks double-teamed Private Party with tremendous tandem offense. Private Party one-upped them with their own tandem offense, stringing together a beautiful sequence of offense, climaxing with a crisscross and then a tope suicida! Matt Jackson pushed Kassidy off the turnbuckle onto the ramp. Matt hit a running bulldog on Marq Quen!
“Bit of a mean streak there,” noted Chris Jericho.
The Bucks attempted the Meltzer Driver but Marq Quen reversed it, creating a window of opportunity for Private Party! It quickly closed as Matt went right back on the offense. Kassidy got the tag, pushed the pace and booted both Jacksons!
“The door is open for another upset here,” said Jim Ross.
Kassidy jumped over the top with a tornillo on the Bucks! Private Party pulled out more tandem offense but Nick Jackson kicked out. Nick tried to tag in Matt, but Matt was sitting on the apron, nursing his leg. Private Party connected with Gin and Juice on Nick Jackson, but Matt Jackson managed to make the save and break the pin! Marq Quen tried for a shooting star press but the Bucks dodged it! The Bucks tried for the Meltzer Driver again but Quen rolled up Matt, but Matt rolled up Quen, and neither man could finish it. The Bucks finally employed the BTE Trigger on Marq Quen and they scored the pin after a hard-fought match!
FTR ambushed the Bucks and sent Matt Jackson on the Goodnight Express! Tully Blanchard gave a metal chair to Cash and they placed Matt Jackson’s leg in it. Before Cash could crash down on Matt’s leg like he did last week, “Hangman” Page and Kenny Omega ran to the ring to run off FTR! There was a tense stare down between Page and Omega before Omega backed off.
Tony Schiavone was in the ring for the face-off between “Mad King” Eddie Kingston and AEW World Champion Jon Moxley, ahead of their “I Quit” Match this Saturday at FULL GEAR!
Tony Khan announced ahead of time that neither competitors could touch one another tonight, or else they’d forfeit Saturday’s match.
“You think this is a game, Jon? I’m gonna destroy you. I’m gonna ruin you on Saturday. Your belt is all that matters in this sport. And you’re holding it. I’m taking that championship from you,” said Kingston.
“I never thought I’d get burned by you Eddie. I was happy for you when you signed. I promised your mother that I’d always have your back. I guess I broke that promise to her. I believe the loudest one in the room is the weakest one. So what’s going on up there, Eddie? After 18 years you get your shot this Saturday, and deep down, you know you’re gonna lose. So it’s a scary thought that after 18 years, maybe you didn’t deserve it. And the worst part is you made a promise to your mother that you can’t keep!” said Mox.
“You’d better get ready to kill me. This is real!” screamed Kingston.
“This Saturday night at FULL GEAR, Eddie, you will find when you are alone with your ego, you will find you are not the man you thought you were, and you will say the words ‘I quit!’”
A video of “The Bastard” PAC played!
“The thing about isolation—you’ve got nobody to play with. I’ve been here before. Lost. Abandoned. Every day that passes I get stronger and faster and more obsessed!” laughed PAC like a madman.
Backstage, Alex Marvez interviewed QT Marshall and Dustin Rhodes—the Natural Nightmares. They were attacked by Butcher and the Blade, when the Bunny distracted QT!
“The Native Beast” Nyla Rose (with Vicki Guerrero) vs. Red Velvet (with Brandi Rhodes) was next!
Nyla Rose ran over Red Velvet and then took her head off with the “Decapitation” clothesline! Red Velvet tried for a hurracanrana but Nyla countered with a Beast Bomb!
“She’s sending a message to AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida at ringside, who she’s facing this Saturday!” said Jim Ross.
Nyla finished off Red Velvet with a running knee strike, taking a page out of Shida’s playbook.
Vicki Guerrero approached Shida at ringside and told Shida that Nyla is going to break her bones on Saturday. Shida heard enough and grabbed Guerrero. Nyla and Shida began to slug it out until ref Paul Turner separated them!
Time for our main event!
TNT Champion “The American Nightmare” Cody (with Arn Anderson) & The Gunn Club (Billy & Austin Gunn—their debut in the Nightmare Family) vs. The Dark Order (Colt “Boom Boom” Cabana, John “4” Silver, & Ten)!
Darby Allin was sitting up in the rafters, scouting Cody, as he’ll be facing him this Saturday at FULL GEAR!
Silver slapped Cody, but Cody picked him up and dropped him down across his shoulders. Austin tagged in and took Silver off his feet with a basement dropkick.
Billy tagged in and used his size to catch Colt Cabana in midair, slamming him down for a near fall! Austin back body-dropped Ten, but while Colt distracted the ref, Ten used a spinebuster on Austin! Billy tagged in and cleaned house, splashing Ten in the corner. Billy dropped Ten on his face! Cody powerslammed Silver! Ten utilized a beautiful cutter on Billy for a near fall. Austin pinned Ten after the CrossRhodes and the Quick Draw!
The Dark Order surrounded the ring. Orange Cassidy ran down the ramp and Orange Punched Jon Silver, who had to be helped to the back by the Dark Order.
Cody grabbed the microphone: “My opponent at FULL GEAR is telling people that TNT doesn’t want him as their champion. They would love it! And if the circumstances were different, I’d probably love it, but I’m the one who recruited you. Take one last look, Darby. The truth that I speak contradicts the lies that a lot of people live. You want the “Ace” belt. Here’s the problem, Darby. You’re not the “Ace,” said Cody, as he held up the TNT title.
Don’t wait to order FULL GEAR, airing live at 8PM EST on pay-per-view, this Saturday, November 7th, 2020!
And be sure to join us next Wednesday for all the explosive action as AEW DYNAMITE is broadcast on TNT!