This was the final episode before this Saturday’s ALL OUT pay-per-view event!
Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.
Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) vs. The Inner Circle’s Santana & Ortiz was our opening contest!
“What a way to kick things off! The blood is boiling between these two teams,” said Excalibur.
Best Friends jumped Santana and Ortiz on the ramp! Trent jumped off the stage with a high cross body block on both Santana and Ortiz. Best Friends tried to suplex Ortiz onto the steel ring steps, but Santana blocked it.
“Look at your baby boy, Sue,” yelled Ortiz into the camera as he choked Trent with a rolled-up t-shirt.
“Chuck is building some sort of structure with the steel chairs,” said Excalibur.
Santana nailed Chuck Taylor with a chair as he was busy constructing his steel chair structure.
Santana grabbed Chuck and threw him off the stage onto the chairs below!
Finally the bell rang for the match to begin!
Santana pump kicked Trent as Ortiz held Trent’s ankle from outside on the apron. Ortiz tagged in and they double suplexed Trent for a near fall. Ortiz followed up with a gut wrench suplex on Trent.
Trent rallied back with a swinging DDT on Santana and neutralized both members of the opposition, but Chuck wasn’t there for the tag, still recovering from earlier in the match. Trent attempted a spear onto Santana on the outside but Santana leapfrogged him, causing Trent to spear the ringside barricade instead!
Chuck finally got the tag and cleaned house on Santana and Ortiz, following up with a tope con giro! Chuck followed up with Sole Food and the Falcon Arrow on Santana but Ortiz broke up the pin!
Trent tagged in and connected with a bicycle knee strike on Santana!
“Great continuity from Best Friends,” observed Excalibur.
Ortiz held Trent’s ankle and Santana ran into him, knocking Trent and sending him crashing out on the ring steps! Santana and Ortiz were looking for the Street Sweeper finisher, but Trent hit the Crunchie for a near fall! After whacking Trent with the steel baton when the referee was distracted, Santana and Ortiz finished the match with the Street Sweeper, pinning Trent!
Next it was 8-Man Tag Team Action!
The winning team will face each other at ALL OUT!
The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson) & Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy) vs. Private Party (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian) & Private Party (Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy)!
“A little different demeanor tonight for the Young Bucks after what happened with ‘Hangman’ Page last week,” said Tony Schiavone.
The Bucks didn’t even stop to pose when making their ring entrance.
Kazarian and Jungle Boy began the match. Kazarian got an Oklahoma Roll on Jungle Boy for a one-count. They went move for move with impressive chain wrestling.
There was a fan at ringside with a sign that read: “Hangman Drink My Beer!” Matt Jackson spotted the fan, grabbed the sign, and tore it up.
“The Young Bucks refused a tag to the Jurassic Express, not wanting to leave this thing to chance,” said Jim Ross.
“They’re wrestling with purpose here tonight,” replied Excalibur.
“I love the aggression,” added J.R.
Frankie Kazarian baited Nick Jackson, who was on the ring apron waiting for a tag. Kazarian clobbered Nick with a guillotine leg drop. Daniels hit an Arabian moonsault on the Young Bucks on the outside of the ring!
Kazarian tagged in Kassidy and told him, “Impress me!”
Private Party hit a flapjack facebuster combo on Jungle Boy. Daniels tagged in and executed a textbook suplex on Jungle Boy.
Luchasaurus got a tag and dished out chops and a bit boot! He connected with a double clothesline on Private Party, and then a monstrous moonsault onto SCU!
“Luchasaurus cutting through the competition here!” said Excalibur.
Working in unison, the Young Bucks and Jurassic Express used stereo risky business on their opponents! The match went into hyperdrive here! SCU isolated Jungle Boy and blasted him with a powerbomb neck breaker combo! Kassidy hit a senton atomico but Jungle Boy kicked out before the three count! Matt Jackson tagged himself in and the Bucks used the BTE Trigger on Marq Quen, grabbing the pin!
It’ll be the Young Bucks against the Jurassic Express this Saturday at ALL OUT!
Jake Hager was backstage and delivered some news to Orange Cassidy: “Jericho wants you ringside for his match tonight. It’d be smart for you to be there.”
Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview one-half of the AEW Tag Team champs, Kenny Omega!
“Notice anything missing?” asked Jim Ross.
“We are missing the other half—‘Hangman’ Adam Page,” replied Excalibur.
“Adam Page was thrown out of the Elite last week by the Young Bucks. What is going through your mind Kenny Omega?” asked Schiavone, in the ring with the Cleaner.
“The cockroaches in FTR got in Page’s head. It happened. But this Saturday at ALL OUT we will defeat FTR just like every tag team before them,” said Omega.
FTR and Tully Blanchard walked to the ring. Cash was holding a beer cooler. They offered Kenny a cold bottle of chocolate milk.
“Ah, you’ve gotten to know me pretty well after only a couple of months here. But if you came out to bamboozle me two versus one, well let’s just get it over with. Just do me a kindness if you will: Keep the old man away from me. I can smell his Depends from here,” said Kenny Omega, pointing at Tully Blanchard.
Adam Page walked to the ring. Dax said, “Adam, explain to Kenny we didn’t do anything to you. Explain to Kenny how big of a piece of s—t you really are.”
Kenny cut them off: “Can’t you see? They’re still trying to get inside your head Adam!”
FTR grabbed the tag belts. Page demanded they hand them back. FTR tossed the belts to the canvass. Page retrieved them. Page turned around to return one of the tag belts to his partner Kenny Omega, but Kenny Omega had already left the ring. Omega was standing alone on the arena floor. Page seemed disappointed and surprised by his partner’s actions.
Up next: “The Demo God” Chris Jericho (accompanied by Jake Hager) vs. “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela!
It’ll be Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy III in a MIMOSA MAYHEM MATCH at ALL OUT this Saturday, but first Le Champion has to get past Janela!
Orange Cassidy’s music hit, and he strolled down the arena steps and sat ringside.
Jericho removed his ring jacket and revealed he was wearing a shirt with Orange Cassidy’s face on it.
“A lot of mind games here,” said Jim Ross.
Jericho whipped Janela into the corner and followed up with a running clothesline. Jericho dropped fists on Janela’s forehead.
“Jericho is extra aggressive tonight,” said Jim Ross.
Janela tried to fight from his knees but Jericho clubbed him back down. Janela connected with haymakers on Jericho, but it wasn’t enough to stop the onslaught from Jericho.
Jericho pummeled Janela with devastating knee strikes. Jericho caught Janela with the Code Breaker and then submitted Janela with the Lion Tamer!
Jericho removed the pad and rammed Janela’s face into the exposed turnbuckle!
“Janela’s face will soon be a crimson mask,” said Jim Ross.
Jericho punched Janela and caused the wound to open up more. Jericho wiped the blood from Janela onto his Orange Cassidy t-shirt!
Cassidy ran into the ring with his backpack but Hager stopped him in his tracks. The “Concrete Rose” Sonny Kiss sprinted in to help tag partner Joey Janela and wiped out Jericho with a swift shot! Hager defended the leader of the Inner Circle and planted Kiss hard on the mat! Cassidy attempted the superman punch on Jericho but Hager pulled out Jericho just in the nick of time!
Orange Cassidy removed a bottle of a Little Bit of the Bubbly from his backpack. He uncorked it and then poured it out, spilling it out onto the mat as he stared holes into Jericho!
Next, “The Spanish God” Sammy Guevara walked out the tunnel and held up his posterboards, with the written message that Matt Hardy will be deleted at All OUT.
Matt Hardy was watching from up in the arena, and Guevara caught his undivided attention.
Schiavone said this Saturday it’ll be a Broken Rules Match between Hardy and Guevara, and if Guevara wins, it’ll be the last we’ve seen of Matt Hardy in AEW!
Taz walked out with FTW Champ Brian Cage and “Absolute” Ricky Starks!
Taz warned that Darby Allin better watch out for Starks, and Lance Archer needs to be careful of “The Machine” Brian Cage!
Jake “The Snake” Roberts and “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer interrupted Taz, but “Mad King” Eddie Kingston cut off Roberts when he walked out with the Lucha Brothers and Butcher and the Blade!
Shawn Spears appeared and watched from the ramp. Darby Allin’s music hit and he launched an attack on Ricky Starks! And the fuse was lit! It was pure pandemonium as bedlam broke out! Everyone started brawling!
Jake Hager, Santana and Ortiz entered the fray. They were followed by Best Friends!
“This is an absolute melee!” said Excalibur.
“This is a sneak preview of the Casino Battle Royale we’ll see this Saturday at ALL OUT, when 21 men will be competing for a future shot at the AEW World Champion,” said Jim Ross.
This was followed by NWA Women’s World Champion Thunder Rosa vs. Serena Deeb!
This Saturday at ALL OUT it’ll be NWA Women’s World Champion Thunder Rosa vs. AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida!
They tied up with a collar and elbow and Rosa took down Deeb. Thunder Rosa sent Deeb flying halfway across the ring with two drop kicks. Deeb countered with a neck breaker, and then drove Rosa’s knee into the mat repeatedly!
Thunder Rosa used multiple nasty neck breakers on Deeb, and then a running leg drop!
“This is one of the most fundamentally sound matches we’ve seen in a long time,” said Jim Ross.
Excalibur said Thunder Rosa is a stylistic nightmare for Hikaru Shida. “In many ways she is a puzzle,” he added.
Thunder Rosa built momentum with knee strikes and then followed up with a low dropkick on Deeb! Thunder Rosa dumped Deeb with a Death Valley Driver! Somehow Deeb kicked out!
Thunder Rosa hoisted up Deeb and pinned her after the Thunder Driver!
Tony Schiavone interviewed Big Swole.
“Britt Baker, this Saturday during the Buy In, we’ll be fighting tooth and nail!” said Big Swole.
Rebel distracted Big Swole, pretending to be a pizza delivery person with a pizza for Schiavone. Baker attacked Swole from behind, blasting her in the back with her crutches! They smeared the pizza into Big Swole’s face!
It was time for our main event!
AEW World Champion Jon Moxley vs. MJF’s attorney—Mark Sterling!
As stated on page 17 of Moxley’s ALL OUT contract, Moxley is prohibited from using the Paradigm Shift in his match against MJF on Saturday. Mox can use it tonight however! And if Sterling no-shows his match tonight, his client MJF will not receive his championship match against Moxley on Saturday at ALL OUT!
Wardlow had to drag a very reluctant Sterling to the ring to face Moxley.
“The appropriately named Mark…Sterling. This is going to be bowling shoe ugly,” said Jim Ross.
“He has to face Jon Moxley in this match or MJF’s opportunity goes away,” said Excalibur.
Moxley offered a free shot to Sterling. Mox had to show Sterling how to make a fist. Sterling swung and missed. Mox slapped Sterling, knocking him loopy.
Moxley turned his back and told Sterling to hit him as hard as he can. Sterling charged Moxley but Moxley moved. Sterling went sailing through the ropes. Wardlow was outside the ring watching, growing increasingly frustrated by Sterling’s inability to inflict any damage on Moxley.
Sterling poked Mox in the eyes, but Mox clotheslined Sterling over the ropes to the outside of the ring. Mox piled chairs and a barricade onto Sterling. He removed one of Sterling’s sneakers and started hitting him with it.
Mox finished off Sterling with the Paradigm Shift!
Wardlow entered the ring and ran right through Moxley with a thunderous clothesline. He sent Moxley for a ride with the F-10, softening him up for his boss MJF!
MJF came down to the ring and hammered Mox with right hands! He kicked Mox in the face!
“This is what you want? You want violence, you got it!” screamed MJF.
MJF asked for his Dynamite Diamond Ring. Wardlow placed it on MJF’s finger. Wardlow held Moxley, and MJF flattened Moxley with a right hand! The shot busted open Jon Moxley! MJF started biting Moxley’s forehead. MJF wiped Mox’s blood across his face. Wardlow handed MJF the world title. MJF put his foot across Mox’s throat and held up Mox’s AEW World Championship.
“This is the future right here!” yelled MJF, with Mox’s title high above him.
Be sure to join us next week on Wednesday, September 9th, for all the explosive action as AEW DYNAMITE is broadcast on TNT!
Don't miss Countdown To All Out coming to you Saturday night prior to ALL OUT at 5:30pm EST on TNT! You can order ALL OUT 2020 on Direct TV, Fite TV, BR Live, and all other major PPV providers now!