Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.
The show opened with a graphic paying tribute to Road Warrior Animal.
Our first match featured an AEW in-ring debut—“The Best Man” Miro— & “SuperBad” Kip Sabian (with fiancé Penelope Ford) vs. “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela & “The Concrete Rose” Sonny Kiss!
Kip and Sonny locked up, and Sonny took down “SuperBad” with a deep arm drag! Joey Janela and Sonny Kiss utilized quick tags to get the advantage on Kip Sabian. Sonny got a near fall on Kip after a standing moonsault!
Miro tagged in and spiked Joey Janela!
“That looked like an NBA dunk on TNT!” said Jim Ross of Miro’s move.
Miro gut wrench suplexed “the Concrete Rose” twice! He slammed Sonny with authority and then tagged in Kip, who proceeded to punt Sonny with a kick!
Sonny rallied back with forearms and then a flip to get the tag to Janela. “The Bad Boy” took to the skies and crashed down on Miro, and then collided with Kip for good measure.
Miro had enough and used his Muay Thai background to level Joey Janela! Kip and Miro utilized a pop-up into a lung blower on Sonny, but Janela made the save in the nick of time! Miro blasted Sonny with a massive kick to the head, stomped on his spine, and then made Sonny submit with the “Game Over” camel clutch finisher!
Eddie Kingston came out to the ring with a hot mic!
“It’s me and Moxley tonight for the world’s championship. I was never eliminated from the Casino Battle Royale. And eighteen years says I deserve this shot! Me and Jon Moxley used to be cut from the same cloth but then Jon Moxley sold his soul to the devil and went to the land of sports entertainment. I never sold out.”
Kingston called out Moxley, who stormed out with his belt. There was a stare down and AEW officials had to separate both men!
Up next: “Hangman” Adam Page vs. Evil Uno of the Dark Order!
Kenny Omega joined the commentary booth for this match. We were informed that this match was originally offered to both Page and Omega as a tag team bout against Evil Uno and Stu Grayson, but Omega turned it down.
“The tag team part of me is dead,” said Kenny Omega.
The Dark Order stood on the ramp during the match, overseeing Evil Uno’s efforts.
A big boot from Page took down Evil Uno. He followed up with a snap suplex, good for a one-count. Page bridged back with a suplex for a near fall.
“Wow, Page is pulling out some tricks that I haven’t seen,” remarked Omega.
Page knocked Uno out to the floor with a lariat, and then a pescado! Uno manipulated AEW referee Rick Knox, outsmarted Page, and used his body positioning to nail “Hangman” with a neck breaker! Page was knocked to the ramp and the Dark Order began to advance forward. Evil Uno ordered them to the back.
When Uno returned to the ring, “Hangman” pancaked Uno on the ring apron. He followed up with the fallaway slam and a standing shooting star press for a two-count!
“I give Evil Uno a lot of credit for coming back after those,” said Tony Schiavone.
Page hit two running clotheslines on Evil Uno, but Evil Uno finally countered with a pump kick. He dropped a senton atomico from the top rope onto Page for a near fall! They traded clotheslines.
“What a slugfest. This has broken down into a barroom brawl which may suit ‘Hangman’ Page well,” noted Jim Ross.
Page powerbombed Uno and covered him with a high stack but Uno kicked out. Page pulled out his patented buckshot lariat and scored the pin!
Tony Schiavone interviewed Matt Jackson of the Young Bucks earlier in the day backstage.
Matt said they should have never superkicked Alex Marvez or ref Mike Posey and he feels bad about that. Matt said the Bucks have been through a lot in the past few weeks but they will do better. Tony asked about FTR and Matt Jackson grew frustrated and asked for a different question. Matt Jackson requested to see Tony Schiavone’s smart phone and then smashed it against the wall. Matt said he felt bad about doing that and tossed money at Tony, telling him to upgrade.
“They should put that in their book. Maybe a new chapter,” concluded Tony.
Next up: the TNT Championship Match!
TNT Champion “The Exalted One” of the Dark Order—Mr. Brodie Lee vs. “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy!
“This is a big dangerous man who is obviously on a roll,” said Jim Ross of Brodie Lee.
“Orange isn’t about to be intimidated,” replied Schiavone, as Orange rolled into the ring.
The Dark Order surrounded the ring.
Anna Jay jumped on the ring apron and Orange put his aviators on her. Mr. Brodie Lee walked over and removed them from her face. He chucked the sunglasses into the crowd. Cassidy dropkicked Mr. Brodie Lee to the outside. Cassidy tried for a tope suicida (with his hands in his pockets, of course) but the Dark Order minions caught him! Mr. Brodie Lee returned to the ring, got a running start, and rocketed himself to the outside onto Orange Cassidy!
Brodie hit a senton onto Orange for a near fall. Orange tried for a swinging DDT but Brodie reversed it with the Bossman slam! Brodie used a half and half suplex to toss Orange Cassidy halfway across the ring! He repeated it!
“Cassidy can’t even keep his feet underneath him. Or is this a ploy?” asked Excalibur.
Brodie set up Orange for the discuss lariat but Orange fell down again.
“He is so elusive, is Cassidy,” said Schiavone.
Orange Cassidy used two elbow suicidas on Brodie! Orange used a stunner and then a diving DDT on “the Exalted One”! Orange hit the ropes and then used the running PK, another DDT, and the Air Raid on Mr. Brodie Lee, but Brodie kicked out! John Silver distracted Orange Cassidy long enough for Mr. Brodie Lee to nearly decapitate Orange Cassidy with the discuss lariat! Mr. Brodie Lee won via pin!
The lights went dark in the arena! When they came back on, “The American Nightmare” Cody appeared! He single-handled dismantled the Dark Order minions in the ring! As Cody was unleashing hell, Mr. Brodie Lee managed to retreat from Cody’s surprise assault.
“Cody with a little bit of a sadistic side here,” said Excalibur.
Dasha was backstage attempting to interview an enraged Mr. Brodie Lee.
Mr. Brodie Lee ordered John Silver to hand him a dog collar on a chain.
“You can run for a long time, but sooner or later I’m gonna cut you down, Cody! I am gonna take this dog collar and wrap it around your tattooed neck and you will have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide! You have one week to answer me, Cody. Are you a man or are you a coward?”
Out next: Matt Hardy & Private Party—Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen!
Matt Hardy was in the ring, wondering aloud who had beat him with a bat last week. He said Chris Jericho was his prime suspect because it was too coincidental that after he was attacked, Jericho approached him with his baseball bat to check on him.
“Chris Jericho, the more things change, the more things stay the same,” said Matt Hardy.
Jericho’s “Judas” theme song played. The “Demo God” walked out with the Inner Circle, sans Sammy Guevara.
Jericho said Sammy wasn’t here tonight and no one knows when he’s coming back because of what Matt Hardy did to him at ALL OUT.
“But guess what? I lied,” said Jericho, and then he called out Sammy Guevara.
“Trust me, if I was going to take out your leg with a bat, I would do it to your face,” said Chris Jericho.
“Is that what you want to do? If they’ll clear me, I’ll fight you, I’ll fight all of the Inner Circle,” said Matt Hardy.
Marq Quen interrupted Hardy and said, “Matt, we need you, so take all the time you need to heal, but I’m here.” Quen said he gave Jericho a run for his money before and he’d do it again.
Isiah Kassidy grabbed the microphone and said, “I got this. Chris, I’m issuing you a challenge for next week, one on one. Everyone is counting me out. But what if a young 23-year old kid from the streets beats Chris Jericho on DYNAMITE next week? What if I make Chris Jericho my Le Champion b--ch?!”
That match will take place next week!
AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR—Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler—accompanied by Tully Blanchard, were interviewed in the ring by Tony Schiavone!
“Normally a sixty minute time limit is the standard for world championship matches. But so the new fans can see the tag champs in action, we’ll make it twenty minutes. And we get to pick the challengers. Next week SCU will get a twenty minute brush with greatness,” said Tully Blanchard.
Dash Wheeler then ran down Best Friends and called them glorified backyard wrestlers. The Best Friends—Chuck Taylor and Trent, came out with microphones.
“Guys what we did last week against Santana and Ortiz wasn’t a match. That was a war. We’re here. You’re here. Let’s do this twenty minute challenge right now!” said Trent.
FTR agreed to the match and then did an about-face. Cash said it wasn’t fair to do this to Best Friends tonight because even though FTR are fighting champions, Best Friends are bruised and battered from their parking lot brawl last week. “Until then, top guys out!” said Cash.
AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida & NWA World Women’s Champion Thunder Rosa vs. AEW Women’s Tag Team Cup Winners Ivelisse & Diamante was our next match!
Ivelisse and Diamante shelved Thunder Rosa on the outside, ramming her into the steel barricade. Thunder Rosa and Shida came back and hit double knees on Diamante, displaying impressive teamwork.
Thunder Rosa used two deep arm drags on Diamante and then a precise sit out senton for a near fall. Ivelisse tagged in and threw wild right hands on Thunder Rosa. Ivelisse avoided a falcon arrow from Shida! Thunder Rosa attempted a knee strike on Ivelisse but Ivelisse dodged it and Thunder Rosa’s knee connected with Shida instead!
Diamante tried for the Code Red on Shida but Thunder Rosa blocked it for her partner with a Death Valley Driver! Shida decimated Diamante with a running knee strike and scored the victory via pin!
It was time for the main event! And for the prized AEW World Championship!
AEW World Champion Jon Moxley vs. “Mad King” Eddie Kingston!
Tony Khan made the decision for this match late Wednesday afternoon. Khan indicated there were questions surrounding Kingston’s Casino Battle Royale elimination during ALL OUT (“The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer and Kingston were the final two remaining competitors, and Archer threw Kingston off the top turnbuckle to the floor but not over the top rope). To remove any doubt, Khan granted Eddie Kingston a shot at Moxley’s title tonight!
“Slobber knocker time!” said Jim Ross.
They locked up, Mox reversing a wrist lock. They started slapping one another in the face, Kingston seemingly relishing the moment! Things got serious in a hurry when the slaps turned to brutally stiff chops to the chest! Kingston clotheslined Mox and then threw him outside.
“Eddie is taking the fight right to the champion,” said Tony Schiavone.
Eddie Kingston punched Mox in the kidneys. Kingston whipped Moxley into the timekeeper’s table! For good measure, he rammed him into the steel barricade.
“The challenger has gained the advantage. Eddie Kingston has the momentum,” noted Jim Ross.
Moxley fought back with a lariat and then a suicide dive to Kingston! He connected with consecutive knee strikes on Kingston, and then a piledriver. Kingston broke the pin by touching the ropes. Kingston caught Moxley off guard with a powerbomb, good for a two-count!
Moxley headbutted Kingston, but Kingston countered with a backdrop driver for a very near fall on the champ!
Kingston went for his spinning backfist but Moxley blocked it. He applied a sleeper and then transitioned to the bulldog choke, winning by referee stoppage!
The Lucha Bros—Penta El Zero M and Rey Fenix—ran out and superkicked Moxley! Will Hobbs followed to even up the odds for the AEW World champ, and delivered a spinebuster to Rey Fenix! Hobbs was swarmed and Penta El Zero M and Rey Fenix double superkicked him to the mat!
Darby Allin joined the fray with skateboard in hand, clearing the ring of the Lucha Bros and Eddie Kingston. It was 100% bedlam!
“Absolute” Ricky Starks sprinted down to the ring and speared Darby Allin! Starks rammed the skateboard into Darby’s abdomen! Kingston migrated back to the champ and choked him, while the Lucha Bros, Ricky Starks, and Taz stood triumphantly over Mox, Hobbs, and Allin!
Be sure to join us next Wednesday for all the explosive action as AEW DYNAMITE is broadcast on TNT!