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AEW Dynamite Results for September 28, 2022


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE: Grand Slam was broadcast live from the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Opening tonight’s show: the Jericho Appreciation Society Championship Celebration!

ROH World Champion Chris Jericho came out with Angelo Parker, Matt Menard, Anna Jay-AS, ROH Pure Champion Daniel Garcia, Sammy Guevara, and Tay Melo.

“What a celebration we have for you tonight. Daddy Magic put the call in to the pizza guy, Luigi Primo,” said Matt.

“It’s from ah-New York City,” said Luigi.

“None of you get pizza, but you do get the greatest ROH Champion of all day, Chris Jericho” said Anna.

Jericho: “You guys want pizza? You can’t have any. What you can have is the most important Ring of Honor Champion in history, the Ocho Chris Jericho. In just one week more people have seen me as Ring of Honor World Champion than all the other ROH Champions combined.

“This is the era of Ring of Jericho. I’m going to start tonight by having my first title defense against former ROH Champion Bandido. But he is a wrestler and sports entertainers beat wrestlers every single time.

“Danny Garcia, I know we’ve had our miscommunications, but I know you’re an amazing sports entertainer, and I bought this gift just for you.”

Jericho handed Garcia a box to open. Inside was a purple bucket hat.

“Yes, that is the look of the best technical sports entertainer of all time!” said Jericho.

Garcia removed the hat and threw it to the mat. Garcia decked Luigi!

Garcia: “This is enough. This isn’t me. This isn’t what I envisioned of myself when I got into this business. I tolerated it. But I need to tell you something I’ve been meaning to get off my chest. Chris, I think it’s time for—”

Jericho: “This about this. This is a crossroads for you. Make the wrong decision and I’m going to have to take you out. I’m going to ask you this once and I want you to answer properly. Are you a sports entertainer or are you a pro wrestler?”

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson walked down to the ring with a microphone in hand!

“The celebration has just gotten very interesting,” said Tony Schiavone.

Danielson: “Chris it seems to me like you’re trying to tell Daniel Garcia what you think he should be. Garcia, I have an infinite amount of respect for you. You’re a grown man. You can do what you want. If you want to stay with the JAS, you can stay with them. If you want to come to the BCC, you can come with us.”

Jericho: “Danielson, shut your mouth! I am sick of you trying to poach my guy. Daniel Garcia does what I tell him to do!”

Garcia: “Chris let’s get one thing straight right now. I don’t belong to you and I don’t gotta do nothing that you tell me to do. But let’s not get too serious. We’re supposed to be entertaining right now. What if I threw this pizza on the ground? Would that be entertaining? Justin Roberts, what if we were a tag team, would that be entertaining? Do you guys think it’d be entertaining if I was in a tag team with Bryan Danielson?”

The fans chanted “Yes!”

Garcia: “I think it’d be real entertaining if me and Bryan teamed against you and your little bro Sammy Guevara.”

Matt Menard: “We are sick of your crap. We had your back since day one and now you want to spit in our face and tag with Danielson! I ought to punch you in your face right now!”

Danielson: “Right now? Well I have some good news. I was told I can come out here and have a fight with anyone that wants one. So why don’t we have a fight between the entertainer ‘Daddy Magic’ and the heart of professional wrestling Bryan Danielson?”

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard!

William Regal joined the commentary team for this match.

Menard shoved at Danielson. Bryan fired back with European uppercuts. Menard took the fight to Danielson with shots to Danielson’s forehead. Danielson answered with round body kicks.

Menard pushed Bryan off the top rope sending Bryan spilling to the arena floor. Matt Menard whipped Danielson into the steel barricade. Back in the ring, Bryan’s kicks battered Menard. Bryan followed up with a clothesline, taking Menard off his feet.

Angelo Parker pulled Menard out of the ring. Danielson attempted a running knee but Parker pulled Matt out of the way. Parker DDT’ed Danielson on the arena floor as the ref had his back turned.

Claudio Castagnoli ran out to even up the odds! Claudio carried Angelo Parker away from the ring and back to the locker room!

Danielson nailed Matt with the running knee strike and then forced him to tap out via the Le Bell Lock!

Out next: Casino Ladder Match winner and self-proclaimed “Devil” MJF!

Before MJF could come out, Wheeler Yuta stormed to the ring!

Yuta: “We have a real serious problem, MJF! Max, you had the audacity to put your hands on Tony Schiavone! And I think actions should have consequences. And I think you should come down here and fight me in my city!

“Philly don’t get too excited because we know Max just likes to run and hide. Max knows once the bell rings he can’t hang with me. Come down here and take the ass kicking you deserve!”

MJF’s music hit!

MJF: “Cut my music. Everybody give it up for Wheeler Yuta, the hometown boy. Tony Schiavone is a coward just like everybody in this arena. Except you Wheeler. You’re no coward. You and I wrestled up and down when we wrestled on the independent circuit.

“You made a mistake when you went toe-to-toe with me on the microphone last week. You’re taking up my time, the biggest draw in AEW! At twenty-six years of age, I make more money than this bum town and everyone watching at home!”

Yuta: “I don’t care about your money. I don’t care about your scarf. If you don’t want to fight me in this ring, I will leave you in a pull of blood on Broad Street! You may not know this Max, but bad things happen in Philadelphia and tonight is no exception.”

Colton and Austin Gunn from the Firm came out to be MJF’s security!

MJF: “I’ll see you in the ring next week in dumpy D.C. I’m going to go up in that sky box and watch Jon Moxley wrestle.”

“Wheeler Yuta has to wait seven more days to get his hands on MJF,” said Excalibur.

AEW World Championship Eliminator Match!

Jon Moxley (c.) vs. “Rock Hard” Juice Robinson!

William Regal joined the commentary team for this match.

Juice blindsided Moxley as Mox was making his entrance!

“Juice got the jump on Jon Moxley,” said Excalibur.

“Moxley is rocked,” added Taz, as Juice headbutted Moxley.

Moxley sent Juice over the top rope to the arena floor with a lariat! Moxley whipped Juice into the barricade. Mox suplexed Juice on the arena floor.

MJF was watching the match from his sky box.

“MJF has that poker chip. He can cash that in at any time,” said Excalibur.

Back in the ring, Moxley and Robinson traded strikes. Juice started to bite Moxley! Juice followed up with a clothesline in the corner. Moxley jumped up and struck Juice with a lariat.

Robinson shoved Moxley through the ropes and they both fell to the arena floor. Juice splashed Mox with a cannonball against the steel guardrail.

Moxley and Juice collided with clotheslines in the ring. Finally Moxley countered with a cutter for a near fall. Moxley applied an ankle lock but Juice grabbed the bottom rope.

“Moxley in the driver seat,” said Excalibur.

Juice gouged at Moxley’s eyes. Juice powerbombed Mox for a two-count. Juice landed the Pulp Friction for a near fall on Moxley! Moxley rocked Juice with the Regal knee and then forced Juice to tap after applying a cross arm breaker!

Winner of the Golden Ticket Grand Slam Battle Royale “Hangman” Adam Page came out to the ring and had a stare down with Moxley!

MJF: “Whoa, whoa, whoa, settle down! Don’t you realize you’re not fighting each other man. You’re fighting to lose. Because once you morons get to Cincinnati I may cash in my chip and become the new AEW World Champion.”

Wheeler Yuta grabbed MJF from behind and began to pummel him! The security detail had to pry Wheeler off MJF!

We heard from Saraya!

Saraya: “I’m back! It feels fantastic to be back. It’s been a crazy road. I’m damaged but I’m not broken at the end of the day. And I will create change in this division. I am the revolution! AEW is officially my house. Let’s bring all the ladies out right now!”

AEW Interim Women’s World Champ Toni Storm, Athena, Willow Nightingale, Skye Blue, and Madison Rayne came to the ring.

Saraya: “When I say we’re going to make a change, I promise we’re going to make a change. Toni is finally being utilized for her full potential. I am honored to be in the ring with you Toni.”

Dr. Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter, Rebel, and Penelope Ford came out!

Baker: “I am the face of this women’s division. I put my neck on the line for AEW, and unlike yours, mine is strong enough to handle it. This is your house—half of these people don’t even know how to pronounce your name. Toni I respected you but you couldn’t keep yourself away from all the problematic people. You and your tag team partner broke my nose yet again.

“But that’s not why we’re here tonight. Toni, you’ve got quite the match on your hands. And Jamie Hayter will have her shot after Serena Deeb does. One missed step from you when you’re in the ring with the Professor and we’ll hear the words ‘And new…’ Bring out Serena!”

Saraya: “I talked to Tony backstage and we decided we’re going to make this a lumberjack match for the championship!”

AEW Interim Women’s World Championship Match!

Toni Storm (c.) vs. “The Professor” Serena Deeb!

Saraya joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Toni Storm grabbed a front face lock on Deeb. Toni sent Deeb outside with a shoulder tackle. Toni chopped away at Deeb but Deeb turned things around with machine gun chops of her own.

Deeb dumped Storm to the outside! Storm jumped back into the ring with a diving cross body block to Deeb for a near fall. Storm nailed Deeb with a German suplex. Deeb dodged the hip attack. Hayter swept out Toni’s leg and yanked her outside the ring. Willow chased Hayter to the back!

Deeb locked Storm in a half crab submission. Toni managed to grab the bottom rope to force the break.

Storm hit a diving cross body but Deeb rolled through and put the single leg crab on Toni! Storm rocked Deeb with an up kick and then the hip attack in the corner! Toni nailed Deeb with the Storm Zero for a two-count!

“Deeb digging deep, able to kick out!” said Excalibur.

Serena hit a dragon screw on Toni. Deeb climbed to the top turnbuckle but Toni met her up there. Storm spiked Deeb with an avalanche piledriver and pinned Deeb!

Backstage, Matt Hardy approached Private Party after they were dismissed by Andrade El Idolo. “Quit, get out of your deal, and I promise we’ll do it right,” said Hardy.

“Absolute” Ricky Starks vs. Eli Isom!

Starks speared Isom! Starks rocked Isom with the Roshambo and scored the pin!

“That was one for the record books,” said Excalibur.

ROH World Championship Match!

“The Ocho” Chris Jericho (c.) vs. Bandido!

ROH’s Ian Riccaboni joined the broadcast team for this match.

Bandido connected with a right hand. Jericho fired back with a clothesline. Jericho chopped at Bandido.

Bandido drove Jericho to the barricade with a tope. Jericho jumped off the top turnbuckle but Bandido countered with a thrust kick! Bandido used a delayed vertical suplex on Jericho.

The crowd rallied behind Bandido.

Bandido nailed Jericho with a frog splash, good for a near fall on Jericho! Chris Jericho booted Bandido in the mouth. Jericho blasted Bandido with the Code Breaker!

Bandido sent Jericho to the arena floor with a hurracanrana off the ring apron! Jericho crushed Bandido with the lionsault! Jericho blasted Bandido with dirty knee strikes. Bandido planted Jericho with the crucifix bomb!

Jericho blocked a knee from Bandido and then applied the Walls of Jericho in the center of the ring. Bandido crawled and reached the ropes. Jericho suplexed Bandido. Jericho climbed to the top turnbuckle but Bandido popped Jericho with a swift kick in the mouth. Bandido hit Jericho with a moonsault fallaway slam off the top for a two-count!

The fans chanted “A-E-W! A-E-W!”

Bandido nailed Jericho with the knee and then the 21 plex for a near fall!

“Unbelievable heart shown by Chris Jericho,” said Excalibur.

Jericho poked Bandido in the eyes. Jericho put Bandido in the Lion Tamer and forced Bandido to tap out!

“He had no choice!” said Taz.

Jericho: “Cut the music! The Ring of Jericho era has begun. I’m changing what Ring of Honor is. I’m going to destroy its legend. I’m going to destroy every great champion that has held the Ring of Honor Championship! And I’m challenging Bryan Danielson in Toronto on October 12th!”

Jericho nailed ROH ring announcer Bobby Cruise with the Judas Effect!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Entertainment & Sports Arena in Washington, D.C.!

This Friday tune in to RAMPAGE on TNT at 10pm ET!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


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