Tonight’s AEW DYNAMITE was held live from Blue Cross Arena in Rochester, NY!
The show opened with a graphic paying tribute to Rochester’s favorite son—Jon Huber a/k/a “The Exalted One” Mr. Brodie Lee!
It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!
Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.
CM Punk joined the commentary team at the start of the show as a fourth member at the broadcast table!
Our opening contest: Adam Cole #BayBay vs. Jungle Boy!
Cole and Jungle Boy locked up and the two quickly began chain-wrestling. Cole snatched a side headlock for a pinning predicament on J.B.
“Jungle Boy may be a hiccup quicker than Adam Cole. Time will tell,” said Jim Ross.
Jungle Boy took Cole off his feet with a shoulder block. Cole sent Jungle Boy back into the turnbuckles with a back elbow. Jungle Boy hit a springboard arm drag on Cole, and Cole quickly rolled out to the floor to cut off Jungle Boy’s forward momentum.
Adam Cole used another back elbow to Jungle Boy’s face, cutting him off at the pass.
“Cole is using his experience to dictate the pace,” said Excalibur.
Jungle Boy fought out of the corner with chops and then a basement dropkick to Cole. Jungle Boy blasted Adam Cole with a running lariat!
“I feel like the winner of this match is going to go on a bit of a run here. Wins and losses mean something here,” said CM Punk.
Jungle Boy used a German suplex for a near fall on Adam Cole! Jungle Boy hoisted Adam Cole up on the top rope. Jungle Boy set up Adam Cole in the Tree of Woe and closed the distance with a sliding dropkick to Cole.
“Jungle Boy sticks to his game plan and gets it done,” said CM Punk.
Adam Cole hit a backstabber on Jungle Boy out of nowhere for a two-count! Jungle Boy spiked Cole with a reverse hurracanrana and then planted Cole for a near fall! Cole caught Jungle Boy with a thrust kick, sending Jungle Boy to the outside of the ring. Jungle Boy jumped back into the ring and used a step up hurracanrana on Cole! Back in the ring, Cole surprised Jungle Boy with the Panama Sunrise for a two-count!
“What heart, what guts by Jungle Boy to kick out of that,” said Excalibur.
Jungle Boy dodged a knee from Adam Cole and transitioned to the Snare Trap submission. Cole up kicked, knocking Jungle Boy off him. Cole distracted ref Aubrey Edwards, hit the mule kick on Jungle Boy, and then followed up with the running knee to the back of JB’s head for the pin!
“You can’t say it wasn’t a hard-fought victory even though a short cut was taken by Adam Cole at the end there,” said CM Punk.
The Elite—AEW World Champion Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson), Impact Tag Champions Karl Anderson and Gallows, Michael Nakazawa, and Brandon Cutler—came out to join Adam Cole in the ring to celebrate!
“My telephone has been ringing off the hook for the past week. My social media has been blowing up—‘Kenny that was possibly AEW greatest match!’ And I say, ‘That’s cool.’ But Bryan Danielson, here’s the problem, you couldn’t get the job done when it counted. And you have zero record, you’re not getting a rematch—” said Kenny Omega before being interrupted by “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!
“Let’s see, do you guys want to see a rematch between me and Kenny Omega?” Danielson asked the fans.
The fans chanted “Yes! Yes! Yes!”
“So they want a rematch, I want a rematch, but it appears you don’t have enough balls to give me a rematch. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Kenny ‘No Balls’ Omega!” said Danielson.
The fans began chanting “Kenny No Balls!”
“I challenge anyone of you on RAMPAGE,” said Danielson.
“Why RAMPAGE, how about right now?” asked Omega.
“OK, but I’m not coming alone. C’mon out guys,” replied Danielson.
Danielson was joined by “The Elite Hunter” Frankie Kazarian, Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy, Marko Stunt, and Christian Cage!
“The Elite scattered like cockroaches when the light comes on,” said Excalibur.
Dante Martin & Matt Sydal vs. “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes (with Brandi Rhodes & Arn Anderson) & Lee Johnson!
Cody used a side headlock takeover on Dante. Cody tagged in “Big Shotty” Lee and Sydal tagged in for his team. Sydal used a massive kick to the spine of Lee Johnson.
“Arn’s really upset that Cody didn’t listen and started the match,” noted Tony Schiavone.
Lee Johnson used a dropkick on Sydal, fighting out of a lightning spiral attempt from Sydal. Cody tagged in and pancaked Dante with the vertibreaker for a near fall! Dante rallied back with a massive missile dropkick on Cody Rhodes! Dante used a double jump moonsault for a near fall on Cody!
Lee Johnson tagged himself in and booted Sydal across the jaw! Dante Martin was still the legal man and rolled up Lee for a near fall. Lee Johnson used a vertical neck breaker and pinned Dante!
“There’s some drama going on,” said CM Punk.
Tony Schiavone entered the ring to interview The Nightmare Family.
“I know this audience waited a long time. Why don’t we get Malakai Black out here right now,” said Cody Rhodes.
“Cody, stop talking. July the 7th, Malakai Black came into our lives and has systematically destroyed our lives. He used me to get to you, but it’s your fight. Here’s some differences that gonna prevent you from going one inch any further. Malakai Black is an assassin. He’s a predator.
“There’s two big differences between you and me, Cody. You pull up to a red light, a man jerks your door open and says, ‘Out of the car, I’m taking your car.’ You say ‘Okay, take it, just don’t hurt me.’ You know what I do? I pull out the Glock, put it to his forehead, and spill his brains all over the concrete. I’ll be damned if I’m going to coach a loser. C’mon with me, Lee, at least you listen to me,” said Arn Anderson.
Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston, and Darby Allin (with Sting) vs. Bear Country (Bear Boulder & Bear Bronson) & Anthony Greene!
Darby rolled up Anthony for a one-count. Darby followed up with a deep arm drag. Kingston tagged in and used a knee to Greene. Mox tagged in and chopped away Boulder. Mox charged in but Boulder slammed him. Bronson tagged in and sat out with a senton on Mox! Kingston dropkicked Bear Country before they could use their tandem offense on Moxley!
Darby took out Bear Country with a Coffin Drop to the outside! Greene attempted a crossbody and bounced off Kingston And Moxley.
Kingston and Moxley used the Violent Crown finisher and pinned Greene!
Kingston passed Greene to Sting and Sting used the Scorpion Death Drop on Greene for good measure!
“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy & Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Alex Reynolds, John Silver, Alan Angels, Pres10 Vance, and Colt Cabana, accompanied by -1) vs. The Hardy Family Office (“Big Money” Matt Hardy, Marq Quen, Isiah Kassidy, The Butcher, The Blade, Angelico, Jack Evans, & Jora Johl)!
Butcher and Blade got a blindside attack on Alan Angels. Private Party double-teamed Angels. Orange Cassidy tagged in and used a double dropkick to take down both members of Private Party! Soon it was pandemonium as all hell broke loose and all members from both teams began to brawl!
The entire arena was chanting for Brodie Lee!
Angelico sent Reynolds into Evil Uno. Orange Cassidy tagged in and hit a splash to Jack Evans!
Evil Uno walked out!
“This is Brodie Lee’s big night and Evil Uno is walking out?” asked Tony Schiavone.
Amanda Huber, -1, Tay Conti, and Anna Jay walked out onto the ramp. -1 tossed the papers into Evil Uno’s face! Amanda Huber ordered Evil Uno to get back in the ring and do this tonight for “The Exalted One”!
“That’s the pep talk they needed,” said Excalibur.
Dark Order cleared the ring with various arial assaults! Uno and Grayson finished off Jora Johl with the Fatality for the victory!
A vignette aired of Lio Rush who is now All Elite!
American Top Team’s Dan Lambert was in the ring with The Men Of The Year—“All Ego” Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky!
“Chris Jericho had one of the of the most successful careers in pro wrestling, but we bashed his brains in at RAMPAGE,” said Lambert.
Scorpio Sky said he’s been overlooked in AEW as the “Face of the Revolution,” but at least Dan Lambert was paying attention. “He sees what you ignore. He sees Scorpio Sky as a main eventer.”
Page said he’s overlooked week after week despite having two black belts and never being pinned. “I dress like a champ, I talk like a champ, I walk like a champ, and now I roll with champions. The Men Of The Year and American Top Team are the team!”
Hikaru Shida challenged Serena Deeb to a match next week on AEW DYNAMITE’s second anniversary show!
Up next: Penelope Ford and The Bunny vs. Anna Jay and Tay Conti!
Anna Jay hammered shots down on The Bunny. Penelope Ford intervened but paid a price as Tay Conti began tossing her around with Judo throws!
The Bunny and Penelope Ford used combination offense on Anna Jay. Penelope Ford brought Anna Jay into the corner and The Bunny began to stomp a (rabbit) hole into Anna Jay!
Penelope Ford used a stunner on Anna Jay and hooked her leg for a near fall.
“This is a hell of a match, guys. These girls are throwing caution to the wind,” said Tony Schiavone.
Ford attempted a moonsault but Anna Jay moved out of the way. Anna Jay locked the Queen Slayer on Penelope Ford and the ref stopped the match!
“Penelope Ford goes night-night,” said CM Punk.
MJF came out to the ring with Wardlow.
“We are on the precipice with something spectacular. This company keeps building momentum. There are four pillars who will push this company forward for years to come. Jungle Boy—beat him. Sammy Guevara—beat him. You’ve got Darby Allin, whatever. And then you’ve got the strongest pillar, the most important pillar, the pillar who is the youngest athlete to main event an AEW pay-per-view, the pillar who’s better than you and you know it. And that pillar’s name is MJF.
“I bring this all up because quite frankly without me this company ain’t shit. I am the past, present and future of this company and that is why I deserve to be the AEW World Champion,” said MJF.
Darby Allin’s music hit and he entered the ring!
“I’m not a huge fan of you interrupting me, Darby, but I think you interrupted me because you’re jealous of me. There’s nothing wrong with being the second-best pillar. I’m number one around here,” said MJF.
“Are you done talking, Max? You keep threatening to leave. Well go, Max. I am AEW for life until death. And how can you be the number one pillar when I’m the only one to have won a championship between us?” said Darby Allin.
“Hit me, Darby!” said MJF.
“No Max, I’m not going to hit you, because you cannot break you mentally,” replied Darby.
MJF left the ring with Wardlow, having lost his patience with Darby.
Main Event Time!
For the TNT Championship!
TNT Champion Miro vs. “Spanish God” Sammy Guevara!
Sammy tried a running knee strike but Miro took him off his feet and stomped him on the sternum. Miro stomped on Sammy’s ankle. Sammy fired back but Miro shouldered him hard to the mat. Miro took Sammy’s necklace and began choking him with it. Sammy threw his body at Miro and took him over the top rope to the arena floor! Sammy rammed Miro’s head on the steel ring steps!
Sammy got caught by Miro and Miro tossed Sammy halfway across the ring!
“Sammy’s getting grounded. No highflying now,” said Jim Ross.
Sammy attempted another running knee strike but Miro grabbed him and flipped him with a released German suplex! Miro charged at Sammy but Sammy countered with a Spanish fly, planting Miro on his head! Sammy charged at Miro with a knee strike!
“The champ is in trouble,” said CM Punk.
Miro began to stomp his feet and went for a kick but Sammy ducked it! Sammy retaliated with a quick thrust kick! Miro rocked Sammy with a right to the side of Sammy’s head. Sammy headbutted Miro off the turnbuckles and connected with a cutter! Sammy tried to hoist up Miro for the GTH but Miro escaped and nearly knocked off Sammy’s head with a kick!
Miro grew frustrated and ripped off the top turnbuckle pads from each corner. Fuego Del Sol sprinted down and tried to stop Miro but Miro knocked Fuego off the apron! Fuego bought his friend Sammy enough time to mount a comeback on Miro, pushing Miro’s head into the exposed turnbuckle! Sammy followed up with a tornado DDT!
Sammy picked up Miro and connected with the GTH! Sammy followed up with the 630 senton and pinned Miro!
And new TNT Champion “Spanish God” Sammy Guevara!!!
Don’t miss AEW RAMPAGE this Friday at 10/9c on TNT!
You’ll see “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Nick Jackson of The Young Bucks!
Jade Cargill vs. Thunder Rosa vs. “The Native Beast” Nyla Rose!
And in a Hair vs. Hair Match—“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy vs. Jack Evans (with “Big Money” Matt Hardy)!
Be sure to tune in next Wednesday to AEW DYNAMITE live on TNT (8pm ET/7pm CT) from The Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA!
And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!