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AEW Dynamite Results for September 4, 2024

AEW Dynamite Results


We are on the road to AEW ALL OUT 2024! AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live on TBS from the UW Panther Arena in Milwaukee, WI!

Excalibur, “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz, and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Daniel Garcia stormed to the ring to kick off Dynamite!

Garcia: “They say patience is a virtue, and Max I know you’re in this building. I’m not feeling very virtuous tonight. Let’s go, Max!”

MJF appeared high up in the arena, surrounded by AEW security.

MJF: “I’m up here, bud. But I have a reason. I don’t want any excuses made when I paint that canvas in your blood and break your pencil neck on Saturday. And also unlike you, I don’t attack people from behind like a coward.”

Garcia: “Everybody here knows that that’s fake and a lie. Everything here is a like, from that tan, from that make-up you wear to cover up your acne, to that trip you made to Turkey for the hair transplant that didn’t work. The fakest thing about you is that fake love you have for AEW.

“You don’t care about this place the way I care about this place. You don’t love these people the way I love these people. We will never believe you.”

MJF: “I’m going to give you a fair warning. I’m going to make you bleed buckets—”

Garcia: “Hey, Max, shut up and let me talk. I want you to suffer and I want the people who love you to suffer too. If you can find a woman who pretends to care about you for longer than a year, I want you to marry her, get a house, and have a kid. 

“But just remember every time you pick up that ugly baby, you’ll feel a tingle down your neck to your toes, and you’ll think about me. And Max, your kid is going to ask you, ‘Daddy, were you a wrestler?’ And you’ll have to say, ‘I was, until Daniel Garcia ended my career.’”

MJF: “Wow, bravo. Danny learned how to speak. Danny, you still have a whole lot more to learn. You didn’t even realize that when I cost you that match against Ospreay and dumped you on your head, I was trying to do you a solid. These people used to love me. 

“They loved me and then I got too big. And like rats, they turned on me. You don’t want their love, Danny. You don’t want to win championship gold. The more you rise up in this championship sport, the more these fickle bastards will want to watch you fall. So I’ll do you a favor this Saturday, your friends, your fans, your family, they’ll all turn on you. But I’ll make sure they don’t hurt you like they hurt me. And I’m going to do that by putting you in a wheelchair, Danny. 

“But don’t worry, there is one person you can trust, and that’s that mother you always bring up. She’ll take care of you while you’re laid up in bed. Lord knows you won’t be the first person lying in her bed that she happily attended to.”

Garcia jumped out of the ring and rushed MJF, but security rushed Garcia. Garcia broke free and headed up the steps to MJF. MJF smashed a wine bottle across Garcia’s head!

MJF: “Do you mind if I take a seat right here, Danny. In this life they say that every man must go through hell before they reach paradise. I want to thank you. You have woken up something in me that has been dormant for far too long. And as a token of my gratitude, this Saturday, I’m going to send you straight to paradise. And for that you can thank me later.”

MJF kissed Garcia on the forehead, who was busted wide open from the wine bottle. 

AEW Continental Championship Match!

The Elite’s “Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada (c.)


The Don Callis Family’s “The Protostar” Kyle Fletcher!

Don Callis joined the broadcast booth for this match. 

Fletcher avoided the rainmaker clothesline after Okada narrowly avoided Fletcher’s finisher. Kyle nailed Okada with a high kick, sending Okada to the floor. Fletcher flew out of the ring with an elbow suicida!

Back in the ring, Fletcher ran through a lariat attempt from Okada and took the champ off his feet with a lariat of his own. Fletcher planted Okada for a near fall. 

“Very rare you’ll see Okada get manhandled like that,” said Callis.

“Fletcher is on his game,” replied Taz.

Okada rallied back with a neck breaker after Fletcher blasted Okada with thunderous kicks. Okada climbed to the top turnbuckle and dropped an elbow right on target.

“Classic Okada,” said Callis.

Fletcher countered the Rainmaker with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall! Okada lured Fletcher outside the ring, acting hurt, and then spiked Fletcher with a DDT on the arena floor. Fletcher smashed Okada with a brainbuster on the apron! They both spilled to the arena floor, Fletcher unable to capitalize.

Fletcher cracked Okada with two thrust kicks. 

“Whoever wins this match will move to All Out on Saturday where they will have to face three other competitors in a four-way match for the AEW Continental Championship. And this Friday night on Collision we will determine who those three men will be,” said Excalibur. 

Justin Roberts announced that fifteen minutes had passed in the match. 

Okada dropkicked Fletcher, knocking Fletcher out of the ring. Okada knocked Fletcher over the guardrail with a boot. Fletcher fired back with a brainbuster on the top of the barricade! Fletcher took flight over the barricade and wiped out Okada!

Fletcher climbed to the top turnbuckle and hit an elbow drop on Okada! Fletcher was looking for the tombstone piledriver but Okada reversed and used a short arm lariat on Fletcher! Kyle ducked the Rainmaker clothesline and countered with a half and half suplex. Fletcher nailed Okada with a jumping piledriver but Okada kicked out at the two-count!

There was one minute remaining in the match. 

Okada pulled the referee and then shoved Kyle into him. As the ref was distracted, Okada hit Fletcher with a low blow. Okada finished off Kyle with the Rainmaker clothesline and scored the pin! Takeshita checked on Fletcher after the match. 

Jamie Hayter vs. Robyn Renegade!

Saraya and Harley Cameron were watching the match on a monitor backstage.

The fans chanted for Jamie Hayter. 

Hayter leveled Renegade with a lariat. Robyn rammed Hayter with double knees in the corner of the ring. Hayter made Robyn pay with a pump kick to the face. 

Hayter power slammed Robyn. Hayter rocked Robyn with back breakers across her knee. Hayter smashed Robyn with the Hayter Ade and pinned Renegade for the three-count!

Renee Pacquette was backstage with Roderick Strong and Christopher Daniels.

Roddy said Aubrey Edwards didn’t see Roddy’s foot under the ropes during the HOOK match. 

HOOK interrupted and said Roddy wasn’t wrong, and said they could settle it tonight in the ring. Roderick said he wasn’t going to do the rematch in this dumpy town, but that HOOK would be the first to find out when Roddy would wrestle him again for the FTW Championship. 

Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir were backstage!

As they entered the arena, Shafir wiped out a bunch of AEW security with her next level offensive tactics. 

AEW World Tag Team Champions and EVPs the Young Bucks—Matthew and Nicholas Jackson, and TNT Champion Jack Perry were conversing when Moxley approached them. Moxley stared at them and passed them by. He called Perry a “sweet kid.”

Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir walked to the ring!

Moxley: “I wonder if Darby Allin is somewhere out there tonight. No, I don’t think so. Some years ago I wrestled a young kid I never heard of. Nobody had. He slept in his car. He showed no fear. I beat the absolute piss out of him and then he smiled and then I knew he was special. Darby Allin is his own man. Darby Allin plays the game the way it was meant to be played—with reckless abandon. 

“Darby Allin knows it’s a privilege to be in this sport. It’s not something you are entitled to. How quickly we forget that. I am not an impatient man but the clock is ticking Darby. Let’s make this easy. I don’t want to apply any pressure, but I will, so don’t make me. Darby, I just want to talk.”

Renee Paquette was backstage with “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho, “The Red Wood” Big Bill, and “The Bad Apple” Bryan Keith!

Jericho: “Hi, guys. I don’t think Orange Cassidy realized what he did when he ruined my jacket four years ago on Dynamite. $7000, that’s what that jacket cost me. And that’s why Bryan Keith will squeeze it out of you during the Continental Contenders Challenge on Collision this Friday.”

Orange Cassidy walked by and said, “Bryan, tell Chris if he beats me on Friday, I’ll give him the $7000 in cash.”

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

“The Glamour” Mariah May (c.) vs. “The Native Beast” Nyla Rose!

Mariah slapped Nyla in the face. Nyla muscled Mariah into the corner. Mariah avoided the Beast Bomb. Mariah connected with a kick but Nyla fired back with a cross body block. Nyla hit a leg drop after two consecutive body slams to the champion. 

Mariah May scored with a big dropkick from the top rope. Mariah covered and Nyla kicked out, barely at the one-count! Nyla and Mariah had the same idea and went for headbutts, and they rattled on another, both falling to the mat. 

Nyla tossed Mariah with a German Suplex. Nyla splashed Mariah in the corner. She followed up with a clothesline for a near fall on the champion. Mariah escaped a Beast Bomb attempt. Nyla countered a cross body press with a power slam!

Mariah swept out Nyla’s legs and then smashed into her face with a running knee strike. Mariah stuffed Nyla with the Storm Zero piledriver and then pinned Nyla Rose!

“The Glamour pulled it off, defeating a former AEW Women’s World Champion, and that’s impressive,” said Taz.

Up Next: TBS Champion & NJPW STRONG Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné came to the ring with Kamille!

Mercedes: “I am feeling some kind of way after defending my title his past week, and you know who else is feeling some kind of way? Shida. How can you call yourself the ‘ace’ when you don’t have the belt?

“I am the face of this whole damn company! Come this Saturday at All Out, Shida, you are going to learn just like the rest of this division that there is a price to pay when you mess with ‘The CEO’ Mercedes Moné!”

Hikaru Shida appeared on the big screen above the ramp!

Shida: “You are one contender away from looking at the new TBS Champion until that watchdog of yours got involved. You can’t beat ‘the ace’! But I have good news.”

Christopher Daniels showed up with an announcement: “Kamille, you’re a hell of a competitor, but when you’re at ringside, you’re more of a nuisance. So this Saturday, you’re banned from ringside.”

Shida: “Sayonara, bitch!”

The Elite were backstage!

Nicholas Jackson: “Come on in, cameraman, because Jack Perry has something to say.”

Jack Perry: “Three years ago, Chicago, All Out 2021, I was in the ring the very first time that Bryan Danielson set foot in AEW. I promised myself that one day it’d be my turn to stand in the ring with the ‘American Dragon.’

“But fast forward to earlier this year when I was sitting at home. I didn’t think I’d get my chance but I didn’t give up. I did everything I had to do to get back here and I did it myself. You could have helped me, Bryan, but you didn’t! The only thing you care about is your fairy tale ending. This Saturday, three years where it all began, you won’t have a happy ending.”

Matthew Jackson: “Bryan, we have a message for you and your BCC friends. We will do anything it takes to get the AEW World Championship back where it belongs—with the Elite!”

AEW World Champion “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson walked out to join the broadcast booth ahead of the main event!

Dynamite Main Event Time! Trios Match!

AEW World Trios Champions—“The Bastard” PAC, Claudio Castagnoli, & Wheeler Yuta


AEW International Champion “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay & The Conglomeration’s Kyle O’Reilly & “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy!

Yuta and Kyle chain wrestled to start the match. Yuta used a flying mare. Kyle applied an arm bar but Yuta escaped and rolled up Kyle for a near fall. 

Orange tagged in and hit the kitchen sink on Yuta. Pac tagged in and sent Orange into the corner. Pac pointed to Ospreay and Ospreay grabbed a tag, a sneak preview of what we’ll see this Saturday on pay-per-view. Ospreay connected with a dropkick on Pac. 

Claudio entered the fray and pulped Orange with a driving upper cut. Pac blocked a diving DDT and countered by applying the Brutalizer. Ospreay jumped in to break up the submission hold. 

The Trios champs triple teamed Orange, hitting the fast ball special. Kyle broke up the pin attempt on Orange. 

Ospreay tagged in and sent Yuta flying with a back body drop. Will connected with a corkscrew kick to Yuta! Will whipped his partner Kyle O’Reilly into Pac in the corner. Then Will followed up with a running elbow strike to Pac.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Yuta flew out of the ring with a tope suicida on Orange. Pac jumped over the top rope and crashed down onto Kyle! Ospreay took the fight to Pac, the man he’ll fight this Saturday night for the AEW International championship. Ospreay booted Pac off the stage. Will flipped off the edge of the ramp and landed on Pac!

Cassidy cracked Claudio with a diving DDT in the ring! Orange staggered Claudio with the Stun Dog Millionaire and then the Beach Break for a near fall on Claudio! Kyle and Orange took turns battering Claudio with round kicks. 

Kyle caught Claudio with a hanging guillotine! Claudio planted Kyle but Kyle maintained the hold! 

“Kyle is relentless!” said Tony Schiavone. 

Claudio popped up Kyle and caught Kyle on the chin with a European Uppercut! Claudio hurled Kyle around the ring in the Giant Swing! Yuta dropkicked Kyle as Claudio was swinging Kyle. Claudio covered Kyle and picked up the pinfall victory!

Bryan Danielson went to the ring to help his friends celebrate. Danielson was blindsided by the “Scapegoat” Jack Perry and then the Young Bucks ambushed Claudio and Yuta! Okada was with them as well and he stomped on Claudio. 

Jack Perry grabbed a steel chair, but Claudio grappled Perry to the mat. Danielson grabbed Perry by the wrists, and before he could stomp Perry’s head, the Bucks pulled Perry out of the ring!

Claudio: “Let me tell you this, face to face. You kids just made the biggest mistake of your life. See, lately I’ve been in the mood of collecting gold. Now that I’m looking at you two with those precious tag team championships over your shoulder, I don’t have anything to do, and neither does Yuta. What do you say me and Yuta against the Bucks at All In?”

Danielson: “And as for you, Jack, there’s been a lot of people including myself, who are sick and tired of all your crap I guarantee you one thing. This Sunday at All Out, Jack Perry, you’re going to get your head kicked in!”

Backstage, Pac and Ospreay continued to brawl. Pac stood on top of the cargo boxes and nailed Ospreay with a brain buster!

“Underestimate me at your peril! I’ll see you Saturday!” said Pac.

Excalibur said it was official for this Saturday night at All Out, per Tony Khan: For the AEW World Tag Team Championship, it’ll be the Young Bucks defending their titles against Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta of the Blackpool Combat Club!

Swerve Strickland and “Hangman” Adam Page had their contract signing ahead of this Saturday’s Steel Cage Match at AEW All Out!

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to introduce both men. 

“Hangman” Adam Page 

Page lit Swerve’s childhood home on fire, and sat in front of the blaze, as Swerve’s house burned to the ground!

Special Programming Note: This Friday tune in to AEW COLLISION & AEW RAMPAGE beginning at 8/7c on TNT from the NOW Arena in Chicago, IL for three straight hours of Elite action!

Catch the fallout from ALL OUT on AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

The tradition continues so mark your calendar! This Saturday! AEW ALL OUT is taking place at the NOW Arena and live on pay-per-view! Secure your tickets now!

And remember… We are AEW—Where The Best Wrestle! 


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