October 23, 2019, ALL ELITE WRESTLING (AEW) made its debut in Pittsburgh at the Petersen Events Center, in front of a jam-packed crowd for ALL ELITE WRESTLING DYNAMITE on the TNT Network!
Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.
The show opened with an AEW World Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final Match, with Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) vs. the Lucha Bros (Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix)!
The crowd chanted “AEW!” as the match started. Private Party have tremendous momentum coming into tonight’s event after their huge upset over the Young Bucks in Round One. Fenix cleared house with a released suplex and a dropkick. The Lucha Bros isolated Marq Quen with a thundering chop on the ropes. Kassidy was tagged in and Private Party began “firing on all cylinders,” according to Excalibur, with a highlight reel of highflying tag team offense. They hit “Silly String” on Pentagon. Moments later Fenix was tagged in, and the tide shifted in favor of the Lucha Bros, with Marq Quen getting stomped on as Fenix jumped off the top rope directly onto Marq Quen’s spine. Private Party were described by Jim Ross as having “a will to win,” as their resiliency was on full display. Kassidy came in and hit a middle rope springboard into a hurracarana, then a tope onto Pentagon, taking on both the Lucha Bros simultaneously!
The crowd was divided, with chants for both teams echoing throughout “the Pete” in Pittsburgh. Private Party nearly advanced when Marq Quen launched off the top rope with a shooting star press. Pentagon snapped Quen’s arm backwards, and the Lucha Bros scored the victory after an explosive package piledriver-stomp. “The experience won the day,” declared Excalibur. Fans will need to watch this match at least three times to attempt to see all the action that occurred from bell to bell!
A highlight video for AEW newcomer Wardlow was played, and this athlete is a monster!
Our second of two AEW World Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final matches was next with S.C.U (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) competing against the Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson). The Dark Order made their way down the ramp with their minions swarming them like fog engulfing a swamp. Kazarian and Grayson traded arm drags, until Evil Uno took a cheap shot at Kazarian. Evil Uno got the tag and ran his knee into Kazarian’s head. Scorpio Sky was tagged in, and the Dark Order began mauling him. The referee was distracted, and the masked Evil Uno ran Scorpio into the steel ring steps. Each time S.C.U. would try to get some offense in, the Dark Order would cut them off. They were giving Sky everything in their arsenal (and the kitchen sink). Grayson’s extensive martial arts background came in handy, and there was great continuity with his partner, Evil Uno.
During the match, AEW World Champion Chris Jericho and his “Inner Circle” made their way up to a luxury box in the arena, tickets in hand.
Kazarian finally got the hot tag, a fresh man on a mission, and began to even up the score. It was short-lived, as the Dark Order began their onslaught anew on Kazarian. The crowd rallied behind S.C.U., chanting for the team. S.C.U. tried a double submission to no avail. Scorpio Sky was hooked up on Evil Uno’s shoulders as they attempted their “Fatality” finisher, but after a reversal, S.C.U were able to sneak in “S.C.U. Later” and defeated the Dark Order, advancing to the finals of the tournament.
Coming off their insane match on AEW Dark on YouTube two weeks ago, “the Bad Boy” Joey Janela had a rematch with Kenny Omega. Just four days ago, Omega defeated Fenix in Mexico to earn the AAA Mega Championship. Unlike their match on AEW Dark, tonight’s match on Dynamite is a sanctioned bout. The first few minutes of the match saw both men trading strikes and kicks. Excalibur described Omega as a “temporal wizard” for his in-ring skills, however, Janela’s own technical wrestling skills were showcased too. “The Inner Circle” watched above from their luxury suite.
Omega planted Janela on his head with snapdragon suplexes. After two in succession, Janela countered with his own German suplex to Omega onto the corner of the turnbuckle. Janela hit a flying elbow drop to Omega’s sternum for a two-count by the referee. Omega had his V Trigger countered by Janela twice, who then hit a fishermen’s buster on Omega. The fans were chanting “This is awesome!”
Janela climbed to the top, but Omega moved, causing Janela to crash and burn on the edge of the ring. Omega capitalized with the V Trigger and then the One-Winged Angel for the three count on Janela! With this hard fought victory, Omega improved his record to 4 wins and 3 losses.
“The American Nightmare” Cody, dressed in his business attire, was interviewed in the ring by Tony Schiavone. While Cody attempted to make a major announcement, “the Inner Circle” started blasting air horns from their skybox. Cody looked up at Jericho and said, “I could easily step through these ropes right now.” Jericho had his own microphone, and he told Cody he was a coward and “nothing more than an entitled, millennial little b**ch!”
Dustin Rhodes made his way ringside, followed by Cody’s best friend, MJF. Jericho continued to mock Cody and said, “It’s still 4-to-3…get out of here, man.” The place became unglued as DDP joined “the Nightmare Family.” They hopped the rail and approached Jericho and “the Inner Circle,” who retreated and locked themselves in the luxury box. Cody wrapped his fist in MJF’s scarf, punched his hand through the glass, and unlocked the door. A wild brawl broke out in the hall of the arena. The police escorted Cody and his friends outside.
Action wouldn’t slow down anytime soon, as the Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. the Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) was up next. Orange Cassidy accompanied the Best Friends.
Cassidy got in the ring as the Bucks tried to pose, seemingly unimpressed. With his hands in his pockets, Cassidy mocked the Bucks, who quickly dispatched of him with superkicks. Nick and Matt Jackson hit a rolling backbreaker/neckbreaker combo on Trent, and then hugged to mock the Best Friends. This enraged the Best Friends, who landed a doomsday knee on Nick on the outside, turning the tables on the Bucks. Trent tore off Matt’s t-shirt in the ring and began chopping at Matt’s chest. Orange Cassidy distracted Matt long enough for Trent to continue his offensive strike unabated. Trent dumped Nick on the back of his head with a high angle German suplex.
Chuck Taylor joined the fray and connected with a series of offensive sequences on the Bucks. Orange Cassidy kept his hands in his pockets and jumped off the top rope onto the Bucks. Matt was almost pinned in the ring, but Nick made the save for his brother. Out of the blue, a superkick party erupted courtesy of the Young Bucks. Then Matt and Nick executed “More Bang for Your Buck” on Chuck Taylor for the win. The Bucks grabbed the microphone and accepted the challenge from Ortiz and Santana for the FULL GEAR pay-per-view event on November 9th from Baltimore.
Jamie Hayter (Bea Priestley’s tag team partner in Japan) made her AEW debut against Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.
Hayter and Baker slugged it out until Hayter got the upper hand. The crowd chanted “Brittsburgh” to show their support for Pittsburgh native Dr. Britt Baker. “The doctor is making a house call in her hometown,” said Jim Ross, as Baker prescribed a sling blade on the outside of the ring to Baker. Although Hayter had a size advantage on Baker, the two wrestlers traded near falls, with both standing their ground. Hayter took Baker off her feet with a lariat, and the frustration began to sink in for Hayter. Baker hit an ace crusher and then a swinging neck breaker on Hayter for a near fall. Baker then followed up with a superkick across the jaw on Hayter and submitted her with the Lock Jaw in front of her hometown fans!
Backstage, Jamie Hayter was being interviewed post match, until Brandi Rhodes assaulted her.
The main event of the night was PAC vs. Jon Moxley.
Ring announcer Justin Roberts introduced Jon Moxley, and before he could make his way to the ring, PAC blindsided Moxley with a steel chair to the skull. PAC landed a step-up enziguri on Moxley. Outside the ring, Moxley was motionless on his back. PAC brought the fight back inside, driving elbows into Moxley’s head. Using his size advantage and fueled by anger, Moxley ran PAC into the turnbuckles. PAC returned the favor with his own surge of offense, delivering spinning kicks to Mox. PAC hit a standing shooting star press on Moxley.
Moxley bulldogged PAC onto the crown of his head on the edge of the ring. He followed up with a lariat and another clothesline that turned PAC inside out. Moxley was trying to end the match at this point, going for a Regal knee. PAC rolled out of the ring, but Mox followed through with a tope suicida. Mox blasted PAC with a black hole slam on PAC, and then another knee, but PAC kicked out at two! Mox secured a cloverleaf on PAC, but PAC grabbed the rope forcing the ref to break the hold.
We were down to four minutes. Mox kicked out of PAC’s falcon arrow, as both wrestlers were racing against the clock. At the two-minute mark, Moxley attempted to cradle PAC. Mox tumbled to the outside and was met with a kick by PAC, who then delivered a 450 splash onto Mox on the floor! Now down to one minute of time remaining, Moxley crawled to PAC and hooked the leg, but PAC kicked out. At 30 seconds, Mox hit the Paradigm Shift, but it wasn’t enough to finish off PAC. The match went to a time limit draw, and an incensed Jon Moxley hit the referee with a DDT! Moxley turned to the camera as the show went off the air and said “Time limit my ass!”
Be sure to tune in next Wednesday, October 30th, for AEW Dynamite on TNT, live from the Charleston Coliseum in Charleston, West Virginia!