-- Tonight’s “AEW: Dynamite” Continental Classic Matches Benefit the Tournament for Tots, Helping Families in Need This Holiday Season --
December 20, 2023 – During tonight’s live episode of “AEW: Dynamite,” AEW, Jazwares and TBS are celebrating their partnership with Toys for Tots, where during the holiday season, more than 50,000 AEW toys – valued at more than $1 million – were sent to families in need. The first-ever Tournament for Tots, as part of tonight’s Gold League matchups in the AEW Continental Classic, will highlight the charitable efforts by AEW, Jazwares, TBS and Toys for Tots to reach families ahead of the holidays.
Fans can still get involved and contribute to the campaign by making a donation at toysfortots.org. Last week, AEW Together brought members of the roster to Dallas to hand out toys to families in person, and several Marine families are visiting Oklahoma City tonight to enjoy “AEW: Dynamite” and help celebrate the partnership.
To learn more about upcoming community activations and how to partner with AEW Together, please visit AEWTogether.org.