Jack Perry Captures The TNT Championship
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Jack Perry Captures The TNT Championship

TNT Championship Ladder Match!

Top Flight’s Dante Martin vs. El Phantasmo vs. “Scapegoat” Jack Perry vs. “The Alpha” Konosuke Takeshita vs. Lio Rush vs. ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe!

Jack Perry left the ring right away. Everyone surrounded him, forcing him back into the ring and a wicked elbow strike from Takeshita. The ladders were quickly brought into the ring. Briscoe hit Rush with Redneck Kung Fu. Mark brought a table out from beneath the ring. As everyone brawled outside the ring, Jack Perry began to climb the ladder. Lio saw Perry attempting to grab the title and quickly climbed the ladder to know Jack Perry down. 

Jack Perry charged at Lio, but Lio moved out of the way, sending Perry colliding into a ladder that was set up between two turnbuckles. El Phantasmo hoisted up Lio and planted Lio hard onto a ladder that was resting against the turnbuckles. 

Takeshita drilled Dante with a brain buster onto the side of a ladder! Mark Briscoe hurled a ladder into Lio Rush’s face.

The fans chanted “Dem Boys! Dem Boys!”

Briscoe catapulted himself off a chair, launching himself over the top rope and crashing outside the ring onto a ladder that was on top of Takeshita! Jack Perry, ever the opportunist, climbed back up the ladder, but Lio Rush was there to prevent him from grabbing the title yet again.

Phantasmo knocked Perry off the ladder. Dante jumped over Perry and he and El Phantasmo battled it out on top of the ladder. Jack Perry shoved the ladder, knocking Dante and El-P to the mat. Dante immediately clutched his surgically repaired ankle. 

Out of nowhere, Dante dropkicked Jack Perry through the corner. Briscoe and Takeshita traded forearms outside the ring. Lio Rush jumped through the ropes like a torpedo at Takeshita. Briscoe climbed to the top of the ladder in the ring and jumped to the outside, splashing Jack Perry on a table on the arena floor!

Dante Martin and Lio Rush were each reaching for the title, but Takeshita grabbed Dante and power bombed him. Takeshita power bombed Lio Rush onto a ladder that was propped on the corner turnbuckles. Takeshita climbed the ladder, but El-P knocked him down. Takeshita grabbed Phantasmo and rocked him with a knee strike. Phantasmo scored with two thrust kicks. Takeshita scored with a power drive knee strike on the apron. Takeshita smashed El-P with a Blue Thunder Bomb off the apron and through two tables on the floor!

Takeshita climbed the ladder, but Briscoe stopped him in his tracks with a chair shot to the back. Mark Briscoe blasted Takeshita with a Jay Driller onto a ladder in the corner! Briscoe climbed toward the title, but Jack Perry hit Briscoe in the ribs with another ladder! Jack Perry bludgeoned Briscoe with a steel chair. Jack Perry climbed up to the TNT title and pulled it down!

The winner of this match and new TNT Champion…” The Scapegoat” Jack Perry!

“The Elite tried to give Perry the TNT title, but I hate to say it, he earned it tonight,” said Excalibur.

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