ROH World TV Championship Survival Of The Fittest Match!
AR Fox vs. Komander (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. Blake Christian vs. Willie Mack vs. Mark Davis vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage (c.)!
Cage sent AR Fox soaring over the top rope with a press slam. Cage hit Davis with a combination, followed up by a German Suplex. Davis fired back with a running senton. Willie Mack cracked Davis with a running knee strike.
Blake got caught by a senton from Fox. Fox followed up with a dive to Mack and Cage! Komander kicked Fox in the midsection. Komander wiped out everyone with a two and a half rotation dive to the outside!
Komander tried the rope walk but Blake kicked the ropes and then speared Komander! Cage caught Blake and drove him hard into the mat. Cage kicked Davis in the face. Cage hurled Fox into the corner. Cage hit a double German Suplex on Komander and Fox! Cage slammed Komander with a one armed press!
Willie Mack used a sling blade leg sweep on the champion. Mack used Komander as a battering ram. Mack put Fox and Komander on his shoulders and planted them with a double Samoan drop! Mack landed a standing moonsault press on Davis and then served up stunners to Cage, Fox, Blake, and Davis! Willie Mack dazed Komander with a super stunner. Cage connected with a shot under Mack’s chin and pinned him, eliminating Mack.
Fox drilled Davis with a pendulum DDT. Fox got a near fall on Blake after a package power bomb. Komander tried to spear Fox through the ropes, but Fox countered with a DDT on the apron! Fox wiped out everyone with a gainer cannonball to the outside!
Fox landed a 450 splash on Komander, but Komander kicked out at the two-count! Fox booted Cage in the head. Cage was out on his feet. Cage countered a Spanish Fly with an Awesome Bomb and pinned Fox! Fox was the second man eliminated, both eliminations coming from Cage.
Davis and Cage traded German Suplexes! Komander entered the fray and chopped down the tree that is Cage. Cage planted Komander with the spin out. Davis grabbed an inside cradle on Cage for a near fall. Davis decked Cage with a running lariat. Davis spiked Cage with a piledriver and pinned Cage! Brian Cage was eliminated, guaranteeing there will be a new ROH TV Champion tonight!
Blake Christian scored with a low blow and pinned Davis! Komander and Christian were the final two in the match. Christian nailed Komander with a back breaker and a release German Suplex. Blake landed a dropkick from the top rope.
“Blake Christian has been phenomenal all night. He’s been like a vulture picking his spots,” said Ian.
Blake shoved Komander off the top turnbuckle and rocketed out of the ring with a tope suicida. Komander and Blake exchanged thrust kicks. Blake planted Komander with a Spanish Fly for a near fall.
The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”
Komander spiked Christian with a super poison rana. Christian rolled out of the ring to create some distance. Komander walked the ropes and landed on Blake with the flip dive. Back in the ring, after knocking Komander off the ropes, Blake curb stomped Komander but Komander kicked out at the two-count!
The fans rallied behind Komander by chanting “Komander! Komander!”
Blake served up a side suplex from the second rope. Komander smashed Blake with a Mexican Destroyer! Komander hit the moonsault on Blake and pinned Blake!
New Ring of Honor World Television Champion…Komander!