Konosuke Takeshita Is The New AEW International Champion
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Konosuke Takeshita Is The New AEW International Champion

Konosuke Takeshita AEW International Champion

AEW International Championship Match!

Will Ospreay (c.) vs. Ricochet vs. “The Alpha” Konosuke Takeshita (with Don Callis)!

Ricochet and Will took turns kicking Takeshita in the back. Will went for an Os Cutter, but Ricochet avoided it. Takeshita splatted Ricochet on the arena floor with a DDT. Takeshita pulled a table out from beneath the ring. Ricochet went for a Sasuke Special, but Takeshita caught him. Ospreay served up a Sasuke Special of his own and wiped out both men!

Ricochet landed on Takeshita with a shooting star press. Takeshita leveled Ricochet with a fastball strike forearm to the jaw! Takeshita caught Ospreay and drilled him with a Death Valley Driver on the apron. Ricochet smashed Takeshita with a meteora on the edge of the ring!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Ospreay rocked Ricochet with a standing Spanish Fly! Ricochet countered the Storm Breaker. Ricochet blocked the Hidden Blade attempt with a backslide bomb! Ospreay used a Styles Clash on Ricochet and went for the cover, but Takeshita broke up the pin attempt.

Takeshita blasted Ricochet with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall!

“I thought he had it! I really thought he had it!” said Don Callis.

Ospreay and Ricochet decided to team up against Takeshita. Takeshita took both of them down with wicked forearms. Ospreay inadvertently kicked Ricochet when Takeshita ducked. 

“The fans are standing on their feet, cheering and stomping their feet! It sounds like a thunderstorm,” said Tony Schiavone. 

Will and Ricochet walloped Takeshita with German Suplexes. Takeshita got his receipt, powering both Will and Ricochet at the same time with a German Suplex! Takeshita nearly decapitated Ricochet with a big time lariat for a near fall.

“Ricochet refuses to go quietly. Still though, this is Takeshita’s match to lose,” said Nigel.

“This is one of the best matches of the year, by far!” added Tony Schiavone. 

Ricochet splashed Ospreay with a shooting star press. Takeshita bulldozed into Ricochet with a power drive knee strike. Takeshita grabbed Ricochet on the apron and smashed him through the table at ringside. Ospreay ran into Takeshita with two hidden blades. Will went to cover Takeshita, but Don Callis pulled the referee out of the ring!

Don Callis pulled a screw driver out but Ospreay blocked it! Ospreay grabbed Callis but Kyle Fletcher jumped into the ring, blindsiding Ospreay!

“What have you done Kyle Fletcher?” asked a shocked Excalibur.

Fletcher, Takeshita, and Callis had Ospreay surrounded in the ring. There’s no disqualification in a three-way match. Takeshita dropped his knee pad and clobbered Ospreay. Callis grabbed the referee, pulling him over to make the count. Takeshita covered Ospreay and won via pinfall!

And New AEW International Champion… “The Alpha” Konosuke Takeshita!

“Kyle Fletcher has decided to move on and move up from Ospreay,” said Nigel.

Fletcher wasn’t done. Fletcher spiked Ospreay with the Tiger Driver!

“The move that Will Ospreay said was too dangerous may have just ended his career,” said Nigel.

“The era of The Alpha as the AEW International Champion has just begun,” replied Excalibur.

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